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Denise, wow you planted a lot of watermelon seeds. But I guess I did too haha. I did give Ash a piece of ice and he didn't seem interested in it :/ oh well maybe he'll change his mind when it gets hotter.

Chris, haha, funny about the ice thing. Yes, its hard to imagine them with their tongue's stuck to the ice cube.

Today is my moms birthday (June 1st), and apparently its Emily's birthday today too which I find really weird (Emily is another RO member for those who don't know)

I did go to the swimming hole yesterday and it actually wasn't that cold. The water was about 76 degrees and I adjusted to the water quite quickly. The only thing is the sun kept going behind the clouds and coming back out and it was cold when the sun went behind the clouds. We swam for about an hour and a half and than headed home. The thing I like about the river is that its only a 15 minute drive away from here.

We are getting these really annoying bugs here called Midges. They are like tiny mosquitos and boy are they annoying I keep having to scratch myself because of these things. My mom was complaining about them the other day and she said that if you put yeast and vinigear into a bowl they get attracted to it and then they climb in and die. I'm going to try it because these things are just SO freacking annoying. I can feel myself itching aleady. My brother said that one of them was on him and he smashed it and he saw the blood that it had been sucking, EEW!!! It seems like they don't start biting as much during the day but boy do they at night. What do you guys do about bugs?

I know I keep saying this but my crochet dragon is almost finished! I have almost all the spikes that you sew to its back down and I just finished a leg today. I'll keep workiong on it tomorrow. It should hopfully be finished sometime this week.

Its annoying because my watermelon seeds just aren't sprouting :/ its only been 5-6 days since I planted them but I don't know if its been taking too long. I'm worried that they won't sprout. I soaked some watermelon seeds today in the hope of getting them to sprout and then plant them. I don't know hat's going to happen with them but I guess we'll find out.
It´s funny how you find out people have the same birthdays, I suppose with all these people in the world, it´s bound to happen lol.

Sounds like you had a great swim. I do understand about the sun going in, it was that over here for a few weeks and it was really warm in the sun but quite a lot cooler when the sun disappeared do it feels even cooler if you´re wet..

We get mosquitos over here and they drive me mad in the summer especially at night. We can get plug ins which are supposed to keep them away but I always keep a spray in the bedroom...nothing worse than being woken up in the middle of the night with a mozzie buzzing in your ear and then when you turn the light on, you can never see it so I just spray. I´m lucky that they don´t seem to find me tasty so don´t get bitten that much.

Can´t wait to see the dragon and hope your watermelons start to sprout. At my friend´s yesterday looking at their plot and they had really little melons which are just starting to grow. They´ve got loads, I saw some artichokes, really small at the moment and I got some garlic, a lettuce, potatoes...I just love going there and seeing what they have ready each time.
I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to the swimming hole.

I watered the garden the other evening as the sun was going down. If we water in the morning or during the day then the moisture on the plants causes the sun to burn the plants. Because it was getting dark I had all kinds of bugs biting me the whole time, several biting at once. It was miserable. I guess I need to wear pants and long sleeves next time.

Your watermelon may still sprout as it hasn't been that long. I place damp paper towels in a glass dish, place my seeds on that and then place damp paper towels over the seeds. I then cover the dish and place it somewhere warm and dark. Usually by the third day roots have begun to grow. This is a way to tell if the seeds you have are good. If the majority of the seeds sprout a root they are good. This also speeds up the growing process slightly. Once they have a root I then plant them in the garden like usual.
Chris, yes, there are lots of members here so of course lots of us have the same birthdays.

I'm glad your friend already has melons and other fruits and veggies its fun watching what you plant grow.

Denise, weird because there is a guy on the radio who says that you should water in the morning. But I get what your saying about watering in the evening.

Thanks for telling me how you sprout your watermelons before planting them. And I guess you were right because some of my watermelon seeds have already sprouted.

Like I said above yesterday 7 of my watermelon seeds sprouted. I just checked again today and another one has sprouted so know there are a total of eight seeds sprouted. I'm so excited! I was beginning to worry when they weren't sprouting.

Today is kind of hot, not to bad. Maybe I'll take Ash out on the porch later when it cools off. Its kind of windy out too.

I'm working on a really small crochet bunny design. Its going to be really small and it should be done today. I can't wait to finish it.

