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A new home in the country doesn't sound bad for Oreo... It sounds as though you have tried to weigh out all options, but a resultant death cannot be ignored.

I used to have a Doberman-- I was her retirement home from a breeding program. I didn't want the dog because of the rabbits (Maggie was my heart and I would have died if anything happened to her). The dog turned out to be the sweetest thing in the world. She passed away from a fast-growing tumor on her liver.

The breeder offered me the daughter of this Dobbie because she wasn't producing pups. I was thrilled, at first, but I just didn't think I could go through the process of "testing her" with the rabbits. She wasn't her mother, and trust is a big issue for me. I turned the offer down with the knowledge that my Dobbie's daughter may go to another home. It kills me to do that because I would love to have her in my life.

Peg, if the trust is gone, don't hesitate or think too much about it. You did what you were supposed to do in Oreo's life, not much different than a foster situation. Let Oreo have his own home with lot's of running-room. Maybe that what he needs now that he is feeling better. I think you have made a good choice.
myheart wrote:
Peg, if the trust is gone, don't hesitate or think too much about it. You did what you were supposed to do in Oreo's life, not much different than a foster situation. Let Oreo have his own home with lot's of running-room. Maybe that what he needs now that he is feeling better. I think you have made a good choice.

I totally agree. Oreo showed up on your door step in need. You took him in and made him healthy. You should feel great about that! However, now that he's well you are doing the best thing for everyone by letting him go to this great home you have found. It sounds like it will cheer up the guy who lost the dog, it will be great for Oreo to be able to run crazy and play, it will be less stress for you, and keep your bunns safe. It's a win all around.

Please don't think of it as you abandoning him, because you aren't. His original owner did when he just tossed him out. You are doing the responsible thing finding a good home for an animal that you helped along the way. And you just can't risk your bunns' health.

Please pass our condolences on to Robin. What a horrible thing to happen on a birthday. :(

:hug2: :pray:
TinysMom wrote:
Erin - I don't "make" money at all with the rabbits - I pay a huge amount every month on their feed bill - almost as much as our car payment is.
I can't imagine what the expense would be! Sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean for it to sound like I think you "breed for profit"... I know you don't! :biggrin2:
I wish you the very best in making this decision. It is certainly not an easy one to make, but you haveour support with whatever you decide. :hug1
Thanks everyone.

And Erin - I wasn't offended at all - really! Just wanted everyone to realize that this wasn't based on money at all....the rabbits are definitely more of a hobby than bringing in any income.

As it turns out - Dale doesn't want Oreo....so I will have to advertise him on Craigs List or something....it is something I need to figure out. Its hard because he's coming and sleeping by my feet now and giving me lots of kisses. I think he knows he did something VERY WRONG (Art was the one who found him with Roxie and rescued her - and he gave Oreo a spanking that I think made him realize just how bad he was.

I took Oreo in with all the other rabbits and a stick to spank him with if he went near any of them (that was how I trained Sasha).

He hid under something and wouldn't come out at all and wouldn't even look at the rabbits.

So I find myself asking, "Do I trust him again?"

I think the answer is probably still no.
Still no babies....I think I'm ok with that.

But...I wanted to share about my health since I haven't shared recently.

I haven't taken my blood pressure in the last couple of days but I can tell that it is down in a normal range just from the way I'm feeling.

I'm taking my pills EVERY DAY and really being careful to take care of myself.

In addition, I've been doing a bit of reading about diabetes (and losing belly fat) and other than the treat I posted about earlier - I've been doing pretty good with my eating.

I'm still waiting for the person at the hospital to come back from leave so I can meet with them - and I still have to have bloodwork done too so that we can see if I'm pre-diabetic or diabetic.

The more I read about all this though - the more I realize that a loss of even 25 pounds would make a major difference and possibly keep the diabetes away or from turning into diabetes.

So I'm trying hard to watch what I eat and I hope to exercise more once September gets here and it is cooler. (Actually - I am toying with driving to the mall and doing mall walking to get more exercise - but I haven't yet reached that point of just DOING it).

While I was at the hospital for my appointment, I got a booklet on arthritis called "Keep Moving". It was put out by Tylenol and it gave exercises you can do at home to stretch, etc. and I'm going to start doing those to help me out (I have to SEE them and it has diagrams).

So I'm pretty happy about my health and where it is going and what I plan to be doing about it.

