Amy's furkids & more: 2011

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I am way too scared to bond a trio :lookaround. Morgan waited soooo long to have a wife bun, and I am scared that trying to bond a trio will cause him and Molly to fight and break up :(.

Bleh! WHY does so many bad things keep happening, after one major bad/good (however you see fit) life event? It seems like after Ryan cheated & left many things keep happening to keep me stressed. I mean, don't get me wrong, plenty of good things have happened....but all the stresses of the bad are really wearing me down.

I've been stressing about work ever since the first of March, when my boss put me on a crappy salary. That, in return, has caused me to stress about money and my profession. I LOVE grooming, but my boss forcing me to groom 7-8 dogs a day, when I only in reality get paid for 5-6 of really making me hate my, place of employment?

I recently heard that Petco, is indeed, really trying to hire new groomers. They have 2 in there right now, but would like to add another or well as a grooming manager. I've been worried/excited about going there to see if I can get in for an interview. I'm hoping it will all be positive and I can leave my current job to get away from my sketchy & unfair boss. I made out a list of questions to have ready for the interview. I was going to go in there tonight and speak with the manager that begged me to come to the job fair today (but couldn't because of work)....but then....

Finley called me about a half hour ago and said he was at the hospital because he broke his Fibula (calf bone) riding BMX :( . I'm stressing even more. His 2 friends are there with him, so he said I could stay at home...even though I said I'd be there for him. He just texted me and said they have given him morphine for the pain.

And now I feel like a big huge whiny selfish baby complaining about this...but, we went on Monday and got a gym membership and have set this healthy life style to work we can't!

We were looking forward to going to Phoenix this Saturday to see our friend that is still in the hospital recovering from a motorcycle accident, go to the Phoenix Pet Expo, then go to the Phoenix Zoo on we probably can't!

Now I think I really need to wait until he is better (because I imagine his hours at work will be reduced/cut until then).....until I can see about going to work for Petco because the salon needs to be "rebuilt" because so many bad groomers have gone through there. I was able to possibly (since they don't have a lot of clients) take a pay cut from my current job to go to Petco because Finley helps out with the rent and stuff.

BEEEEEEH. I needed to vent it all out, and my RO blog is my only blog. Thanks for reading, if you've done so. I feel a tad better.

Amy - I think you should still go talk to them. Who knows - if they're desperate enough for groomers (it sounds like they've had bad experiences) - then they might offer to meet your current pay or pay more. You never know unless you talk to them.

I'm sorry you're stressed - all I can say is "this too shall pass"....and you'll look back on this and realize that you made it through.

Something to consider is if you did get on with Petco - if they have a branch here in might be able to transfer!
Many hugs!

I'm so sorry things just keep piling on. Sometimes ya just need a break ya know. Bleh. I hate when that happens. I hope things settle down and that it all comes together quickly for you.

I agree with Peg, if they really are in need, they might be more willing to give you at least what you are currently making. Play it cool. Just go in, do the interview, pretend like you just expect that they pay a similar rate and when it comes up just act disappointed and say "Oh darn, that does change things". Hopefully, they'll want a good groomer badly enough to pay for it. :)Is the Petco about the same distance? I guess if it's further away you'd need to factor in the gas...

Best of luck with everything Amy. I'd say "recover quickly"for your boyfriend but well... We all know it takes long to heal. Bleh. I guess "recover well"is more appropriate then.

More hugs!
Thanks Peg & Sophie :hug:.

I called off of work today. My boss didn't sound angry, but I know she will be p*ssed off about it all day - she is just like that because she doesn't want to work. After I told her how helpless Fin is (needs help getting up to pee, I have to cook food for him, etc) and that we need to get his prescription filled & find an orthopedic surgeon today....she had the nerve to ask me if I could at least work part of the day :rollseyes.

He ended up breaking 2 bones in his ankle & is in a splint. He has to ice it 4 times a day for 20 minutes each I've been the "ice lady" too, haha.

