BOOMER... The little bunny with a huge personality.

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Boomer and Roo are going great! best of friends now… Most of the time… ROO LOVES BOOMER but BOOMER LOVES ROO TOO (well most of the time) sometimes it's like Roo just annoys Boomer and Boomer goes and finds somewhere to put himself in time out from Roo. Usually up on the lounge or hides somewhere random to get away. Roo can be very clingy at times and requires LOTS of attention from Boomer. i think Boomer is still getting use to having to be around another Bun and not have so much time to himself. He was after all on his own for more than a year before Roo came along.
Boomer took his needle like a champ. Didn't even flinch. He was not a fan of the rest of the ordeal though. Specially didn't like his teeth checked with the light and black thinggy on it. he had to be wrapped like a baby to keep him still and stopping him from trying to get away. but excellent news his teeth are great and his body and feet and everything else is as healthy as can be.
Roo was excellent and just sat there through her whole health check. she didn't mind any of it at all. but once she got back inside the carrier she done a few thumps on the floor just to let the vet know she didn't like all that! lol. She is also 100% healthy. the vet was very impressed with how healthy they appear. He was also talking about all these other rabbits that he is currently treating for abscesses and sore feet…. oh and how many cases of myxomatosis he has seen this year and how sad he was he had to put down sooooooo many bunnies. such a horrible thing! and it is REALLY bad in this area. It's always a concern of mine.

Boomer had also been a little out of sorts for the 2 days after his needles. i remember him being a little bit off the first time he had the needle so i guess he reacts a little bit to it… nothing too bad just quiet and sleepy and seams a little down. But he seams ok now. I haven't really seen much of either of them today. been sick and in bed all day … i will have to go visit them down in the shed because they aren't coming up here in to the house i haven't seen them upstairs all day… shed is the place to be apparently. Boomer is a big fan of his own cage, and also being in Roo's cage. Roo likes being out of the cages and climbing on anything he can get on. There is a beer box down in the shed that Boomer likes to hide inside and Roo likes to hang on top of it. I told my partner he can't throw the box out now because the bunnies have claimed it. He drank the beer long ago! I'll have to get some pics when i go down there. such sweet bunnies.
So far Roo enjoys carrots the most along with her pellets and hay. Boomer's favourite food now has to be spinach leaves and yellow dandelions. he can never get enough dandelions! if you keep picking them he will keep eating them. you run out of flowers before he gets full! haha piggy.
Boomer and Roo are doing my head in tonight. From the first 5 mins of me feeding them a carrot all hell has broke loose!
Boomer and Roo have been fighting and being brats for the last nearly 2 hours! Every time i hear a scuffle i head down the stairs and they stop. then when i go back up i hear one or the other squealing or banging something hard because someone is biting or chasing the other. they are NOT being nice to one another. i can hear it but when i go down they both look innocently up at me and act like nothings happening. i'm not silly! i see the ruffed up hair, the boxes being pushed around and toys falling off and can hear EVERYTHING !
mid writing this i hear it again i sneak to the stairs and peer down… ROO has Boomer pinned up behind the cages and against a wall and i see her trying to push him in to the ground. Boomer then tries to bite her and she runs off with Boomer in chase.
