An Update, a question and an apology

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Long time no see.

Well,where should I start.

Erm, I left here after a series of hurtful comments someone said on my thread in Rainbow Bridge about Sunshine beingeuthanized, although since then I have poppedin occasionally. On that thread I blamed myself, as you do in grief, but the rational partof me knew that I was being hard on myself and also that I did not explain things fully, just put what was in my head at the time.

I then flew off totally and was nasty to a fair amount ofmods and admin, which was not fair. The person who took the brunt of that was Haley, to which I apologise. I wanted to be deleted from the site and banned with a full IP ban. Realistically I knew I couldn't have my IP banned, and that deleting me would be an arse, but I really hoped for the account ban and when they wouldn't do that it sent me over the edge which was when I got nasty, so I am sorry for that, especially to you Haley.

Ordinarily I would just have cut that person out of my life, not the whole site, but I've been really ill, which contributed to the whole mess. I don't know really what to say about it but I ended up being assessed by mental health professionals who wanted to admit me back to hospital (but last time I was there it made everything infinitely worseso I told them that was not an option, plus where would my buns go? My parents couldn't look after them and my buns don't deserve to go into a rescue or anything, that's not fair) but when I said no they said they wouldsee me at home, but the people who do that told me that they could not help me and did not know what I wanted them to do (Which was quite simple, I wanted them to help me). I also know,had I been in hospital they would not have done anything either because of the services they provide. So I am stuck as I am now, with no hope of getting better, and no hope of changing. However, despite still not intending to have any contact or tolerate said person talking to me, I can appreciate it was not the fault of the whole site, although I do still wish I had been banned.

Ok, so that's an update on me, now my buns.

I had three dinkies neutered on the same day (glutton for punishment), and they all came through fine.

And the main point of this thread was that I am having problems in my room. I have an NIC set up and four bucks in there. If they access each other, they fight, so everything is barricaded off apart from the odd cm stripor so in some places. However, this morning I have woken up to see Badger with a scratch across his nose, so someone, somewhere is getting to him, or has gotten to him. So I wondered if anyone has any ideas on what I could do to block off those few cm strips where they can access each other. Everything else is barricaded using fibreboard, but because the connectors on the NIC cages are awkward, there are some areas that the fibreboard doesn't cover.

Just a few more things to add

1, Everyone should worship Polly because she is great and has been incredible to me recently.

2, I stole her idea and also made a website (but it mostly says stuff those that know my buns know anyway)

3, In my ill haze I contacted my stalkerish person and that is all sorted now, no more fear of her, so that was one step in the right direction, even if it was an accident.

I'm not hanging around here really, for every ones sakes. Having anill, volatile person around is not good for anyone, so I'm sorry to ask a question and then run away, but I don't quite know what else to do.

Hope everyone is ok. I'm sorry for the losses that have been suffered around here recently.

Thanks for reading, don't worry, I expect nasty comments for the way I behaved, so go for it.

Allpeople have moods - I have days and so do others. We also have little spats and misunderstandingsand eventually get over them I think - I hope LOL! I know I have read things in a way before that made me feel like someone was being horrible but they weren't - it was just how I read it. It's hard to communicate with no voice inflection, facial expressions, and tones. We have to do our best online and that's all we can do when we are talking quite a lot in written form :)

I'm glad to see you back. You don't need to stay away. I wish you could get the help you need. Not sure what your condition is but it seems they should have a way to help you outside of the hospital (I hate those as well!)

Have you tried coroplast on the bunny pens? I use it to keep them out of areas I don't want them in. Tony and clover fight so I have to keep them FAR away from each other. Bo too - but Clover is the big meanie here!
Thanks Bo.

They would eat coroplast because they chew anything and everything (except what they are allowed to). I thought about typing material along the gap, on end running to the other, butI'mnot sure that would work (They don't eat fleece so it is an option).

Thanks for the reply.
You are lucky Trace Saffy loves to eat Fleece and towels its no wonder her tums not right at the mo!!

How about flattening out cardboard and taping that over or getting a coupleof sheets of plyboard its nice and thin and you could cut it to size.