Just hung up the phone with the orthopedic surgeon...he has an appointment at 1pm tomorrow to find out more. They are going to see if he really does need surgery, and if not...then they will put him in a cast.

They have him on pain meds, which makes him cute and loopy :p. He keeps saying he isn't hungry, but he needs to I need to make him some eggs & toast for breakfast. They said he needs lots of healthy foods & protein - thankfully beans have protein....since I think we may be eating beans and rice for a while!

About the Petco thing....

Right now I am on a crappy salary. I realize my salary may not be crappy to others, but it is to me because I actually see how much more money I could be getting if I was still on commission. Grooming is the type of industry where your income is limitless.

I am pretty sure Petco pays hourly & commission...whichever turns out to be higher. Since they don't have a good client base, then I am assuming my pay won't be too great until it can be built up (which can take months). I averaged it out, and my current pay wage is $13.15 an hour....something I really doubt Petco is willing to pay (maybe to a salon manager). You guys are right....maybe if they are desperate enough, though.

Bunny news....

Sawyer is such a PAIN :p! We have this corner of the room by the door where we keep all of our shoes....and he likes to chew on shoes & rearrange them. His favorite is sandals because he can pick them up and throw them. He is being really annoying right now, so I put a frozen pizza box (so a plastic-y film box) over the shoes....he has been digging at it and its making such a loud noise. He is soooo p*ssed off at me :). I just had to put him back into his cage because Finley needs some sleep.

Molly and Morgan are still the old married couple! Since we aren't going down to Phoenix this weekend & I was going to pick up a Maze Haven & a few other things for them...I am going to have to order one online or try to make my own concoction (sp?). I think they are pretty bored with their cement tube tunnel and "kitty cave". Walmart does sell these thick cardboard cat tents in the cat i may get them one of those - it is pretty cheap, like $11. They remind me of the bunny Dream Cottages.

Oh....and the cats, dog, and fish are all doing good.

ETA: Something like this may be fun for a bunny, too - depending on how the levels and such are set up inside. I may have to buy this and try it sometime! If the buns don't use it...then maybe the cats will, and if not, then the local cat rescue sure can.

Do you get benefits at your current job? I'll bet Petco has s9ome great benefits. That's something to consider besides salary. And like Peg said, you would probably have an opportunity to transfer.
I don't get health benefits at my current job. They only "benefits" she offered was that I didn't have to do daily chores :rollseyes.

I will update more later on Finley's ankle and my, or lack of job. Let's just say I packed up my grooming tools today. Thankfully, I do have another job (my old job)...but it will be $450 less each month. I'll make it work until I find a new grooming job. Again, I'll update in detail later! about Finley's ankle & my job. I realize it is really long, but I'd like some feedback ;).

I hadn't heard back from my boss on Thursday and it was reaching 5:15pm....the shop closes at 5:30. I wasn't sure if she was going to call me back when it closed or if I should call her (I waited because I knew they were really busy all day). So, I call her letting her know that I couldn't make it in yesterday (Friday) for the entire day, but I could make it in for the morning, I just had to leave at 11:45am to take Finley to his 1:00pm orthopedic surgeon appointment. She was PISSED......

She couldn't understand why Finley couldn't take a cab. I told her I didn't think it would be fair to Finley, the cabbie won't come inside to help him get off the couch & get dressed, and I felt like I needed to be there with him.

She asked where the orthopedic surgeon's office was and I told her I didn't know. I wasn't sure if it was in this town or the next, and I didn't know the name of the office. She told me something sounded very off and things weren't adding up. She was accusing me of lying, apparently. I told her I didn't ask where it was or the name of it at the time because it wasn't important to me....I wanted to know what they told Finley they were going to do to him tomorrow.....I felt as though that was more important, and I'd find out where we were headed when the time big deal?

She was really pissed and she said she'd have the kennel manager call me back, so she could tell me how she flipped the schedule around. I guess that was her way of saying "Fine, you win."?