I also got a really neat book on getting rid of belly fat and it is so awesome. It has pictures on the left of "bad" choices and then alternative GOOD choices are pictured on the right page. It is really helpful in understanding what I should and shouldn't eat.
Wow that's a hard and sad decision that you have to make about your dogs, but it sounds like a necessary one. Sometimes things happen that force you to make decisions you're not going to like to make, but when there is no better alternative, what can we do but go with the decision that will be the best for all in the long run. I would say not to feel sad or guilty, but were all human and our emotions get the better of us sometimes. You tried to give them a happy home but in the end it hasn't been working out. So you have to do what you feel is best for all your pets. And dogs adjust to new people and surrounding much better than rabbits do because dogs have a desire to please humans, so wouldn't worry too much about them, if they're going to a good home then they will be perfectly happy there once they settle in. ^.^

Ugh, diabetes. My grandfather has had it since he was in his early 20's i believe. He is now 78 and still has it under control, so it's definitely manageable. A good healthy diet and plenty of exercise will help keep it under control, or keep it away if you have pre-diabetic symptoms. Not that im a doctor or anything lol, just going by my experience with my grandfather. My mother died when i was very young so i was brought up by my grandparents and had to learn about his condition so that i could help with cooking the right foods for him etc. He also has heart problems too though so he had to be extra strict with what he ate and exercise.
No babies - decided they weren't pregnant.

That's probably a very good thing....and I'm ok with it.

Just came across this on facebook though - and since I'm almost 52....I had to share it.

MIDDLE AGE TEXTING CODES: ATD - at the doctor. BFF -best friend fell. BTW -bring the wheelchair. BYOT - bring your own teeth. FWIW - forgot where I was. GGPBL - gotta go, pacemaker battery low. GHA -got heartburn again. IMHO -is my hearing aid on? LMDO - laughing my dentures out. OMMR - on my massage recliner. ROFLACGU -rolling on floor laughing and can't get up. TTYL - talk to you louder!
Well....time for an update on ME - not the bunnies.

First of all - I've been taking my meds EVERY DAY and I can see a big difference in my blood pressure and the way I feel. At times I still feel a bit overwhelmed with the house (cause I want to organize it ALL AT ONCE) - but then I remind myself that it didn't get so disorganized in one day - so its not gonna get organized in one day either.

I need to go into the hospital in a few days to get my bloodwork done and try to get an appt. with the person who helps diabetics/pre-diabetics with their diets. First though we have to get the car inspected (so we can get on base - retired military using military hospital!) and then get my ID renewed (expired in late June).

I had a talk last week with Alicia and I think it was a big help. I have never dealt with anyone who has diabetes other than an uncle who basically controls it with one medication and his diet. I called him after talking to my doctor and it sorta sounded easy to work on. Then Alicia told me about the people she's known who have it.


I feel like someone out of the movie "Scared Straight" - not about jail - but about just how serious my actions could affect me in a negative way if I don't take care of this.

Thanks Ali....I think....:p

I recently ordered the Johns Hopkins white paper on depression (its over 50 pages and every year they do one with new and updated information). I haven't received it yet - but I did receive an instant download of something else about depression from them and as I read it - it talked about "talk therapy" when dealing with depression and how "self talk" and stuff like that. Some of it was ok....some of it was like "yeah right..". :?

I did a bit of research on it on the net and some of it was very new agey...eh.

But I decided that there are things I could do that would help me....like I'm going to print up a list of verses about our identity in Christ that I have - and try to review it every day or so. I'm going to try to journal when I start to get depressed and see if I can find a pattern to it - whether it might be certain times of day - or a response to something that happens in my life - etc. etc.

I'm thinking about treating myself to a new Bible. I used to get a new Bible every couple of years - since I write notes in them all the time - my Bibles are like a journal of my life. I have had so many - and love them all for different reasons. But I've always wanted one of Dr. Stanley's Bibles with the resource notes on the Life Principles he's found as he studies the Bible. I am going to look into them on Ebay - I think I'd like a large print one - not 100% sure.

Anyway - thats sort of where I'm at in my life. Art shared some disturbing news today and I will share that....so that folks who believe in prayer can be praying...

Art's shop has union representation (he's not a union member) and they have a bargaining agreement with the company - I think this is the 4th year they've had it...something like that.

We've known for a while that this year everyone in Art's classification (Tech II) would be getting a large raise...almost $10 per hour....in October.

But with all that is going on with the economy - Art believes (as does Dale his friend) that there is a good chance that when this contract runs out - the company will try to work things so that they can get out of the agreement (there are ways if you're tricky enough) and pay the guys less....possibly 50% of what their new wages will be....or maybe a bit more.

