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  1. WhiteCharlie

    Poops in water

    He doesn't like the bottle. He water bowl is kinda far from the litter box, I'll just watch for now and see how they get in there.
  2. WhiteCharlie

    What do you do that offends your bunny?

    Charlie HATES when we clean his litter box. We'll grunt, push, kick, and anything else he can think of to get us to stop. Also he keeps his toys in a particular order spread out all over his area. He get's highly offended when we bunch his toys together in one spot. If he sees us doing this...
  3. WhiteCharlie

    Poops in water

    Hi everyone, I haven't been on here in a while. Everything with Charlie he been great, except for the past couple of days I've noticed a few poops in his water bowl. I haven't actually caught him pooping in there, he could very well be putting them in there after the fact. There have been...
  4. WhiteCharlie

    Charlie's Blog!!

    Charlie was back at the vet this morning, he pulled out all this stitches. They are going to try glue. I'm waiting for the other bun slave to get back home with him for a full report.
  5. WhiteCharlie

    Charlie's Blog!!

    He's doing well, so far everything is normal. Yesterday when I brought him home he seems a little groggy, but not much. He was hopping around, and acting like his usual self (with the exception of no binks). He's eating and doing everything like normal. Hopefully keeps going the way it is and...
  6. WhiteCharlie

    Charlie's Blog!!

  7. WhiteCharlie

    Charlie's Blog!!

    Oh and here are some pictures of him lounging around like the lazy bun bun that he is.
  8. WhiteCharlie

    Charlie's Blog!!

    Charlie's bunnyhood started showing some days ago. On Saturday we took him for his first vet visit. He weighs a little over 3 lbs and is doing fine. We also scheduled his neutering appointment for today. He was dropped off at 7 am, and we'll pick him up in the afternoon. I'm not really sure what...
  9. WhiteCharlie

    Charlie's Blog!!

    Yup it's like he knows ( probably does)! The worst is when I grab the camera and he stops. I'll wait and wait for him to resume the cuteness, but he won't again until I put the camera down.
  10. WhiteCharlie

    un-litter trained

    Nope, he has none. When I press him and his little organ pops out, the opening looks like a hole, not a slit. I've read that means a he's male. On a brighter note, he did not pee when we let him out yesterday. Still nothing in the litter box. I thinking of changing the litter.
  11. WhiteCharlie

    Charlie's Blog!!

    His ears are so cute! The other day he was holding them down with his foot and licking them. It was super adorable, but I couldn't get to the camera in time.:grumpy:
  12. WhiteCharlie

    un-litter trained

    Well we found him a few weeks ago, so we really aren't sure. I've been looking for a vet to take him to. I'm having a bit of a time finding one not too far from me. At first I was thinking that he was a very young New Zealand, but now I think he might be a slightly older Florida White, and that...
  13. WhiteCharlie

    Charlie's Blog!!

    Are are a few. (please excuse the pre-rabbit proofed messy room) This was the day after we found him. We were trying to figure out what vegies he likes. Here he is enjoying a strawberry...he didn't eat the whole thing, but he sure tried. Here he is in his favorite spot under my bed...
  14. WhiteCharlie

    un-litter trained

    Yesterday he went on a pee fest!! He peed all over the place when I let him out of the cage for his binking time. Could he be marking or upset at something? Could he be sick?? I really hope he's ok!
  15. WhiteCharlie

    How much water do bunnies drink?

    Yeah you should try offering both. He might prefer the crock. Charlie doesn't like the crock at all, likes it a lot when we put really cold water in the bottle and drinks the most water when it's cold. Also, we change the water quite often, at least twice a day, so he doesn't really get a...