Well, that's all for now. I don't have much to say. But happy Tuesday!
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I just got some watermelon seeds out of what was supposed to be a "seedless" watermelon! haha. I think I'm going to try to sprout them and throw them in the ground and see if they'll grow!

I always water in the evening, my flowers too. I've always watered in the evening.
I can't even walk outside right now without being eaten by bugs! Its terrible. I really hate bug spray but I have to use it when I go out. Especially when I go out to the chicken coop, the foliage over there is really thick and the bugs are insane. The bug spray doesn't even work over there. haha. Those are some serious bugs!
Morgan, I've had supposedly seedless watermelons. But they really did have seeds in them. I've been saving some watermelon seeds from store-bought watermelons. What I did was collect the seeds on my plate and than when I finished eating the watermelon I would put them in a little strainer and wash them off. Than I put them on a shelf and they dried in a couple house. I'm not sure if that's the way to do it, but I'm planning on planting them all, maybe next year.

Hmm, it sounds like watering in the evening is the best thing to do. Screw the radio guy, haha. Ugh the bugs where you guys are sound terrible! I don't know if I would be able to stand them. I hate bugs!!!
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So just a quick update, remember about a month ago I had 2 of my teeth pulled? Well there were 3 teeth that needed to be pulled and they only pulled 2 of them because they didn't want to do all 3 at once. Anyway, I have an appointment to pull the last one tomorrow. I'm a little nervous but the dentist says that the because its a tooth on the bottom jaw and because they are pulling one it will be a lot easier and quicker so I'm not as nervous as I was the first time.

I just checked my watermelon sprouts today and now there are 14 sprouts so 6 more sprouted today. I'm putting down planks of wood on the grass to kill it and I'm cutting down a lot of the grass.

I'm working on a really small 3 inch crochet bunny. So far I have the head the ears one of the legs and one of the feet done and they are all sewn together. The problem is the parts are so tiny its killing my fingers to sew them together. What makes it even harder is that my smaller plastic sewing needles broke so now I have to use my giant one which is really hard to pull through the stitches. I think I need to get a small metal one so that it never brakes.
Elise, I will be praying for you with your tooth extraction. I've had so much dental work in my lifetime it makes me cringe to even think of anything dental!

Glad I saw your thread again! Often I want to follow up on threads but other newer threads show up & push the others aside so that I have a hard time finding them again.

I love watermelon good luck with yours! Do bunnies eat watermelon? I know birds & dogs do! lol
Elise, I will be praying for you with your tooth extraction. I've had so much dental work in my lifetime it makes me cringe to even think of anything dental!

Glad I saw your thread again! Often I want to follow up on threads but other newer threads show up & push the others aside so that I have a hard time finding them again.

I love watermelon good luck with yours! Do bunnies eat watermelon? I know birds & dogs do! lol

Thank you so much Tauntz! I'm having a baby tooth pulled. The reason why its a baby tooth is because I don't have a permanent tooth behind it. Anyway, I think it will be easier because at least its not an adult tooth. I'm with you, dental work isn't fun.

Yeah, that happens to me too. Usually if I want to follow a blog I can find it somewhere in the bunny blogs forum but most other threads I can't find. Maybe you can bookmark some of the threads you want to follow, that's what I do.

Thanks, I like to grow plants but for some reason I love growing watermelon more than most plants. I just love looking at the long vine. And I've never grown such a large kind before I've only grown sugar babies but now I'm growing a kind called carolina cross usually you can get 70-100 pound watermelons. And the world record for largest watermelon was a 295 pound carolina cross. And yes, bunnies can eat them. But make sure there are no seeds in them. Last summer I used to eat 1 watermelon per day and I'd always share some with Ash.
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I'm glad more of your watermelon sprouted! Thats awesome, 14 plants, thats insane! I just put my seeds in some wet paper towels and hopefully in a few days I'll have some spouts, then I'll plant them!
I feed watermelon rinds to the chickens all the time, they love them. As soon as they see me coming out with the rinds, they go crazy and I usually get a little blue rooster jumping on me for his share of the rind. haha.
I don't know if rabbits can have watermelon, but I bet Ellie would like it! I know the rest of my animals do. LOL

Take pictures of your new creations! I want to see them!
Oh, good to know that bunnies can have watermelon! Its our favorite summer treat here. You need to take some pix of your watermelons! Get a good night's sleep & best wishes with the dental extraction tomorrow!
Morgan, yes I'm really happy that I got 14 sprouts. I planted 20 seeds and so far a lot of them have been sprouting. I hope yours sprout soon. Haha, that's funny that you feed the rinds to your chickens I didn't know they could eat them. That's funny. Yeah I fed Ash some watermelon everyday I'm sure Ellie would love it. I just finished my crochet bunny I'll take some pictures and post them. Its really small 2 and a half inches. And boy was it a pain sewing all of the parts together I have a blister on my finger from doing it.

