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  1. AmyBunny

    Behavior Issues With New Rabbit

    I agree with other posters about the smell of the other rabbits might be making him upset. Also it sounds like he is very frightened of you and lashing out to keep you away. FOr a few days, I would actually keep him in his pen if you can... how big is it? and be very careful when putting down...
  2. AmyBunny

    Worried over small fecals...

    Well obviously you do all that you can for them. It does sound like it was the hay perhaps. I would steer clear of it! I also know a bunny who flops when gassy... she actually flops hard on the floor, and even slaps her stomach against her litter box, trying to alleviate the gas. Poor...
  3. AmyBunny

    Marmalade has been "bunnynapped"

    I'm a member of Rabbit Rescue, and to be clear, Alicia is not personally at fault here and the situation is definitely not one that is easy. Alicia's mother DID state in emails that they would NOT pay for vet care. She actually said she would "let her suffer" if RR would not cover the costs...
  4. AmyBunny

    Worried over small fecals...

    If he is hunching up, then yes I would be more worried. Is he drinking at all? I'd be giving the subQ when hubby is home. Also when you try him with the greens, stick to just romaine, and wet them down. Hopefully you have been quick enough and will be able to help him move the gas along. Can...
  5. AmyBunny

    Worried over small fecals...

    Personally if they are still small by this evening I would give subQ fluids to ensure he doesn't get dehydrated. If the simethecone isn't helping, then it's a good idea, and keep dosing with the simethicone as well. That's what I would do. Is he eating at all? I would actually offer him some...
  6. AmyBunny

    Caption Contest #53

    Cat: *ptoo!* Yuck! How do you eat dis stuff?
  7. AmyBunny

    My Anntone

    I'm really sorry to hear about Antonne. You did everything you could for him!
  8. AmyBunny

    Newbie with 2 Bunnies

    6 is middle-aged for most rabbits... the typical span is anywhere from 8-12 years for indoor rabbits who are fixed, I believe.
  9. AmyBunny

    new girl bunny

    That's fine. You can also visit and under the health section there is a listing of vets I believe.
  10. AmyBunny

    over wieght bunny

    Increase the hay for sure. Make sure it's Timothy hay, and they can have unlimited amounts of it. It's good for their teeth, digestion, etc etc and won't make them fat :)
  11. AmyBunny

    Ever so slightly worried about sniffling.sneezing

    Oh that's funny! Maybe that was it! Mine will sneeze whenever my mom is over - she is a smoker, and they can tell!!!
  12. AmyBunny

    new girl bunny

    If you give your location I'm sure that someone will know of a really good bunny very that could spay them. It is really worth it, because without it the health issues are much scarier! There is always a risk when they have surgery, BUT with a good rabbit vet they should be perfectly fine. I...
  13. AmyBunny

    Ever so slightly worried about sniffling.sneezing

    Do you notice her sneezing when she is eating her hay? Sometimes it's the dust. If you aren't seeing any discharge, and they don't sound rattly, it's PROBABLY nothing. However, you might want to take her in to the vet to have a listen just to be sure.
  14. AmyBunny

    Newbie with 2 Bunnies

    Your rabbits are lovely! I love their fur color!
  15. AmyBunny

    How long does this last?

    Well for the cage aggression I would suggest that you just let him come out on his own, if you aren't already, and not reach in when he is in there. The carpet - if he is digging in a corner, then what I would do is go to the store and buy one heavy ceramic floor tile for each corner he digs...
  16. AmyBunny

    over wieght bunny

    What breed is she? Is she spayed? What kind of pellets do they eat? Do they also get lots of hay? I would feed them seperately. Rabbits only need 1/4 cup of pellets per 5lbs of body weight. But you will need to ease her food down SLOWLY - if you do it too fast, she could get fatty liver...
  17. AmyBunny

    new girl bunny

    Hi there, You need to introduce rabbits VERY slowly. Two females are often the most difficult to bond. Are they both spayed? That will go a long way to being successful. Don't put them together again until you check out this link:
  18. AmyBunny

    abused rabbit what do i do?

    I hope she comes along quickly! Is she eating and pooping okay? I'm so glad she is safe with you!
  19. AmyBunny

    Thanksgiving Dilemma!

    Definitely bring them or have someone come over to check and feed them... I think that is too long to keep them home alone. The car ride will be much less stressful than leaving them alone, on all of you!
  20. AmyBunny

    Our Dog Stinks!!

    Could you try a skin lotion or something for the licking? maybe if he doesn't feel so itchy he won't lick as much. My dog once was left outside at dusk and got bitten like mad by mosquitos. He has very sensitive skin and was going crazy with all the bites. I tried lots of things, bathed him, etc...