Becca's Brilliant Bunnsters!

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Ya his birthday story is adoralbe ow all we need is pictures to go along with that birthday *hint hint* ;):biggrin2:
irishbunny wrote:
Ya his birthday story is adoralbe ow all we need is pictures to go along with that birthday *hint hint* ;):biggrin2:
LOL! Sorry I have been at panto all day!!

I promise I will put them on tomorrow :)
[align=center]So today the bunnies saw their first EVER snow!!!


They were probably thinking go away horrible cold stuff but anyway!

Grr I'm trying to find a 'snow' smiley thing but there isn't one DOH
Lucky you and your snow, the sun is shining here and it's not that cold either :X
[align=left]Okay ROers! here are DIPPY'S BIRTHDAY PICTURES :D

Here he is first thing as soon as I came out:


'Oooh Mum Whats all the fuss?'[/align][align=left]

'This is mine' *Chins*[/align][align=left]

'And this is mine' *Chins*

'And Mummy's knee'

'Hmm whats this?'

'Whatever it's mine :p'

More exploring photos....


His presents..

Him (well me) unwrapping his presents...




Him trying to jump away

More presents



And finally the cake...

'Did someone say cake?'

This is the cake cut up into bits for the bunnies, theres also a video to come of us singing Happy Birthday to him and him 'blowing out' the 'imaginary' candles on his cake :D




Some of you may of seen this thread I need £250 if not (and you wanna know what I'm on about check it out now..........)

Basically here is the todo list, I wanted it on here aswell becuase my blog will always be here but that thread will get moved down over time etc etc

Dippy : VHD
Fluffball: MYXI and VHD
Benjamin: VHD (Though I need to chec k if he's already been done, I know he had myxi but I want to check to be on the safe side)

Dippy: Neuter
Fluffball: Spay
Benjamin: Neuter (I thought I'd do it oldest to youngest as Dippy's older he'lll need doing sooner etc)

After 6 weeks (is it 6?) Attempt at bonding Dippy and Fluffball
Whilst building NIC grid cage for them

When/ If they become friends again move them in when I'm sure their olay with each other.

Get Benjamin a friend (hopefully one of the 'bigger ladies' from a rescue, one that no one wants as much becuase they are too big:( ) try and bond them together.

Whilst building NIC grid cage for them

Then hopefully I will have 2 sets of bonded couples in large cages and Wollah Happy bunnies and Happy Becca :D

ETA: Meg has the good idea that if I get Fluffball spayed first becuase she's more at risk and I can try bonding her with Dippy and if that doesn't work with Benjamin instead then get a friend for Dippy!!

Aw Dippy looked like he had a great birthday! Your plans sound really good!
Okay well I seriously need to clip Dippy's claws, he never scratches but they seem to have grown very fast :shock:

I also think I need to supply my new blog with lots of pictures!

I have had an idea, I want to make some 'Bunny' New Years Resolutions!

Here they are:

  1. Take lots of pictures of the bunnies and put them all in this blog.
  2. Get them all speutered before May
  3. Get Benjamin a girlfriend.
  4. Try and bond Dippy and Fluffball together again so they can be husbun and wife!
  5. Buy New litter trays
  6. Get all buns vaccinated
  7. Build 2 massive NIC grid cages
There :D
Is there any chance Benji would bond with Fluffball and Dippy?
irishbunny wrote:
Is there any chance Benji would bond with Fluffball and Dippy?

Well I could, but I don't want to becuase he is much MUCH bigger than them and I don't want him to hurt them and also I would worry he would steal all their food. And if something would happen like Jen's bunnies when Snowy got hurt I would be worried because Benjamin is big and the others are small he could actually kill them if I wasn't there to prevent it.....

Thats why - LOL :)
I have pictures!! I repeat I have PICTURES!!



























There you go!:D:D:D
The information below contains things men might not want to read and for older readers:

Okay this week has been really strange for me, my body seems to have decided


I haven't started my 'time of the month' yet which I am glad about but URGH I don't know how to explain it you ladies probably know what I mean.

I'll stop talking bout myself now after all this blog is for my bunnies.

I just UGH never mind, this is a family forum afterall, it probably makes me sound desperate but ugh i need a boyfriend :shock:

Sounds like your body might be telling you that it might soon give you the delightful time of the month, so if you don't already, it might be worth carrying the right stuff around with you, just in case.

And don't worry about talking about yourself in here, plenty of us use the blogs not just for our buns :)
I love the new pics :D lovely happy looking rabbits!

Your age is a hard age to be, I remember it well :). I started developing and was wearing a bra by 10 years of age and I HATED IT.

The worst parts are the hormones though and they can make you feel all sorts of funny things. I remember being desperate for a boyfriend too, haha. Seemed all my friends had them. The idea was really exciting, but a word of warning, 13/14 year old boys aren't the nicest, most considerate people in the world :p. One track minds. Take care of yourself out there!
Thanks guys :)

Also, I'm trying to join this website but whenever i put my info andpressed okay it says sorry this page does not exist it may of been moved during our redesign :X
NZminilops wrote:
I just tried and it signed me up fine:huh, hopefully you can get it to work.

Oh GRRR, why isnt it working for me :?
It's still not working even on mums computer :grumpy:
I was wondering if maybe someone would make an account for me using their computer (like me PM them the username and password i want and my email etc etc then they make the account on their computer) so I can see if that works.

If you are willing to do so please tell me :)

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