Tauntz, how funny, watermelon is my favorite summer treat too. And yes Ash loves watermelon I'm sure your girls would too. I'll definitely take some pictures of my watermelons I think I'll even post a picture of the plant each week so I can see the growth. It'll be interesting to look at all the pictures at harvest time. My dad had a filling appointment on June 26 but he says his tooth is bothering him a little so we decided to switch dates. He goes in tomorrow I go in on the 26th. Its kind of a relief for me but I know I'll still have to go in on the 26th. But thank you for the good wishes! I really appreciate them.
This morning it was raining a little. I'm actually glad because it means less watering things for me. It was raining all night but it stopped early this morning. We got almost got an inch of rain so we don't have to water any plants.

I checked today and 1 more watermelon sprouted so there are now a total of 15 plants. I'll have a lot of watermelons! I was reading online that its best to let only one watermelon grow per plant so that it grows really big. I think I'll do that for most of the plants and let some grow all the watermelons it wants. I'm kind of experimenting with these plants because its the first huge watermelon variety I've grown and I can't find much info on how to grow this kind.

It hasn't really been warm today. Its kind of cold outside. You can go out in a short sleeved shirt but its a bit chilly out. Sill, its better than the 80 degree sunny days we've been having.

I hadn't been working on my crochet dragon much but today I finished a lot more. I'm hoping it'll be done in a couple of days. The only thing is I wish I had bought some wire to put in it because its not holding up very well. In the very least I wish I had some wire to put in the legs because at least it would hold the body. Oh well, at least I wrote a pattern for it so I can always make another but if I do I'll make sure to get some wire.

I did finish my crochet bunny though. I'd like to take some pictures of it but I can't seem to find my iphone. I'll look for it soon. I need it for more things other than taking pictures f the crochet bunny. I'd like to get some pictures of Ash too.
Thats a lot of watermelon! I hope you grow some really big ones!

I hope you find your phone to take pictures of all your crocheting creations! I want to see them!
Thank you so much Tauntz! I'm having a baby tooth pulled. The reason why its a baby tooth is because I don't have a permanent tooth behind it. Anyway, I think it will be easier because at least its not an adult tooth. I'm with you, dental work isn't fun.

I had the same problem, a baby tooth that never got replaced. So I had to get it pulled, I was terrified but it ended up being really not so bad. The sensation of it being pulled was strange, though not painful in any way. It was just the ache afterwards that was the worst in my opinion, once the pain killers wore off. Probably helped that the dentist I had was super nice, always good to have a dentist that doesn't make you more afraid! Unfortunately, now I have a gap there, which I don't mind too much, but I also have wisdom teeth that need pulling (which I'm putting off) and the orthodontist wants me to get braces, which at 25, I just can't bring myself to do. Will have to see how it goes I suppose, plus the cost of braces is pretty outrageous, that's another problem with it.

Anyway, enough rambling :p
It was $4000 for my braces, I got them on in the 4th grade and off in the 7th grade. BUT I will say that I see a lot of younger adults getting braces now and days and my bottom teeth are a little crooked again since my permanent retainer came out. I think I would get braces again at 23.
My husband's permanent retainer came out last year and his teeth have shifted a little too. My friend's also came out a few months ago and his teeth moved too. You would think with all the money our parents spent on braces they would have made the permanent retainers a little more...permanent. haha.
My poor child is doomed to have braces, his dad and I both had really crooked teeth when we were kids so I'm pretty sure that AJ will have crooked teeth too.

