2011 Texan Tales & Tails

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For those who are wondering - my husband built our bed frame (and no - by no means is he a carpenter)....it has a high headboard and footboard.

When we got our new tv and dvd (blue ray?) player a few weeks ago - he mounted it to the footboard.

Yeah - we love it. Plus we can close the curtains on the side for privacy and it feels romantic...and we have lights mounted by our pillows sorta for reading.

Now Eric is talking about making his own bed frame too....based off ours I think...
Oh my goodness.....need to go to bed....BUT...

its 2:30 am....and Ske-doosh is doing the Bunny 500 in his cage - one lap at a time - as fast as he can.....and now he has Melody doing it in her cage too.

No wonder they always look so tired when I come out in the morning...
Now to try to head to bed for some sleep - been up all night reading "The Confession" by John Grisham....WOW. Really good book - not as gruesome as some of his others and I could barely put it down. Well ... really...I guess I COULDN'T put it down since here I am....

Off to try and nap....maybe.
Oh, Peg! You know Holland Lops are my favorite and tort/broken torts are my FAVORITE favorite, why do you torture me so with pictures of babies?! I want to have lots of torty babies hop all over me! The cuteness, it burns.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oh, Peg! You know Holland Lops are my favorite and tort/broken torts are my FAVORITE favorite, why do you torture me so with pictures of babies?! I want to have lots of torty babies hop all over me! The cuteness, it burns.
I will admit - there is almost nothing like having all that holland lop cuteness hopping all over the bed and playing and binkying and of course I adore torts/broken torts. (I am still not sure if I'll have lionlops born this weekend from Dotty - if so - there is a good chance of brokens!)

I'm almost starting to be able to tell them apart...almost. Maybe. On a good day....if I've spent time observing them.

I must admit though that I have a couple of favorites - the ones that will let me pet them of course!

send a holland my way
jeanluc_pippen_merry wrote:
Ske-doosh is such an awesome name!:biggrin:
Thanks! A friend named him (he was someone else's rabbit first) - he is a hoot.

I love the name Jeanluc - I wish I'd thought of it for our rabbits - I never thought before of using the Star Trek names....thinking I might do a litter with the names of the characters from the various shows.

I've been stomping around all afternoon since reading this forum.


"So much holland cuteness" :X

"Holland lops are my FAVORITE"... :X:X:X

SCUSE ME???? :pssd:

What about the "flemish cuteness" with poor CJ and Fat Butt who are locked up? What about poor Thunder who will soon be locked up and having to endure the camera for y'alls enjoyment???

HOLLAND LOPS ARE A PAIN IN THE ....well....you know where. Even FAT BUTT knows where... :coolness:

They're fast and active and run and play and binky. :lookaround

They don't lay sedately like a well-mannered flemish giant. No...they don't specialize in "couch potato" skills. :pssd::pssd::pssd:

You'd think they had to run the Bunny 500 TWICE a day...while we're trying to sleep. :X:X

Not only that - but does a holland lop take care of 8 babies at a time? 13 babies?

No....those lazy bums...they have 2-4 babies....maybe 5 if you really push them.

So come on folks...its time for FLEMMIE LOVE TOO!:innocent:innocent:innocent:innocent:innocent

Now I gotta go back into the office and tell the girls how y'all have been treating flemish - they may insist on now having those babies for an extra 2-3 days just to make you wait.

I HOPE THEY DO!!!:coolness:

- One very frustrated flemish giant who is way cuter than any holland she's ever seen....:lookaround:lookaround:lookaround:lookaround:lookaround
TinysMom wrote:
jeanluc_pippen_merry wrote:
Ske-doosh is such an awesome name!:biggrin:
Thanks! A friend named him (he was someone else's rabbit first) - he is a hoot.

I love the name Jeanluc - I wish I'd thought of it for our rabbits - I never thought before of using the Star Trek names....thinking I might do a litter with the names of the characters from the various shows.
Hehe, i am a star trek fan. Wouldn't go as far as to call myself a trekkie, but definitely a fan and when i saw how confident and sure of himself he looked in his baby pic, the name just popped into my head. xD

Ske-doosh is named after the word that Jack Black uses alot, most recently in Kung Fu Panda? Or is there a character with that name that us Aussies probably haven't heard of? (were always the last to know! lol) >.<
Oh Nyx, we love you, it's just a given!

But youknow that you're so regal and magnificent, with your giant ears and thunderous binkies -you just don't need that much reasurment!

Those stumpy Hollands though, those guys need a constant reminder. They can get quite insecure, you know, with their short little ears and their flat faces. Yuck.

Don't worry, you're still our favourite...but don't tell the Hollands. :biggrin2:
plasticbunny wrote:
Oh Nyx, we love you, it's just a given!

But you know that you're so regal and magnificent, with your giant ears and thunderous binkies - you just don't need that much reasurment!

Those stumpy Hollands though, those guys need a constant reminder.  They can get quite insecure, you know, with their short little ears and their flat faces.  Yuck.

Don't worry, you're still our favourite...but don't tell the Hollands. :biggrin2:

And of course, your Indiana Mama thinks you are THE BEST!!
:big kiss:

And have ANY of those Hollands made a cross-country flight? I don't think so! :nope:

Plus, YOU are the herd matron...an honor NONE of the Hollands will ever be allowed. Because you are the smartest, prettiest, and most regal Flemish in the herd.

Not to mention, LARGE and IN CHARGE. (But not as LARGE as Fat-Butt, er, I mean, Athena.) :biggrin2:

Because I want to remember this - Classic tv songs done via. barbershop quartet...
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Babies incoming!!
Let's play a little game....

We're only going to work with three does - the three that I'm 99% sure are pregnant.

All three does were bred July 1st. Two of them spent the night with their buck - Meatball spent about 3 hours. Harmony is the only experienced mama.

The does could give birth anytime from July 1st - August 2nd and be within a safe range.

The three does are:

Harmony - bred to Dukey

CJ - bred to Mercury

Meatball - bred to Brady Hawkes

The game...

Who will deliver first? When will they deliver (date and time range)

How many kits (both live and DOA) will each doe have?

No real prize - other than playing.

I will give a hint....one doe is already digging in the nestbox and playing with the hay...

I'm going to guess Harmony delivers first! Tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 :D I hope some babies are born on August 1st, that's my first wedding anniversary AND Phoebe Mae's 3rd birthday. In honor of those circumstances, I say a prize should be a Flemmie baby :D
No babies yet (not that I expected them quite this early)....but the mamas are looking like they want to pop NOW!!!

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