About 20 minutes later I get a call back from my boss saying that since we aren't going down to Phoenix for the Pet Expo on Saturday, then she will just switch all of my dogs over to Saturday. I said that is fine, but I don't want to be there all day because Finley needs help. I can't work aaaall day and leave Finley to fend for himself right now...he's in a lot of pain, needs constant icing, needs food. He can't stand for long periods of time because the swelling in his ankle is really bad - he needs to keep it elevated.

So, the kennel manager calls me back (my boss had left) and tells me my boss said I could just come in in the morning (Friday) and still have Saturday off. I asked her what dogs my boss had left on my schedule, and she says...."2 Cockapoos, 1 Standard Poodle, and 1 Maltese." So then I tell her no way I can finish all those dogs in 3 hours. She says, "What do you mean? Vicki said you had to leave the shop at 1pm."

Oh I was even more pissed. My boss lied to the kennel manager and told her that I was leaving the shop at 1pm....after I told my boss MULTIPLE times that I absolutely had to leave at 11:45 - BECAUSE FINLEY'S APPOINTMENT IS AT 1pm. Arggg. I told her multiple times because over the phone we pretty much had the same conversation, multiple times.

So, the kennel manager told me not to worry about anything my boss says and that she is really fumingly pissed right now. She said we'd get through the morning as best as we can. I told her I was leaving right at 11:45am...putting my shears down, and walking out the door. She said that was fine.

The morning (Friday) was stressful. I finished the 2 (very matted & biting) Cockapoos, then the Maltese. I couldn't finish the 2 Bichon mix bath dogs (traded out the Standard Poodle). I left at 11:50am. One of my co workers told me that my boss was still so pissed that morning and was ready to just fire me. Why? Because I have an emergency situation?

We get to Finley's appointment and he definitely needs surgery. He has to go back next Thursday at 11am to see if the swelling has gone down in his ankle (its really really bad), then if it has he will have surgery on Friday. If his swelling hasn't gone down, then his surgery is on Monday.

Right then and there I knew I had to take days off of work...and since my boss was already sooooo pissed that I've taken days off when this first happened, she'd be even more pissed and not understanding that I need to take days off when he's having his surgery. I'd have to take a Thursday off, then a Friday if he's having his surgery that day, if so then I'd have to take that Saturday off as well. If his surgery is on Monday, then I'm still taking that Thursday off, the following Monday, and Tuesday. So...that's 3 more days off.

So, I talked with my 3 co workers (whom I trust and they all feel the same way about Vicki that I do)....and they agreed that she'd probably just fire me if I asked for more days off (keep in mind I get 4 sick days and 5 days paid vacation a year now that I'm on salary). With this broken ankle stuff and all of the salary pay stuff.....I felt it was best to come and get my grooming tools, then call Vicki on Saturday (today) and tell her exactly why I've left. My co workers all agreed.

I was planning on leaving the shop anyway. I've been thinking about it since she put me on salary. So, with the salary stuff stacked up (getting paid to groom 5-6 dogs a day, when I really groom 7-8 dogs a day)...and now this emergency boss just showed her "colors" even more and it was a big push to me leaving. I finally had some guts and just did it. I'm scared, but I know everything will be okay.

I'm planning on going to Petco tonight to see if the manager is there, and if I can get in for an interview. If things don't pan on at Petco, then I know of another shop here in town that is hiring....even though I'd prefer not to work for them (had a weird experience when they were going to hire me as a bather before I went off to groom school last spring).

My one co worker (and really great friend, she also trained me) is planning to leave as well. She's been working at the shop for 6-7 years and said when Vicki bought it 3 or so years ago, it just started to go downhill. I mean, the shop has a ton of clients and people are happy bringing their dogs to us....but the boss is just not the type of person who you want to work for. She just doesn't show any appreciation to her employees.


I'm sorry to hear that Finley needs surgery. I was hoping they'd be able to put a cast and let it heal. Baaaaaaaaah. I can certainly understand why he needs help right now. If it had been an arm, it would have been more simple. If it had been a foot in a cast, that would have been more simple too. But knowing that it's his ankle and not in a cast... Bleh. Of course he would need help. Not only that, but your own love for him makes you want to be there. I think you haven't been dating too too long (I can't remember how long) and it would suck for you to be unable to be there for him during a time of need. I get that, I would feel the same.