So once October hits - we're going to work on paying off as much as we can as soon as we can. We had hoped to have a bit of fun with some of the money - maybe go on a vacation...but there are about some bills we want to wipe out in case that happens....so we'd only be left with our mortgage.

Of course - I'm praying that they don't do this - I don't see where they could do it before October of NEXT year...but you never know.

I've decided that I will NOT let this depress me....I'm gonna be proactive about it and be happy that we have the money and rejoice in the fact that we're not one of the families that don't have jobs - know what I mean?

Art & I talked about the fact that I could go to work....but he likes me at home - at my age - I like being at home - and since he works a rotating schedule - we actually get to SEE each other and not just be ships passing in the night.

So that's it - for now.

But tomorrow - I'll share about our marriage/history because it will be our 32nd wedding anniversary!

I did nothing. :)
=JadeIcing wrote:
I did nothing. :)

Uh....yeah.....right. NOT!

You told me about your uncle (I think it was an uncle) and then about your grandmother. You made me realize that I need to take better care of myself NOW because you shared with me how dangerous diabetes could be. I knew a little bit about diabetes but not enough to realize just how bad it can get.

I'm about to start on a big project tonight (I sleep during the day with Art). I'm pretty excited about it - I'm actually going to be going through my books tonight and sorting them into "keep" and "discard". I have three boxes - one for Alicia - one for a friend who wants to write and I'll send her some of my books and magazines on writing - and one for Eric of "nearly new" books that he can take into Hastings and exchange for credit towards books.

Its pretty big because there are several steps to it - and I'm only working on the books in my bedroom and bedroom closet tonight - to put things into perspective - at one point in time we had 12 bookcases that were 5' or 6' tall....then we cut it down to about 8 bookcases....then down to maybe 4 or 5 - not sure. I'm not sure what it would be at now....quite a lot still.

So yeah - I love to read books - and reread them - and reread them - and did I mention reread them?

Then again - I'm the same way about movies...
YAY! Send along schleich and scrapbook stuff. :p
JadeIcing wrote:
YAY! Send along schleich and scrapbook stuff. :p
In your dreams....

Part of why I'm doing this is so I can display / play with some of my "toys" more.

I haven't even begun to think about my scrapbooking stuff - you may get another box in about 3 months when I figure out where everything is (God help us) and sort through it.

I am hopefully going to remember to send you a certain purse though....hopefully.

I bought a 12" X 12" box for your books but I may wind up using the 14" X 14" box I bought instead....

Oh - and I need your addy again - in pm or a facebook message.

Yeah - I could sort through my pms here....if I had the time - then you might get the books by next Easter if lucky!

Sent on Facebook

Diabetes, if not taken seriously, is potentially life-threatening. I don't think you want to end up on dialysis or anything of the sort. That being said, asthma can also be life-threatening but look how many people have it. It all depends on how you treat your body, and how seriously you take it. Being aware and being logical makes a huge difference. For example, if you have diabetes, you don't go eat a dozen donuts everyday, expecting to be perfectly fine.

It's just being aware, and changing things. If you drink juices and soda, you'll have to cut back on those and find things to drink which contain less sugar. You even have to watch fruits and things, and there are certain times of the day which are better to eat certain things because you have more time to process the sugars etc. It's all about adapting and making new habits. I, myself, have to be very aware and very careful because of my hypoglycemia. I have to eat very similarly to a diabetic unless I am having a sugar crash so I know how it is firsthand.(By the way, if you do have diabetes, you should learn the symptoms of hypoglycemia as well because it can be tricky at first if you cut back on too much sugar or if you need insulin, etc.)

Also, learning to test your blood regularly will help you keep track of things and see what truly causes issues. For example, for me, if I haven't eaten much in the day and then go on to eat pasta for dinner, I am almost sure to crash. Knowing this, I make sure to eat properly if I plan on making pasta for dinner, or choose something other than pasta if we are at a resto, etc. It can be overwhelming at first, trying to figure what's good, what's not, and when. Trust me though, you get used to it and eventually you feel like it's something you've done for a long time.

On the other hand, if you choose to ignore your body, you will be sick. You'd be surprised to know just how sick you can get from it too.

http://www.diabetes.org/has a lot of information. Oh and handy tip, if you have to test your sugar, prick beside your nail instead of pricking the pad of your finger. This is virtually painless. I was pricking the pad at first and ended up with some pretty nice bruises. Lol.

If you don't have a glucose meter, I *believe* you can get a free one online or at the drug store. I got mine free at the store and pay the refills. I have this one:


I haven't tried others yet but I am satisfied with that one as it's really handy to carry around. I like the pouch that it comes in. It's painless, quick, and very simple to handle. :)

Oh and for the bible... Have you heard of this one?:

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Thanks for your comments and concern. You have no idea just how much it means to me that people care so much.