then they both lay down and are puffing and huffing but snuggled up to one another. I'm going to have to sit on their stair case and do my work until they sort their stuff out! Bunnies…. man… they are like children sometimes… lol its taken me 20 mins to write this and i'm happy to say they are ok for now. Busy tearing up a large box together.
The funny thing is they fight then get together and snuggle.. hahah
And if you check them, they pretend nothing's happened...
I fostered 2 female bunnies and the smaller one used to bite the bigger one. The bigger one wasn't aggressive at all, just took the bites and was "ok" with them. She was soon adopted and I thought the bigger bunny would be happy now that nobody was biting her, but she hated me for taking her friend from her :(
The lil "biter" went to a home with a male bunny and they said she was mean to him for 3 days, but then they got along *very* well and they were all happy.
There's something about "biters".. I guess everybunny loves them!!! haha
She was sweet, indeed (when not biting).
They didn't do anything else naughty after that post. They must have known I was busy working and so they decided to play up. But once I finished working they decided to be good bunnies and play nicely on top of a box together ... Maybe I just wasn't spending enough time with them. Anyways I gave them both a quick pat this morning and had to leave for work early . Both really wanted out of their cages but I just didn't have the time this morning. Don't they just look so cute when they stand near the doors up high on their back legs waiting for the doors to open on their cages . I think it's the cutest thing 🐰
So tonight I've been making super hero and frozen queen Elsa capes for my school children to use at school for dress ups. With some scrap material I had an idea to cut a little cape for the bunnies. Heheehhehehe super cute! Super bunnies !!! View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1429021052.236754.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1429021068.017492.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1429021086.669122.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1429021109.437513.jpg the things they let me do to them are crazy! Such funny bunnies... 😜🐰🐰
I got Melvin scared of the "kill da wabbit" song from Looney Tunes, I sing it in a Elmer Fudd voice when he's acting like a butthead and he will stop what he's doing and look slightly stunned every time! It sounds mean but it's kinda hilarious actually, when he tries to mount Laverne's head I sing "Kill da wabbit" and he scrambles outta there like lightning.
We have just been through huge storms this week. Boomer and Roo got a little scared with all the trees falling and roof tiles falling off the house. Lots of un pleased thumping happening those few nights but both are much happier now it is all over. Yesterday and today they got to spend lots of time outside in the warm sun in the bunny run. They love it out there. Soooooo relaxing listening to all the birds and getting to run around and eat everything . Roo will be 9 weeks on Tuesday. She's growing fast! She is the most sweetest friendliest thing ever! Makes Boomer the sweet heart seem like a grumpy old man! Which he isn't but she's so gentle and sweet . What a great bunny she is ! Boomer and Roo have been getting along great. No incidents lately just love ! I just have to share some photos from today. Such cuties !!!! View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1429945468.476555.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1429945532.218777.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1429945591.345124.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1429945621.781455.jpg
They're so sweet together!! :D Glad you were safe in the storms!
What cuties. We had storms here with high winds this past week so I know what they went through. Glad to hear that they and you are both a ok.