As for work... Ugh. I definitely remember those stressful times and fighting with a boss/manager whatever about not being able to come in. I think it is especially aggravating when you are a serious worker and you are treated like crap when you need time off for something that is really important. I understand that work is important, but being respected also is very important. I guess I can sort of understand why she might be a little nervous about trusting you though. I mean, don't get me wrong, but she's probably seeing it as 'young' employee that isn't giving me all the facts, etc. I get why you see it completely differently too though. In the past, when things like this were an issue, I would bring in proof of where I was etc. However, it certainly is a pain in the arse to always have to defend yourself.

It sounds like things were bound to head this way though. Maybe this all happened for a reason. On one hand, it helps take away having to make a decision. You kept trying to decide whether you should stay or go. That's always very stressful. Of course, this now brings you a new stress, but personally, I prefer these kinds of decisions. Now you HAVE to find another job so now you job shop, whereas before, it was the stress of not knowing what you should do and whether you would make it better or worse for yourself.

The only thing I would suggest is not rushing to the Petco for an interview especially now that Finley needs you and that you might have more appointments to head to etc. I would take this as an oppurtunity to be there for your boyfriend whilst working an old job that knows you well and that could most likely give you hours that work around everything going on right now. Then, when things are stable, you could focus on the Petco. If they give you an interview and ask you to start immediately but it cause conflicts with the appointments/surgery etc. and right off the bat it makes things a bit tricky for them schedule wise, it may just rub them off the wrong way and that could make you lose this job oppurtunity.

Just a suggestion. I know it's not easy.

Big hugs to you and I hope things settle for you soon. Thank goodness for old jobs that you can go back to. :)
That is rough Amy! But I long as you have the other job, it was best to leave. I have left jobs over the management being makes the work horrible, even if you love the job itself.

Taking days off does suck for the manager, but you did have a emergency situation and she should have been understanding.

I hope Finley feels better soon, and the surgery goes well. Take some time for yourself too!
I'm so burnt out on this work drama, that I don't feel like typing my boss & I's conversation out in my blog. But, this morning I went into the shop and talked to her. I laid my feelings out and we worked on a conclusion. She apologized for reacting the way she did and was more understanding when we talked today.

I told her that grooming 7-8 dogs a day on the salary pay that she has me at just makes me feel like I am not making the money that I could be making, if I was grooming that many while on commission. I told her that most days that many dogs is just too stressful for me, when the pay rate on top of it just makes it too much for me to handle. She said she didn't know I was so stressed because I do a good job, but she does notice that some days I am a bit "off" (which is normal for any groomer, some days just really suck, no matter what).

She said we could work on evening out my dogs. I told her 6-7 is something I feel like I can handle, with occasionally grooming 8 dogs (some days are a lighter load then others).

She said she could raise my pay up to $500 per week - after taxes that comes out to about $430, max. Right now I make $460 per week - after takes it comes out to $394 and some change. $500 per week comes out to $26,000 per year. Right now she has me at $24,000 per year. She asked me to think about it today and get back to her tonight. When I was leaving, she hugged me and said I am a really great girl. And I guess its really not that I don't want to not work at my current salon, I just want my pay to be fair.

I called my friend & co worker and she told me that she makes $32,000 per year and she grooms anywhere from 6-9 dogs a day (9 being rare), while being paid commission (I think she is at 50% or 55%). So, I know that if I was on commission, then I'd make somewhere around $30,000 per year.

I texted my boss a little while ago and told her that I really do want to come back, but I'd prefer to be on commission. I told her that if she wants me to stay on salary, then I'd need to make $450 after taxes, which puts my pay check up to about $540 some-odd per week before taxes...which is about $28,000 per year. I told her that at that point, doing 7 dogs a day (occasionally 8) would make me feel more comfortable...knowing my pay is comparable.