I'm about to head to bed - but I have to share that I worked some on my books and decided to divide the project over three days at least (and that is just for the books in my bedroom - let alone the rest of the house).

Tonight we got two bookcases set up to be one tall bookcase and I went through the books in them and pulled out what I'm getting rid of. I have a picture I'll share later - two probably - one is of the bookshelf and one is of a couple of boxes of books. I think I have about 8 of those boxes to go through tonight when Art is at work - and then tomorrow night I will work on the dresser top and the books in the dresser drawers.

Art looked at what we'd done and was REALLY impressed and pleased.

I've found some new verses of scripture I want to work on memorizing. Our Pastor used them in a sermon a few weeks ago and talked about "tough times" and are we really willing to trust God through those tough times.

If you notice in the scripture - there is no real reason given for rejoicing - there is nothing to give one hope...yet the writer declares he will rejoice.

Habakkuk 3:17-19

17[/sup] Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
18[/sup] yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior. 19[/sup] The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights.

I'm finding that memorizing scripture is really helping my depression and God often brings me verses when I need them the most and don't feel like looking them up.

I wound up breaking down and ordering Dr. Stanley's Life Principles Bible. I'm super excited - I was able to get it in burgundy leather on Ebay for a little over $25 (including shipping).

I looked at the one you shared Nela and I may try to get that one for the New Year or something - but I've wanted this Bible for so long and waffled back and forth on it so many times. Normally, I do not like to get a Bible that has study notes by only one person....but the fact is - I've listened to Dr. Stanley off and on for about 20 years and I still have sermon notes from about 20 years ago that I go and reread sometimes and have put in 2 or 3 Bibles. Something about his teaching just really...challenges me and makes me grow I guess. So I'm super excited.

And for those who are wondering - some of the Bibles I've had over the last 20 years are:

Discipleship Study Bible - from 1986....I bought one for Art and fell in love with his

Thompson Chain Reference (I need to share a story about that) - I just wish it had more room to write in

Kay Arthur's Inductive Study Bible - in both NIV and NASB

Life Application Study Bible - from when I worked at the Christian bookstore and she gave me a 40% discount on it cause she knew I loved it

ESV Study Bible (which I really have yet to explore)

The Quest Study Bible

The Amplified Bible - I'd love to get it in large print now that I'm older

There have been a couple of others but these were the main ones I remember at the moment.

As I said - I tend to write in them - a LOT - and they become like a journal of my life during a certain period of time. Some notes get copied from Bible to Bible - while others don't.

Now to share the story about the Thompson Chain.....my dad and stepmom got it for me around 1986 I guess...something like that - maybe before then. I loved that Bible and filled it with notes on the sides and just really used it all the time.

Then we were in church one day and the preacher wanted to speak on "dry bones" from Ezekiel. I forget the exact chapter - but I looked and I looked and I looked again in my Bible and couldn't find it. I was getting frustrated to the point that I turned to the index - looked to make sure I was in the right area and then turned back to look again.

Turns out that I had TWO sets of the same 64 pages....and was missing one set of 64 pages. :(

I went to the Christian bookstore (that I worked at years later) and asked about exchanging it for one that had ALL the scripture and they said it would have to be sent back to the publishers with a note.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't give up my Bible - I mean....it had so many notes and stuff in it.

Years later - I finally bought myself another Thompson's Chain Reference - AFTER MAKING SURE IT WAS ALL THERE!!!

When I went to buy my ESV Bible - I was feeling so guilty - I mean - I have ALL THESE BIBLES here....but Robin really helped me. She was like, "Mom....a married woman will often do things like get a new nightie or something to enhance the relationship...maybe getting a new Bible will help bring new joy and insights to your quiet time....especially where it is a new version for you..".

Ah.....a daughter after my own heart.

Anyway - I gotta head to bed before I fall over. Later today I hope to share about our anniversary.....32 years. WOW.

Forgot to share this in my last post....

As far as the diabetes goes...if I am diabetic (and I am assuming if I am prediabetic) - the military will give me the machine (of their choice) for doing my blood testing plus all the things I need (test strips?) on a quarterly basis. So I am not going to buy anything right now since I know they'll provide it for free.

I did buy a meter last year when I thought I was prediabetic - I don't know where it is right off and I never used it because I was scared and it looked complicated to understand what the numbers meant and when to take my readings, etc.


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