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  1. Gnoccibun

    Bunny making unusual noise!

    Hi everybun! Haven't posted in a while, but I need some advice! My splayed girl who is 11 months old, has recently started making a snorting noise whenever she runs. Most of the time it's when she's running towards me. She's only been doing it for a couple of weeks, and you can only hear it...
  2. Gnoccibun

    Mirror Bunny

    Hi there, My bun has started licking and scratching the floor length mirror in my room, as well as my glass shower door. Could she think it's another rabbit? Sign of boredom or loneliness? Thanks
  3. Gnoccibun

    Keeping rabbits warm??

    Hi there, Here in Australia is starting to get chilly and I was wondering how I can keep my little girl warm in winter... Is it something I need to worry about or do they stay warm because of their fur? She doesn't sleep in a cage she has free roam of my bedroom and bathroom so I'm not sure...
  4. Gnoccibun

    Spraying rabbit??

    Hi there, my girl is nearly 6 1/2 months old and she is booked in to get neutered in a fortnight. I'm worried that she may be spraying urine now that she is older than 6 months... How can you tell if a rabbit is spraying? She spends most of the day under my bed and I'm worried that she's...
  5. Gnoccibun

    Needy bun

    Hi all. My bun is now about 5 months old and has still not been spayed (1 month to go). From all the research I've done its my understanding that rabbits can be very choosy when it comes to receiving attention from humans and sometimes like to be left alone, not touched or not cuddled...
  6. Gnoccibun

    Peeing out of Litter tray!

    Hi All, My bun has been perfectly litter trained for over 6 weeks now (has had a total of about 5 accidents out of litter box since being trained). However yesterday I came home and found a big puddle (definitely not just one wee) just outside the litter tray. I had run out of wood pellets...
  7. Gnoccibun

    Digging on my lap??

    Hi all! I was visiting a friend who I should mention has cats, and my Gnocchi bun was happily exploring the couch while I was sitting next to her, after about 15 minutes she came over to me and started biting my dress and digging in my lap. I kept moving her and she would come back and dig and...
  8. Gnoccibun

    Slimy poo!?!?

    Hi.. Came home tonight to find my bun had left some unusually slimy poos. There was a puddle of light brown slime or oil around the poo. It's happened once before... Anybody know what this is???
  9. Gnoccibun

    Photos just because!

    Just wanted to share some photos of Gnocci for all to enjoy!
  10. Gnoccibun

    Any other bunnies with splayed legs out there??

    My little Gnocci has splayed legs, mainly her front right leg and depending on the surface she is on, her back legs tend to splay too. Are there any other bunnies out there with this condition?? Would love to hear about them and see some pictures!
  11. Gnoccibun

    Vaccination side effects??

    My 13 week old bun was vaccinated 2 days ago but is still experiencing side effects. She's lethargic, doesn't really respond to me and isn't really moving around much. For a bunny that usually binkies her way through the day she's being very sleepy and lazy! How long do side effects of...
  12. Gnoccibun

    Need advice on Under bed sleeper!

    Hi! My bun likes to sleep under my bed at night , but when she does she is far away from her litter box. I usually go to bed around 11pm so If I put her in her litter box and she does her business and eats some hay before bed, can she last the night under there? It's also the only room in...
  13. Gnoccibun

    Introducing Gnocci

    Hi there! New to the forum as I have recently adopted my little bun Gnocci (female). Gnocci came from a kindergarten and due to trauma (being dropped or stood on), she lost the function of her two back legs and dragged them around behind her. I've had her for just over a month and she has...