Getting your other tooth pulled out won't be that bad though! You've gotten through the hard part of getting 2 pulled at once!
Azerane, my dentist said that it is a fairly common problem. I had 3 baby teeth that needed to be pulled I've already gotten 2 of them pulled, now I need to get the third pulled. I guess some people are different because I did hurt a little when my tooth was pulledbut not too bad since I was numbed. Anyway I hurt a little while they were being pulled but not afterwards, I felt fine afterwards except it felt weird without my two teeth there. I'm thinking if I get the bottom one pulled it may give me some room for my wisdom teeth. The orthodontist thinks I may need braces too but he's not sure so we'll see.

Morgan, I see a lot of younger adults getting braces too. I hope AJ won't get crooked teeth but he may. I'm sure its not fun to wear braces. Your right it will be better getting only one pulled. And the dentist said that getting bottom teeth pulled is better than getting top teeth pulled. So we'll see. My appointment is about 3 weeks from now. I'll let you all know how it goes.
Today it wasn't very warm and not very cold. It was kind of like yesterday. And later on in the day it started raining so I didn't have to water anything again.

I checked the watermelon sprouts this morning and there are still only 15. Oh well, even if they don't all sprout 15 is still a lot of plants and I won't really care if no more sprout. 15 Sprouts is better than none. So hopefully I'll get at least 15 watermelons. When I find my iphone I'll take a picture of the sprouts.

My dad went to check the mailbox and he found a turtle on the ground. I think it was a box turtle. I haven't seen any turtles since last summer so I guess we finally have them again.

We have some wild apple trees on our property and some of them already have some small green apples. The wild trees make some pretty good apples we've used them to make apple pies and other apple things. I'm excited that they are making fruit.

Speaking of trees, last October we got a tree called a Che tree. It makes these small red fruits, in Virginia there is a place called Edible Landscaping and there is one guy who runs it and every year or so he lets people come and taste his fruit for free and buy his trees. Anyway he has all kinds of cool trees and plants he has banana trees in greenhouses and something called dragon fruit, anyway we got the Che tree from him and I tasted the Che fruit and it tasted really good and sweet so we bought a small tree it already has leaves on it. This is what Che fruit looks like.

In fact this picture was taken at the Edible Landscaping place.

And most of our other trees are growing leaves. I hope we get some fruit this year.

I'd like to update on my crochet dragon, I just finished another leg. So all I have left to make is one more leg, 8 more toes, the eyes, and 16 claws. I know it sounds like a lot, but it isn't. I might be able to finish it today if not, it'll definitely be done tomorrow. I can't wait! I'll post some pictures when its done.

EDIT: I forgot to say its really hard to store yarn I was keeping my yarn in a bag but the yarn was gettng all tangled so I researched a bit online and I found an easy solution, a shoe rack. Well, not really a shoe rack its like a big plastic sheet with pockets in it. Anyway I put all the yarn in it and it all fits pretty nicely. The thing I like about it is if I want a certain color of yarn I don't have to search through the bag to find it, I can just look and see what I want. Its pretty cool, I'll take a picture of it to show you all.
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Finally! It looks like a warm day. The sun is shining and it looks so nice and warm out. I don't really like the heat, but I didn't like the cloudy gray days we've been having and it looks a lot better out now.

I checked the watermelons again. Only 15 sprouts. I'm starting to think that they are going to be the only ones that sprout. I don't think any more will. But I'm fine with that. We'll hopefully get a good crop of watermelons from them. There are 2 sprouts that seem to be doing really good. They have nice big leaves and they seem to be ahead of the others in growth.

I did find my iphone last night (Yay!) so I'll take a picture of my yarn storage my crochet bunny and some of the watermelon sprouts. Than I'll get some good pictures of Ash. I haven't posted any in a long time.

What I want to do is every week I'll take a picture of one of the watermelon sprouts until harvest time and than I can see all the pictures and see how they grew each week I think it'll be cool to see. So starting today I'll post a picture of my 2 of my sprouts (probably the best looking ones) and post them here. And every Saturday I'll post a new picture.

I just finished another dragon leg today. The dragon will definitely be done today. I guess today will be picture day. I'll log off now and get some pictures and post them here.
15 is still a lot of watermelon plants! haha. I hope they do well. I think you should take a picture every week until harvest, that will show the good progress!

Can't wait to see the pictures of Ash and your watermelons and your crochet creations!

Its still overcast and gray out here, but its cool and sort of nice. I'm liking it right now.

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