My family just adopted 2 rabbits. One is a 3 year old mini-lop and the other is a 1.5 year old holland lop. They are both males and they are not neutered yet they were considered a 'bonded pair' at the rescue. We have plans to get them neutered but with the cost and the limited vets in our area it may be a few months. Also, we may not be able to do both at the same time.
First, they act like bonded bunnies. The little Holland Lop (4lbs) is submissive to the larger Mini-Lop (6lbs). They sleep together and they snuggle a lot. Should I be worried about any fighting before we neuter them? They are in a large xpen enclosure at night and are moved to other spaces during the day (free roam on 3 season porch, free roam in basement when we are down there, and in a safe outdoor hutch space during nice days).
Second, when we neuter; which one should we neuter first? Does it matter?
Thanks! I had a lop when I was a kid so I know the basics but this is my first pair and I was not expecting them not to be neutered since we got them from a humane society (dogs and cats can never leave unaltered). When we went to look at them I assumed they were neutered but then the lady told me they were not after my kids had already fallen in love and we said we wanted to adopt. It threw me off but I thought it was fine until I got online....
First, they act like bonded bunnies. The little Holland Lop (4lbs) is submissive to the larger Mini-Lop (6lbs). They sleep together and they snuggle a lot. Should I be worried about any fighting before we neuter them? They are in a large xpen enclosure at night and are moved to other spaces during the day (free roam on 3 season porch, free roam in basement when we are down there, and in a safe outdoor hutch space during nice days).
Second, when we neuter; which one should we neuter first? Does it matter?
Thanks! I had a lop when I was a kid so I know the basics but this is my first pair and I was not expecting them not to be neutered since we got them from a humane society (dogs and cats can never leave unaltered). When we went to look at them I assumed they were neutered but then the lady told me they were not after my kids had already fallen in love and we said we wanted to adopt. It threw me off but I thought it was fine until I got online....