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  1. Dustiechick

    My bun suddenly hates his pellets?

    That happened to me once I just mixed in some oats and she ate the whole thing! I think it was just a bad bag.
  2. Dustiechick

    WINSTON & VEGA'S 5th.......

    Happy Gotcha Winston and Vega! :) I have to say Winston is the most adorable rabbit ever! He is like nothing I've ever seen! So unique! :) and vega is super cute too!
  3. Dustiechick

    9-11 ten years later

    I was 7 or 8 years old and every morning I would go downstairs and watch CBC kids. That morning the only thing on the CBC channel was news, and I remember going to my parents and being all mad that there were no cartoons and thinking the tv was broken. And my parents came down and saw it. They...
  4. Dustiechick

    Smudge is still agressive and obsessive post Spay

    It's possible try researching it. but it probably wouldnt affect smudges behavior if anything it might make it worse. I would really try for another rabbit that would probably make smudge happiest. If you bought a 500$ cage it's probably fairly large big enough for 2 rabbits. If not you...
  5. Dustiechick


    No, but I like using recycled cardboard litter. It's from walmart and it's called Boxo. It's super absorbent and made for rabbits.
  6. Dustiechick

    Smudge is still agressive and obsessive post Spay

    I was totally in your shoes! When I got dusty spayed I was told it would it would improve her behavior but I didn't notice any difference at all. She still chews everything and she's sweet but not like lay in your lap sweet. Some rabbits are just different. (btw dusty also chewed a hole in the...
  7. Dustiechick

    Olive, post-spay

    Glad to hear she's drinking. But be careful with the veggie wetting! I Was concerned Dustie wasn't drinking after her spay so I gave her water dipped spinach. Worst diarrhea ever!
  8. Dustiechick

    Smudges Recovery

    Yay! :)
  9. Dustiechick

    Banana ice cream

    I've tried this! Sooooo yummy! I added a bit of honey to sweeten it. I haven't thought of giving it to dusters though. I will now!
  10. Dustiechick

    Robbie not drinking :(

    I dont think robbie threw up as rabbits don't physically have the ability to throw up. I dont know what it would be. What did it look like? If it was brown it could be diaarhea. If it wasnt poo or pee then I would take him to the vet.
  11. Dustiechick

    Fraggles peeled paint off walls and ate it!!!

    he'll be fine! But good to take precautions. A while ago I had painted my nails and once they dried I didn't like them so I peeled them off and put the bits in the garbGe can. A few fell on the floor and the next day dusty started eating them. I just gave her some pineapple and she was fine. I...
  12. Dustiechick

    Wrangler is driving me up the wall!!

    He looooves you! Dusty will start chewing the books on the bookshelf and we'll say NO! And then she'll wait until were not paying attention to her and start again! Its cute but annoying but I'd rather have a sassy buun than a bun who just sits in the corner all day.
  13. Dustiechick

    *Help* Crazy Rabbit Story - Found Lost Rabbit!!!!??

    I really hope it's peanut! Please update!! :)
  14. Dustiechick

    Smudges Recovery

    Same thing happened to me when i got Dustie spayed. She had a wear a cone for a bit and I was concerned she couldnt drink water. So in my moment of panic I decided to give her water dipped spinach. Bad idea. She had the worst Diarhea all night. My bun didn't have any problems with not eating...
  15. Dustiechick

    will not eat pellets

    I used to feed Dustie one of those "fun feeds" and she would never eat the seeds so I started slowly introducing her over to just fortified Timothy pellets I think its called "healthy Timothy formula" or something. And she loves them, and now it's just routine that she gets the same amount in...
  16. Dustiechick

    New Here

    Hi sonja! Welcome to RO your rabbit is adorable! I love lion heads! :)
  17. Dustiechick

    What a twerp!

    Hahahahah! Some people have a hard time believing the rabbits have distinct personalities rather than just little furry things that sit in cages. Boy are they wrong!
  18. Dustiechick

    californian or netherland dwarf?

    Not sure what breed she is but she sure is cute! :)
  19. Dustiechick

    Kiwi's Bunny Blog

    Omigosh She is soooo adorable!
  20. Dustiechick

    What a twerp!

    Today dusty waas out and I was sitting on the carpet with her she was being pretty nice then she hopped to the other side of the room and started staring me down! Then Ran over to me on the carpet, looked at me, thumped her back legs LOUDLY, and then ran as fast as she could under the couch...