Smudges Recovery

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
I have some questions about Smudges recovery. She just got spayed this morning.

She feels a bit cooler then normal and when I petted her I could feel her shiver a bit so I cuddled her with a blanket for a bit until she decided to leave.

She also has not eaten much since we got home from the vets (5:00pm now 9:45pm my time) just a few sprigs of parsley and some lettuce. She also ate one strip of hay after I gently poked her with it. I have not seen her drink but she has peed and pooped.

Could it just be that she is tired and still lethargic from the surgery.

I have left her a lone for most of the night with the exception of a few pats and when I held her for a bit.

Just leave her be for the night, shes munching on something which is better then nothing, shes probably in pain, and might be a bit cool. I had a small space heater set up in the rec-room when my guys got home from their prodecures, keep them nice and toasty.
Try not to pick her up to hold her, leave her be, you can pat her and what not but keep her quiet, dont put strain on her body like that for the first day or so unless shes not eating at all.
Try and get some Cilantro into her, great for buns that arnt eating as much to prevent gas issues.
But everything sounds normal for a bun that just got their insides sliced out. Keep her quiet thats all :)
Unfortunately Smudge does not really like Cilantro, I know, weird rabbit right.

She still nibbling a bit this morning, I have been keeping lots of fresh veggies in her cage. I successfully got her to eat two baby carrots (I know she should not really be eating that much carrot, but really I am just trying to encourage her to eat.)

She also ate another piece of parsley and some romaine lettuce. Still have not really seen her eat hay or pellets or drink water.

I tried to get her to eat some cucumber for the liquid but she wouldn't.

I have a syringe as I need to give her antibiotics two times a day, should I try to give her water as well?

I will definitely call my vet this morning and get her advice too.
Just give her some time, shes eating, and shes getting enough moisure from the veggies for now.
Keep her warm, be very delicate with her when you give the meds, keep her balled up and dont stretch out her abdomen.

Lily took a bit longer to get back to eating normal then Loki did, it was a good day or 2 before she dove back into her pellets and did more then a few nibbles on some really yummy veggies.

Just keep offering the veggies, all sorts, and as long as she keeps eating some of them, good. If she wasn't eating at all I would be worried, but I'm sure she will regain her normal appetite soon enough, just keep us updated. Sounds like shes doing the same thing my girl did when she got spayed so the less you worry, the calmer she will be :)
What you did was great. Give her a bit time. tomorrow her appetite should spring up. Keep urging her to eat though. Give her favourite foods. You can also continue your daily routines with her, such as glooming, playing time, etc.
:) Keep us post.
I wouldn't syringe her meds. If she's eating a few veggies, sprinkle her meds over crushed veggies. That way she'll get her painkillers without the stress or risk of syringing her.
Well I talked to the vet today. She said to keep syringe feeding her medication (good idea though Erin)this is the only way to ensure she gets all her medication in as there is concern that she was showing signs of a bacterial infection that was caught during the surgery.

The vet also said I could give her 2ml of Pediatric Advil (every 6hrs)as she has been grinding her teeth a bit.

I will give you an update tomorrow morning on how the recovery is going. But keep the suggestions coming in.

I realized my previous posted made it sound as if she got a bacterial infection during surgery.

Just to clarify the vet found sludge in her during the operation which she believes was the begining of a bacterial infection. She flushed Smudge out,hence her not drinking right away since she had lot of fluid in her system already.

She looked at the sludge under the microscope and could not see any bacteria but put her on the antibiotics just in case.
Smudge is still not doing well this morning. I have not seen her drink any water. She is on the Pediatric Advil and antibiotics. She did eat a tiny bit of banana, carrot and parsley last night.

This morning she ate a bit of Banaaa and I went out really early this morning and got her favourite Dandelion Leaves, went to two different groceries stores on opposite ends of town to find it. She would not eat it. Sometime over night she did pee and poop and little bit, but only a wee amount.

When I gave her the medication this morning I also gave her 3 mls of water since she has not drank anything. Later I smelled this awful smell in her cage and discovered she had direhea. I gave her cage a good scrub down. Put fresh veggies, hay and pellets in her cage.

She has a vet appointment in an hour and a half.
Same thing happened to me when i got Dustie spayed. She had a wear a cone for a bit and I was concerned she couldnt drink water. So in my moment of panic I decided to give her water dipped spinach. Bad idea. She had the worst Diarhea all night. My bun didn't have any problems with not eating though she (being the pig that she is) the moment she came home she was starving. And had her head burried in the feed dish!
Praying for smudge. Good luck
Another update, Hey at least no one can accuse me of not updating people.

Went to the vets again today, she has no signs of any infections, not running a temperature and is healing well. She is also not showing any signs of dehydration. :D So.....

She is taking her off the Anti-biotic as she believes this is probably the thing causing the problem. We are also cutting the pain killer in half and she provided me with Critical Care. I hope all this helps.

I was suppose to leave on vacation tomorrow to visit family but delayed it by a day to ensure the new routine works before I leave. I have a Rabbit Savvy friend staying at my house to care for Smudge.

It also comforts me that the Emergency vet on call this weekend is my vet, so if there is a problem when I am gone the vet who sees her will be familiar with the whole history of this week.
Wooohooo Smudge has the munchies :party0002:

She ate two whole leaves of Dandelion and a few springs of parsley. Then a few bits of Hay.

She laid around for another 45 minutes and then I caught her eating pellets.
Glad to hear that your girl is getting better :) My girl was similar to yours. It took her a whole day and another night to get back to herself again. :) Wishing your bunny healthy and happy !
I think I got excited to soon. She had her surgery on Monday morning and now it is Friday. Wednesday night she ate those veggies and some pellets, then she ate fewer veggies and pellets Thursday morning, then Thursday night a baby carrot only and now this morning nothing. I am waiting for the vet to call me back.

I am so worried about her, I am wishing I never had her spayed. She is definitely looking a lot thinner and still has not touched neither water bottle or bowl, I was home with her all day yesterday just to observe her.
I definately reccomend taking her back to the vets. Try not to handle her as much, keep her at a good temperature and try putting a teenie weenie bit of banana on her bottle and put it to her mouth gently and see if she drinks until the vet can get in touch. Best wishes and Positive thoughts :)

Hope this helps
How's she doing now ? Does the vet give her any pain killers ? My girl got her pain killer shots for 3 days after the operation. Then our vet stopped giving her pain killer at the day 4 'cause she ate more and looked more lively.
You can also try to give her "Gerber" puree carrot or 100% apple juice. It contains water. If she eats a tiny bit of veggies. Then soak it with water. I hope she will get back to healthy soon. Pls let us know.
Sending you and your girl lots of hugs.

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