Poor Badger, give him major nose rubs from me (not that he is my favourite or anything!!:biggrin2:)

Nice to see you on again :bunnyhug::flowerskiss:(i love the bunny cuddle icon !)
I'm sorry things have been bad for you. I hope they start looking up soon! I'm glad that you sorted it out with the crazy person and can relax now. :hug:

And I'm up for worshipping Polly! :biggrin2:
Go to Home Depot they sell Plexiglass in sizes suitable for cages... The piece I bought was 19..99 and they cut it down to the sizes I wanted. I attached them to the sides of the cage by drilling holes in the corners and securing them with zip ties. The plexiglass is easily cleaned and does not impede the rabbits line of sight in any way. I hope this was of help to you... it was for me!
Hey Flashy, I've been bipolar since I could remember. Untreated for the past 3 years (no insurance = no med money). Been on suicide watch too many times to count and took me 2 years to finally stop cutting myself and popping pills, the first which I still get urges for when I'm upset.

You can't control it so don't blame yourself. Your senerio (which I completely missed) is something that I would totally do, and have done so in other situations many times. The true friends will always take you back *huggies*
Youre not going to get any nasty comments from any of us. :hug1 I appreciate your apology, and I understand that it was a mix of misdirected anger and frustration.

We hope you will stick around. Youre very knowledgeable and can really help a lot of people.

Thanks everyone, you're all really nice. And thanks Haley for accepting the apology :)

Polly,I could try plyboard, but they would eat it very quickly (no kidding),or at the very least strip it very quickly. So far I have weaved (not typed) fleece in and out of the bits that very accessible, so they can't reach each other, but I know that now Star will be merrily scrabbling it all night long.

irishmist, thanks for that idea, I like it, however, I think they would eat it,or at leats chew it, which would worry me, plus having them either side viewing each other seems like tempting fate, lol.

*hugs okiron* I'm going to PM you now.

Thank you all for being so nice.

Oh,and Polly, stop being embarassed, you were the only person who stuck by me and that means more than you'll ever know :)

ETA, After I posted this someone sent me a very attacking e-mail about how they were there for me and basically saying I threw it back in their face, but that person sent me one e-mail and that was it. I would like to explain what Polly did for me. She was a friend, when/if I needed someone to talk to, she was there, she never judged me and tried to help, when I couldn't reply, or talk, she would send me random e-mails with updates and stories, never asking for a reply, just taking off the pressure and letting me know she cared and was there, other times, when I was trying to be normal, she asked my advice, or we had random conversations. She has been a true absolute friend, there all the way through, and one day, I hope to repay her and if you are lucky enough to have her as a friend, like I am, keep tight hold, she's a gem. I'm going to bed now, because I'm bawling my eyes out. No one has ever done any of those things for me before and I owe her big time. Good night, and thanks for the positive replies.

Ohh Tracey..i'm so sorry for the way you are feeling at the moment

I know through talking with you those few times through pm..i found you to be a very nice and caring really..people are lucky to know you as well,Tracey :hug:

Those were my thoughts exactly...

Sweetie, you don't deserve to be treated that way (that email you received). You're having such a hard time already...:(

I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you...and I really have no good excuse. Things have been so insane, I just lost touch of everything and everyone...but please know I was and am thinking of you and love you to pieces!! :hug:

cheryl wrote:
Ohh Tracey..i'm so sorry for the way you are feeling at the moment

I know through talking with you those few times through pm..i found you to be a very nice and caring really..people are lucky to know you as well,Tracey :hug:

Don't fret, it's all under the bridge now..... let's just enjoy the fact that you are back and try to stay on the positive :)


I'm so sorry I didn't see this earlier today. I've really missed you around the forum....I knew you needed some time away but I'm happy to see you back. I'd write more but I'm wiped out after 39 customer service calls today...

I'm glad you're back!! We MISSED YOU!!!!

I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I hope every thing clears up soon!!


-TK :hug:
Thanks everyone:)

And Rosie, don't be sorry, no need for apologies at all. truthfully,even if you had been about, I would have been too vile for anyone to stand anyway, lol,so it's best all round. I'm sorry about your Drew, but glad about your new bun (whose name I can't remember, sorry)

Really thanks to everyone :)
FIVER! he's a babydoll :)

Flashy, I could tell you needed your space and backed off. Sometimes that's all it is - someone needs a deep breath and a few minutes or days to realign. Plus, I'm not much good when I have PMS! :embarrassed:I get grumpy!

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