See, on commission if I groomed 6 dogs a day at $38 each (lowest hair cut price we have), times the total by 2 (50% commission), times that total by 5 working days per week, then you get the total.

6 dogs x $38 each = $228 divided by 2 = $114 x 5 days of work per week = $570.

That should be the bare minimum I'd make right now while on commission, seeing as we are very busy. Of course, sometimes I get a $28 bath groom dog or a $22 Chihuahua bath....but generally the average groom price (what you'd groom the most per day) is around $38-$40 per day.

So, now that we are SUPER busy and all of the 2 times a year gigantic dog shave downs are coming in....more money can be made. A simple Labrador shave down is $64! A simple German Shepherd bath is around $42-$46. A cat bath is $42. A cat shave is $62. This isn't including the "spa packages" that get added on - I usually sell 8 to 10 a week, which is $80 - $110 extra per week!

I'm just waiting for her to reply back to me now. I'm nervous, but confident. I know that I can go to another shop and make 50% commission, so I am hoping she realizes that and works with me here. She doesn't want to groom and with me gone...she now has to groom 7-8 dogs a day (compared to her 2-4 a day when she does groom), and work on Fridays & Saturdays - she's off on Fridays and I'm the only Saturday groomer.
My boss finally got back to me. She's putting me back on 50% commission and scheduling me 5-6 dogs a day for right now, and I can add more if I'd like :biggrin:. So, I'll go back to work tomorrow. She said that her and I just need to keep an open line of communication. I'm very relieved. Now when I groom dogs, I will be making money off of each dog...and it will feel like I'm actually earning my money. Its exciting knowing if I get a Chihuahua bath or something of similar size...I can make an easy $11 or so within 15 minutes :p.

Anyway....I baked vegan cupcakes today. Finley helped decorate the first batch. I'll be bringing them into work and some into Finley's work - just too many for us to eat!

The first batch is a white cake with applesauce instead of eggs. I used a white frosting and colored it with neon food coloring. They are topped with sprinkles!






The next batch is a golden cake made with applesauce instead of eggs, mixed diced walnuts into the batter. I used a white frosting, but added apple bits. I topped them with diced walnuts and a dash of cinnamon.





How wonderful things worked out with your boss! :party0002:It's good that you stood up for yourself so things are more fair. Perhaps she really didn't think she was being mean or she didn't really look at things from your perspective?

The cupcakes make me hungry. I hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you go vegan? I am interested because the thought of what meat really is makes me feel ill, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I know, just don't eat it, but it's not quite that simple. :toast:
Things at work are going way better :). I'm already back to loving my job and feeling like I'm actually earning my money. In just 2 1/2 days my pay check (that I get tomorrow) will be $300 after taxes (around $355 before). I only groomed 4 dogs one day, 5 the next, and 6 yesterday. On salary, I would have groom 7-8 for 5 days and brought home a $394 pay check after taxes ($460 before). can see how pleased I am now!!

I bought a new pair of Geib Gators curved shears yesterday and they are amazing! I guess I got the "need new grooming tools" bug, because then I came home and bought a green Les Poochs brush ($50 stinkin brush!), Wahl Competition Series blades in a #4F & #5F, and a purple Bravura trimmer (for sanis, feet, faces, little dogs). I spent $300 in total yesterday, but I am dying to try my new tools. Grooming is all about keeping on educating yourself AND nice tools to make your job easier.

I really can't wait to try the Les Poochs slicker brush. Its supposed to be the very best - makes brushing out the dog faster and no pain for the dog). I wanted to buy the mat zapper from LP as well, but its $ I figured I'd give the cheaper brush a shot first. If these brushes are really all they are talked up to be (a magic wand), then I will be sooooo excited. I am just so sick of brushing out matted dogs - and I don't have the patience for it.

On a side note....

Finley goes into his Orthopedic appointment today in an hour-ish. They are going to see if the swelling has gone down and if it has, then his surgery is tomorrow at 2:15. I'll drop him off at the hospital at 12:15 and cruize up the street to work until he's done with surgery. That way I can still make money...he said he's fine with me not waiting around while hes getting it done.

