Baby Shower?

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Oh I bet the venders leave here and come there! Also, the BIG Lippizzan show is next weekend here LOL!

Sounds like we just swap stuff!


Alero is getting really fat. She's due in like, 3 weeks. Fingers crossed.

Also I don't know if I mentioned it but last April I sold a litter of French Lops and exchanged the money and bought another horse. He just turned 2 this month and is a solid black Paint Stallion named Tulsa. I just started breaking him and by day 5 he was more than hapyp to carry me around.






Tulsa was a bit of a rescue situation. I was online browsing horses for sale that I definitely couldn't afford when I came across this ad for a horse for $500. Usually prices that low I check them out and oh look it's just the stud fee. But this horse was less than 2 years old and the picture wasn't flashy enough to be advertisign a stud so I checked it out. Turns out he was less than an hour from me. And I emailed t he woman and without thinking, asked to come look at him.

She told me she had bought him last July from a woman on the other side of Ohio. This woman apparently had a lot of horses, all of which were slowly starving to death, including a mare and young foal who were described as not but ''skin and bones''. She felt so bad that she bought Tulsa out of pity, and 2 others young mares on the spot. Then the woman wouldn't sell her anymore, but Sheila was willing to take and buy as many would fit in her trailor.

She found a hoem for one mare iwth a friend and listed Tulsa on multiple websites. She had been feeding him well the last severeal months but he still needed a good 100 pounds at least she said. When I looked at him, I just felt bad. He didn't want to be touched and gave us the butt treatment. I could feel all of his ribs. But at least he was a lot better off with Sheila than he was with that woman. She had him on a 20% feed and as much hay as he wanted all day and a weight building supplement. To think he'd been on all that for many months and still looked like hell.... I hate to think what he and his friends looked like on that farm.

I was just heartbroken for the poor boy.And Sheila and I had g otten rather friendly with each other the past week or so. We chatted through email on the phone all the time and we were goin to go to Equine Affaire togethr, but she had a death int he family. She sold Tulsa to me for $300. And delivered him to my house for another $100. Good deal!

Tulsa tried to kick me when I went near him. When I tried to turn him out to pasture he reared up so bad he flipped over backwards. He would either refuse to move when I led him or just drag me somewhere. He freaked out and went into a panic over the littlest things.

Buth e's been here about 2 months now. He lets me ride him and coems to greet me when I walk into the barn. I can lead him with just a hand on his halter, and he come running out of the pasture to say hi and get a mint. He's such a sweet little boy.

I culdn't afford 20% feed with grain prices the way they are, but TSC was selling two bags of 14% discountedf or like $9 so I bought those 2 to start him off, and I supplemented with Calf Manna....which is also getting rather expensive since I use it for hte bunnies too.

So after the 14% was gone I just put him ont he same 12% as everyone else and gave hi ma lot of hay and I started giving him 2 cups of Mare and Foal feed at each feeding. And man did he bulk up. He looks great now. He might need another 50 pounds or so but he's happy and filling out real nice and his sumemr coat is coming in black black BLACK!

So...I think that's all the horsey updates for now or until I go completely insane.
And here's Tulsa the day I bought him at Sheila's farm.


And he was delivered about 3-4 weeks later, And this is 2 days after I brought him home. Matt was helping me do ground work with him.


Big difference.....just 2 months.
Well here she is again, about to pop any second now. Her baby is in position and ready to get borned. The stud owner never got back to me with the dates she was bred so calculting by the time I got her back from the stud, I supposed her due date to be...3 days ago. So any time now.

Her belly is laso startign to get a more ''pointed'' look, rather than just the big round semi circle. The lowest point of her belly is more towards the back. Pictures of Mares showing this new belly shape usually foaled about 12 days later. Alero has had pointed belly for about 4 days. Really she should be ready to go like now.

Its supposedto rain the next 3-4 days so I have an excuse to keep her inside and monitor her closely.

Here's some belly pics. Hopefully next time I post, there will be foal pics.
There's also some updated pics of Tulsa.








Oh and it should be noted that all my animals seem to be reproducing right now...


My gosh look at Tulsa! He's just gorgeous! Have you put a stick to him to see how much he's grown? He looks like my father inlaw's paint - JUST like him actually - and he doesn't name his horses....... He calls him..... THe paint horse :?but Lexi named him PICASSO. I think that's a great name LOL!

And your mare!!! YAY!!! You say it's going to rain? is the cool front coming through that I had and it lowered the temps? If the barometer changes.... she'll foal.

AND tomorrow is a full moon....... you'll have a foal by tomorrow night I think.

I CAN"T WAIT! be sure and let us know ok?
yeah that cold front is moving in, its going down to the mid 60's. Not cold but still, compared tot he 80 and 90* days we've BEEN having.... big drop.

I also happened to land myself a job training a horse for someone. And Every time I show up for another session she asks if the baby arrived yet and i'm like ''nope''. Now she just kind of has backyard horses...doesn't show or do anything fancy with them and isn't extremely knowledgeable but she also mentionedt he full moon thing. She said her vet said births and deaths often occur on the full moon.

Anyone want to back this up? Thats just plain weird. I know two horses born under an eclipse.Both named ''Eclipse''. Although one had a star on it's forehead that looked like the eclipse of the moon.

I'm so anxious for baby. Oh, horse people may be interested in this:

Tulsa's old owner sent it to me, its really fascinating and it's been a big help. 
Those of you who are grossed out by birth stuff may not want to visit the link.

Alright, fingers and hooves crossed....
So I was researchign the full moon thing and I found soem horse forums that swear by drastic weather change and full and new moons as casuing mares (and other animals) to foal.

Then I was curious about people.

I was born just after the new moon. My husband was born just after the full moon.

Any one else?
I was born with the "no moon" thing....... when it's all dark....

and yes, it's true. If you talk to OB-GYN they will most likely tell you that full moon will bring more babies and barometer affects the pregnant mother.

Plus, my father-inlaw is a cherokee indian and he'll swear by it! ;)

There is some science to all of it - I guess when the new moon happens there is some sort of unnoticable changes in our space so we do have stuff happen.

This was one of the responses to the question I found online:

"Yes, horses, and other animals including humans, DO tend to have more births on a full moon, but not because they wait. It has to do with the gravitational pull of the tides of the amount of water in the animal."

Well I guess we'll wait and see.

[size=+1]The Moon for Oct 1, 1982 [/size]
(At Midnight, US Central time, as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere)

Illuminated Fraction: 0.991
0.8 days until full moon


[size=+1]The Moon for Sep 30, 1978 [/size]
(At Midnight, US Central time, as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere)

Illuminated Fraction: 0.010
1.0 days before new moon

ITs 11:06PM Tuesday night. I justchecked on Alero again for the night and I checked underher t ail and her nipples. I pulled all this gunky solid mooshy crud off the tips of her teats.

She is apparently waxing...or makin' that thick yummy milk for baby. So From talking to other horsey peopel and researching online... we've less than 38 hours.

Full Moon Theory = so support.

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