Basil, Max, Tumnus & Lucy

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Mr. Tumnus is so cute. I love his little round face and his cute little hairdo!


Hi Haley, Daisy Mae wanted me to post thispicture of her admiring Mr Tumnus:bunnyheart. If you lookclosely you can see two of his pictures in her cage.

Susan, is that his Santa pic? Cute!! She actually looks like shes looking at him :)

Jan, Thanks for asking.

Unfortunately,Max doesnt seem to be getting any better. Ihavent been posting about it because its so depressing and I never haveany real news. The doc wanted to do a scope, but that was going to costa few thousand and I cant afford it with all the other vet bills thathave been piling up, so we tried a nasal flush this past week.

They did a bunch of xrays of his head and still dont see any problems.He said he was able to get a good look up there while Max was under andcouldnt see anything in the nasal passage. They did the flush and areculturing some of the snot that came out. I really hope something showsup. I'll hear back Monday on the culture.

Were still doing antibiotics and nebulizing. I have a really good vetwho knows what hes doing, but its so frustrating that Im spending allthis money and we're getting nowhere.

Please keep him in your prayers. He sure needs it. :pray:

Hi Haley, it Mr Tumnus Christmas and Halloween pictures. She's so in "Love".

I'll say a prayer for Max, I really hope he gets better soon.


I am so sorry to hear that Max isn't feeling well. :(My thoughts are with you both.:hug1

Max looks very proper in his little black and white fur coat. Yourlittle Basil is so cute, he looks like a little gentleman. He has avery sweet face.

Just spent a good 45mins going through this blog, your bunnies are such characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The boys are all so handsome, and your new addition is beautiful! What lovely big brown eyes she has.
I hope your little man starts feeling better soon, Bangbang andI are thinking of you.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. :bunnyangel:

Bangbang, 45 minutes, eh?! Thanks for taking the time- this thing is getting long!

Im going to start a new one and link to this once i can get some more pics. :ponder:

I just finished reading the whole thing too, Ihad read the first few pages before but wanted to read again about yourrabbits and all the new things that have been happening. Basil and Maxare so handsome! A friend of mine has a few litters at the moment, onebeing a first time dutch mama's and her babes are gorgeous. Iimmediately thought of Basil and Max when I saw them as half are tortand half are black :).

It's great to see Tumnus getting along with Lucy, I hope it all goeswell. Tumnus sounds like my BunBun, who will let me get close butdoesn't like to be touched anymore. He'll tollerate me holding him fora cuddle but much prefers the company of his mate Lucky. He alwaysstruggles when I put him down. I miss my snuggle-bun but I'm glad toknow he and Lucky are so happy together.
Aw, Haley, I hope things start looking up for Max:pray:poor boy.

And I must add, I think it's time for more pics of the dutchies...:whistling

Definately time for Basil and Max pics!

I'm so sorry that Max is still feeling poorly. Hopefully theculture will show something. Is he still eating and actingokay?
I think I've said it before, but now that I'vehad Baxter here for the past month, I'm definitely a witness to thefact a bunny can sound absolutely awful and be perfectly healthy.

Baxter snores loud enough for the neighbours to hear --seriously. Not long after he arrived, I was petting him andstarted thinking he was stressed being on my lap because he seemed tobe gasping or hyperventilating, so I put him down on the couch besideme, and was relieved to hear it stop. But he looked aroundfor a second, scrambled back up on my lap and started gasping/wheezingagain. I took that to me it was his 'pet me!' signal, andthat has indeed proved to be the case!

I was concerned about him when he was sickeven before herefused his first treat because he had 'stopped' wheezing!

The vet has never found anything wrong with him. I hope Max is similar -- he just SOUNDS bad!

Hugs and nose pats! :hug2:

sas :bunnydance:

Haley, did I ever tell you about Loki'swheezing? Poor boy was so fat when I got him that it waspressing in on his airways and making him wheeze. That's whatthe vet said anyway, and since it went away as he got healthier the vetmust have been right.
naturestee wrote:
I'm so sorry that Max is still feeling poorly.Hopefully the culture will show something. Is he still eatingand acting okay?
Yes, eating and drinking and pooping fine. He has lostsome weight though and he is eating a little less than usual.

I hope and pray that the wheezing is something non-medical. I know itcant be from his weight because he is underweight. But thething that makes me think it is something more serious is the runnynose. Its constant.

Anyway, I'll try to get some more dutchie pics soon. Basil misses being in the spotlight. ;)
Haley, I do hope that the wheezing is nothing. Poor Max, please keep us posted.

I'm currently fostering a female rabbit by the name of Sandy and shedoes the wheezing thing as well. It's mostly when she's in a relaxedstate or when I'm petting her that I hear it. She has been to the vetabout this before and he said it was nothing to worry about. However,she is quite overweight but we're working on it! :)
Haley, I just read something on Etherbun aboutlow-level wheezing sometimes being from Bordetella (sp?), and that verylow-level infections aren't uncommon. The poster said shedoesn't usually treat it if it doesn't seem bad and the rabbit isotherwise healthy, as in her experience treatment doesn't help with theminor infection. I have heard that rabbits are frequentcarriers of this bacteria, so maybe some get minor symptoms whileothers don't?
Awww poor Max! and here i was thinking that he was doing much better

I sure hope he gets better soon


:happyrabbit:you have gorgeous, beee-utiful bunnies...i've been allowed to become a me mber this past week, and once i figure out how to upload pics of the bunnies living with me, i'll let you know....i live in east texas, usa, and have my name as 60bunnies....i love those sweetie-pies livingwith me sooo much...i have a long history of being an animal lover, and since i've discovered the same kind of people all over this planet, i've become a bit overwhelmed, and very happy at the same time!!....i've had some bunnies before, that have passed over the rainbow bridge, but will never stop loving them...i tell the 8 bunnies living with me that i love them, always have and always, and so many other people who love these sweet creatures AND the creatures themselves, are always in my thank you prayers...suzy

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