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  1. Winterthebunny

    Please help!

    Yes, yes you should. From experience lethargy is a very serious thing. My rabbit, Winter, passed away because I didn't take the lethargy seriously. When it got worse enough, she died within 10 minutes. You can never be sure, even if your rabbit will turn out okay you should go to a rabbit vet.
  2. Winterthebunny


    I don't think it ruins the rest of the litter. I do change it every two days, sometimes every day, it depends, this is probably because of the box's size. The bottom layer of newspaper reduces the bedding from sticking to the sides and the waste falls out easier. I'd like to get her a much...
  3. Winterthebunny

    Pooping all over

    Neutering reduces "territorial droppings" that are basically scattered droppings in places. They do this to mark. However, rabbits do not have as much control over themselves with feces as they do with urine. Rabbits are infamous for being... err, dropping machines, haha. Is his hay in his...
  4. Winterthebunny

    Oats. (home made "bunny cookies")

    Also, sorry, just out of curiosity, silicone baking sheets are fine for baking this, right? They wont hurt the bunny? (I'm so paranoid... sorry o-o)
  5. Winterthebunny

    Oats. (home made "bunny cookies")

    LOL! I will make some, but I'll be putting them in toys I make for her. Also, about the rolled oats, I think they were mentioned on another site with that recipe. But anyways, off to baking I go. I'll make sure to give them to her only on occasion.
  6. Winterthebunny


    I use that now. Lasts for a long time and is pretty good. Only thing I can say is that it got stuck to my rabbit's fur a little bit because it turns into fine sawdust when wet. This is how I make my litterbox - Newspaper over bottom, a little bit of newspaper on the sides, too. Pour...
  7. Winterthebunny

    Oats. (home made "bunny cookies")

    Hi. I've already looked up a few things on oats but it seems people have different opinions on it. I saw a recipe for rabbit cookies. They look just fine, and a few call for oats. Some call for the pelleted feed, too. Are these oats okay? They said rolled oats for the recipe, so we bought...
  8. Winterthebunny

    kiwi fruit

    I don't think kiwis or the skin is bad for then, your bun should be fine. I wouldn't give it on a regular basis, but they can have kiwis now and then. Just feed them very sparingly like you would with any other fruit. c:
  9. Winterthebunny

    Does a rabbit know what's good for them?

    I would check often and make sure she isn't showing any signs of being too hot. Is there a reason she's up there? Food, water, toy, maybe somewhere she likes laying just because it's comfy?
  10. Winterthebunny

    Blackberry leaves and other wild things I can give my rabbit?

    I've heard rabbits can have blackberry leaves and raspberry leaves, and a view other things. I'd like to learn more about natural things I can pick for my bunny as a treat or to help make home made toys for her, so it'd be nice if you could share any ideas. c: Also, one question with...
  11. Winterthebunny

    Glue on rabbit toys?...

    A couple days ago I bought a toy for my rabbit. The store was closing soon and I didn't get to 'inspect' the toy that much, but it seemed just fine. After I brought it home, I realized that the toy wasn't fastened on to other areas of the toy with edible things for rabbits, but glue. Glue is...
  12. Winterthebunny

    Romaine hearts?

    I bought a pack of three romaine lettuce hearts for my rabbit. I thought I might have heard they can't have part of it.... So, the whole romaine heart, can they eat it? Not all at once, but I mean eating from the tip of the leaves to the bottom(which is the more thicker vein part, I guess...
  13. Winterthebunny

    What type of litter do you use? (litterboxes)

    Blue eyes wrote: Wow it's like you guys have the solution to everything, and with pictures! I think I'll try Yesterday's news. Other people on the web seem to like it. I do have wood pellets, but I recall them being toxic type wood for bunnies(wire cage floor so she can't get to them or...
  14. Winterthebunny

    What type of litter do you use? (litterboxes)

    We just got a litterbox for my rabbit Winter, I used a mix of baking soda, newspaper, and newspapers I shredded(for fluffiness but I don't think it even matters). She used it, peed in it, and it came out stinky and wet. I doubt my rabbit enjoyed that experience and I want to get something more...
  15. Winterthebunny

    NIC cage flooring

    Problem is is that my bunny poos in random places in her cage. Typically in the back right corner but also by her food crock so basically it's a big blob of space that's more than a quarter(maybe even half) of her cage.
  16. Winterthebunny

    Rabbit ate bad pear?!

    Thank you Imbrium, and LakeCondo for the diet information. I'll get some of that lettuce for her. Also I don't think she ate the seeds, I think she ate mostly around them. I'm glad she'll be okay, I'll monitor her closely.
  17. Winterthebunny

    Rabbit ate bad pear?!

    I'm really worried. As usual I let out my rabbit from her cage. I supervise her but I had to check something on the internet. Winter(my rabbit) has never really made any trouble. I've only had several pee accidents over a long time. Anyways. A bit later(5-10 minutes)I come back and she had...
  18. Winterthebunny

    NIC cage flooring

    I don't know. I mean, could I put something else in there? The waste tray is metal and is already a little rusty, I don't really want her to pee(if she does) onto bare metal.
  19. Winterthebunny

    NIC cage flooring

    I use "Dry Den", it doesn't list what wood it's made out of. They're compressed wood pellets that puff up with urine, but again it's a wire floor so she couldn't ever nibble on them.
  20. Winterthebunny

    NIC cage flooring

    Okay, good ideas, thanks! I tried doing the litter box training for a day, it was a failure and just took the space out of her already tiny hutch, she completely ignored it and just did her business beside it(I also have to constantly clean up "territorial droppings" when I let her out...)...