Boomer and Roo are AWESOME!!!

You have two of the cutest bunnies (of course there isn't a rabbit I don't like).
Hahaha I have to agree but not bias at all that they are the cutest . 😉 I just can't get enough of them they are so sweet. Well most of the time.
I was cuddling Roo last night she was sitting on my shoulder and I thought well that's cute let me take some selfies with her. Not even 2 seconds after the 2nd photo and I hear water running then my shoulder got really wet and warm. She peed on me!!!! I haven't been peed on by a bunny since Boomer was a baby!!! Bunnies are so gross sometimes ! and cause she's a big baby bunny it was heaps of pee not a little pee like a baby mini lop. Yuck!
We also got our lawns mowed just the other day but I made the lawn mower man leave the grass in the bunny run long because it just looks yummier and juicy when grass is long and not fresh mowed. I hope the bunnies appreciate the long grass run and that I'm willing to make the lawn look partially unkept just for them.
I think I need more bunnies ! I just want a whole yard of bunnies . I think that would be the coolest to have a dozen rabbits running around the yard
Hello all . Happy Sunday. Im trying to get excited about going back to work on Monday after a relaxing weekend but it isn't working for me ! View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1430634846.113347.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1430634863.580464.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1430634873.898155.jpg. So double trouble have been trying to eat the house down and have forced me to confine them to a smaller fenced off area ! They can't keep eating everything in the house and including the house too. So off to Bunnings I went and got lots of wire panels and made a large fenced off area around their inside cages for them to still get more space and can't ruin anything important in there. They have to now have supervised outdoor time. They become trouble makers! I'm really thinking it's 90% Boomer and 10% Roo doing the damage but can't really be sure as I didn't see them eating up my wooden floor vase and the skirting boards around the bottom of the shed area. Boomer has a good history of it even before Roo came along so hence the blame *sigh* bunnies! Shoes, cords and furniture is one thing but when they start eating the actual house I have to put a stop to it since it's a rental. Lucky these two trouble bunnies are cute! I got them some sea grass mats also when I was at Bunnings to make a tunnel. Wasn't even a full minute in the pen before Roo was trying to eat it up! Boomer took longer to adjust to being confined to a smaller area and wouldn't come out of his cage for ages. Then the two spent hours just cuddling, grooming and sleeping in Roos cage. I do like that I can leave their cages open 24/7 now that they can't get to anything. I think they will like that too not being locked up at night. It's funny how both go back to their normal cages for food and water and to use the litter trays... I only seen Roo go in to Boomer's cage once . Boomer goes in his cage more but goes in to see Roo for snuggles and grooming. What sweeties.
I've had to make a few big adjustments as he bunnies are really testing my building skills. Boomer managed to jump on top of his cage then up and over the play pen ! Since there's nowhere to move his cage to I have taken the whole cage top off his cage and now it's just a base! That will teach him ! ;) Roo has been a pain in the butt too as she keeps her cage all lovely and clean but uses Boomer's whole cage as another litter tray. Boomer always uses a litter tray to poop and wee and Roo is fantastic at using a litter tray in her own cage but then likes to pop everywhere in boomers!!! Arghhh bunnies I love them but they drive mad! I think what I'm going to do if they adjust to the charges well ... I'm just going to take all the cage tops of and just have the bases. They don't really need cages anymore since they are now in a large pen area . The cages are because that's what they are use to sleeping in and that's where they both know to go at night time since they alway got locked up for bed time.
Roo is 10 weeks old now! Yay! Time get her first vaccination. Poor baby. Boomer is loving Roo and Roo is quickly growing bigger. She's for sure bigger than Boomer now by a fair bit. Man they are cute together . 💚 so much love for these buns. My son and I tried making them some toys and things to play with. Grass mat tunnels, balls with dowel in them to chew up. A maze made with tunnels and boxes and even a fluffy blanket bed. Was cute and makes their play pen look more home like instead of all cold and concrete looking.
I'm going to QLD in just under 3 months and rabbits are illegal in QLD so they can't come. I have some bunny sitters lined up but I'm still stressing about leaving my babies with someone and somewhere they don't know. I'm going to be stressed all on my holidays thinking of my babies. Ok now is not the time to worry myself it's still almost 3 months away............
I have a problem! I keep seeing all these bunnies all over Facebook that need homes and I want to take them ALL!!! I'm very clucky for another bunny or several! I need help!!!

My Boomer is being Boomer. A sweet heart who spends all day long trying to chew everything up and bang the metal bars on his pen.
Roo is growing by the day and looks like she could fly away with her giant ears . LOL. She's such a good girl who's mission in life is to explore every inch of the house and eat anything she can get in her mouth.

roo is like 11 weeks this week I'm pretty sure if I counted right . She's growing so fast! I hope she gets HUGE! I'm loving her big size. More bunny to cuddle!!!
she needs to go get her shot but I'm struggling to find a day I have off to take her. Uh, work gets in the way of everything.

Nothing much is happening around here so I'll add some photos just because .... 😍
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So I'm sitting at home waiting for the right time to leave for the vets ... Had to make a call this morning and plead with them to squeeze my bunny in for a visit on a booked out day. My poor baby Roo has something wrong with her. Last night I picked her up for a cuddle and have her a pat in the head . She went psycho! It wasn't like her to o gave chase and picked her up and checked her over. Every time I touched her ears she would get jumpy so I looked inside and one ear was full of blood and red and hot and full of gunk all inside ! No idea what it is so off to the vets we go now. These bunnies visit the vet more times a year than I go to the doctors a year. And their visits cost more than mine! My poor baby girl hope she will be ok. And hope it's nothing serious. boomer shows no signs of whatever she has so he gets to miss out on this trip. Let's see what the vet says about it all. I hope she can also get her vaccinations while I'm there to avoid another visit just for them.

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