Bonding advice!

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Active Member
Sep 23, 2013
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I've had a bunny in the past but not for a long time.... I was thinking of getting a new rabbit obviously rescuing this time, but I was wondering about bonding. No one is home for 7-8 hours a day. (I know that it's no ideal.....) so I wanted to get my bunny a friend! I have a few questions;
Should I get a doe and a doe, a doe and a buck or a buck and a buck?

About how long does it take to bond?
Would a 2 foot by 4 foot by 2 foot cage be big enough??(I built a second level about 10inches into it so it doubles as a hidy house)
Would they share a food dish?
Would they share a water bottle?
Would I let them run at separate times?

I'm really new to bonding so any advice is helpful!!!

Plenty of rescues and shelters have already bonded rabbits. You could get a pair that are ready to come home and move into that nice roomy cage you've got all ready for them. :)

To answer your questions:

1) Anywhere from a few days to a few years. It really depends on the rabbits. But I think most bonds happen over the course of a few weeks to a month.
2) Provided they get several hours run time every day, a 4x2 cage (with a shelf) is plenty big for two medium sized rabbits.
3) Depends on the rabbits. Some can share. Others need their own separate dishes. (Gus and Pepper each have their own as Pepper pushes Gus right out of the dish and hogs all the food!)
4) Yes, they can share a water bottle. A heavy ceramic bowl is better. Rabbits tend to drink more water from a bowl than a bottle. It's really no big deal to change the water twice a day.
5) If they are bonded, they won't need separate run times. They'll happily get into mischief together. ;)

Hope that helps!

Up to you. As I said, most shelters have already bonded rabbits. Most will be boy/girl, but some will be girl/girl, and a few will be boy/boy. The easiest bond is the boy/girl bond, but girl/girl is often also successful. Especially if you're dealing with sisters or mother/daughter relationships.

Hope that helps!

Agreed! ^^
If you get an already bonded pair then you don't need to worry about whether they're male/female or whatever. Just choose a bonded pair that you like. They're bonded so it wouldn't matter. It's definitely the easiest way to go -- far easier than choosing 2 that aren't bonded and going through the hassle of bonding (and knowing that sometimes 2 rabbits simply won't bond).
Totally agree. Visit your local rescue and I am sure they will have bonded pairs. Spend time with them and pick the bunnies that you most like, they will be already fixed so it doesn´t matter what sex pair. I see lots of bonded pairs up for adoption at rescue and they deserve a wonderful home with someone who will learn to love them.

Good luck and keep us posted with your search and with pics if you manage to find your lovely couple :goodluck

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