Poops in water

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Active Member
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Miami, Florida, USA
Hi everyone,

I haven't been on here in a while. Everything with Charlie he been great, except for the past couple of days I've noticed a few poops in his water bowl. I haven't actually caught him pooping in there, he could very well be putting them in there after the fact.

There have been no changed in his environment or diet. Any ideas?

I would say he's probably just kicking them in there or something rather then actually pooping in there intentionally.

Either just keep cleaning it out or just offer a bottle instead. Not much else you can do, really.
He doesn't like the bottle. He water bowl is kinda far from the litter box, I'll just watch for now and see how they get in there.
I would guess he's kicking them in there. Can you move the water away from his litter box? Or maybe get a water bowl that attaches higher up on the cage so he can still reach it but is less likely to kick things into it.

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