Oh, and Sawyer is just the sweetest bunny. He jumps up on the couch now to sit on Finley's chest & soak up the lovin'...and he likes the lay on the floor with me while I am on the computer.


That is all so awesome!

Where did you go to school to become a groomer?
BooLette....I went to "school" at the shop that I work at. I paid $3500 and they trained me to groom in 3 months :).

Its been nearly 12 days since I last updated. Hrm...

Finley had his surgery and he is doing really well. He got 4 pins and a metal plate in his ankle. Its been a bit over a week since surgery. He's got about 5 more weeks of putting no weight on his leg - and he is super sick of staying at home laying on the couch. He's gone out a few times to the store, but its just a hassle and he isn't good with the crutches.

We went to the DES office today and they are hopefully giving him medical insurance to cover all the medical bills (like $13k), and a food card ($200 worth of groceries a month). So, if he gets both of those, then a lot less stress will be upon us. Right now I am having to pay for everything - which I can afford, but it just means less money to put into savings.

Because of him being out of work, we are thinking we will have to wait to move to Austin, TX around January of next year instead of October/November of this year. With buying new grooming tools, needing to spend some of my savings, and him not working & therefore not able to save.....we don't think we will have the funds to move as soon as we hoped. I'm bummed, but I know if I work through the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays, then I'll make more money to save.

We also decided to take our 4 day San Diego trip at the end of August. We want to go to the SD Zoo & SD Wild Animal Park while we are only 7 hours away, versus 20+ hours away. Finley has never been, and he really enjoys things like that. Also, a little vacation for just the two of us is going to be wonderful.

Things at work aren't too bad. I'm making more money being on commission rather then salary, as I already knew. My boss hired a new groomer from Vegas. I guess she "ran away from" an abusive relationship. She has 6 years grooming experience, but hasn't groomed in a few years. She came for her audition on Friday and she was scheduled 2 dogs to groom - a **** Tzu (very common and easy) and a Wheaton (not so common, but still fairly easy). She must have been overwhelmed from her personal life & grooming again (after not for a few years), because she was crying and all panicked.

I can understand being stressed and such, but you really need to try to keep it together for a job interview. After all of that boss still hired her.

At the end of the day on Friday the kennel manager asked me if my boss has talked to me. I said no...and she told me that the new girl was to come in tomorrow (Saturday) and rough-in (preshave, clip nails, etc) dogs for me (I'm the only Saturday groomer). That really pissed me off since my boss was the one who said we need to keep an open line of communication - and there she goes...being sketchy again.

The new girl ended up leaving a voicemail at the shop on Saturday morning saying its probably not a good idea if she comes in today, because she is feeling very anxious - and to give her a call if we need her to "save our butts".

My boss is STILL hiring her and I guess she will be in the shop for her official first day tomorrow. It's such crap!

The furkids are all doing well. I will update with some pictures and more things about them later or tomorrow :).

Oh, and I do have a little spur of the moment mini-rant....
I AM SO SICK OF THIS TINY LITTLE APARTMENT!! People always fight around us. The manager lady knocks on our door and tells us to quiet down all of the time....even when we don't feel as though we are being loud - we will just be watching t.v. and talking. Granted, we do keep the windows open because its a nice temperature outside and turning on the AC right now would be foolish.

There is just no where to store anything in here - I have 1 regular sized closet with sliding doors in the bedroom and then skinny shelved pantry in the kitchen area. My closet is mostly filled with bins for the rabbit hay, rabbit litter, toilet paper & paper towel bags, 5lb bags of bulk rabbit food (because its on super sale right now), bunny toys, then some stuff like my sewing machine in a box, wedding dress in a box, plastic drawer of shoes/purses/stuff, and my vacuum. And with only 2 double windows in the apartment (1 in the living room and 1 in the bedroom) feels dark & depressing.

Arggg....I can't wait to move. I'd move into another apartment because my lease is up in September, but its hard to find month-to-month places and we want to get out of this state around January.

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