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Feb 20, 2014
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I have two bunnies. I have had them for a couple months now and the girl is starting to get on the boy constantly I can't let her go. It just started 4 days ago and If I let her go she goes straight for Rex. She will get on top of him and will bite him and he is missing chunks of fur because of her. I don't know what's going on.
Assuming that the male and female are not desexed, it's likely that the female is pregnant and wants to get rid of the male now that she's nearly ready to give birth. The other option is simply that she's become territorial. If you got them as babies, as they mature (from 12 weeks onwards) they can get very hormonal and will try to establish dominance with each other. In any case, you need to separate them into two different hutches/enclosures, provide the female with a nest box (a shoebox with hay in it should suffice) and wait to see if she has babies. If she's not pregnant (31 days from mating to giving birth) then you will still need to keep them separated until you can get both of them desexed (if you want them to live together again). Rabbits that fight can cause very serious harm to one another, and even two rabbits of the same gender can most often not be bonded and live together unless both have been desexed.

If they are both already desexed, then you still need to separate them, or the fights and injuries could get worse. Sometimes rabbits simply don't continue to get along. Give them a break from each, and you can try re-bonding them in a month or so.
Yes I did get them as babies and I got the male desexed but not the female but I got the male desexed about 4 weeks ago and I did that because the male was getting on the female and was doing the same thing the female is doing now.
The male will still be able to impregnate the female at this stage as he was only done around 4 weeks ago, my vet said 6 weeks at the least is the time they need to be further separated, also I agree with the above comments about her already being pregnant, also are you sure she's biting? And that he was biting her before as it could actually be over grooming rather than biting.
Well the male wasn't biting the female but now the female is biting the Male. I have tried to feel for babies like the vet told me to but I can't feel any. I think it is they're sexual maturity.
Well, feeling for babies is very difficult and after 2 years of failed attempts at it, I JUST learned how to do it correctly. Put a box in with her and leave it with her at all times.
Palpating is literally--I couldn't find a better example--like martial arts it takes awhile to get it. It's not easy to master at all and rabbits know how to hide signs of pregnancy as in the wild "HEY, LOOK EASY TARGET!"

I say wait it out, it's all you've got and keep them separated. If they miss each other just put their hutches next to each other.
that female is either pregnant OR based on behaviours.... is hormonal and wants to be bred like YESTERDAY already.

You'll know if she was pregnant within the next month. If she's hormonal her behaviours with him could escalate.

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