What do you do that offends your bunny?

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Mar 9, 2011
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Tacoma WA, , USA
And how does that bun show you? Bunnies get offended. Anyone who says they don't has never lived with one. What offends your baby? Fraggles is offended when I rearrange her hay in her cage. I do this for cleaning purposes but boy does she take offense. She circles me and then hops away doing her little hind foot flip as she goes. She also gets offended when I touch her tail for any reason. That usually gets me some more foot flipping. What about you?
mine definately hate tail touching.

and max HATES the broom... HATES it... whenever we sweep out his cage he attacks it! lol
Lol my walter hates the broom too. But I have to laugh when I try to hold him which he Hates and I put him down he will flicky foot me and go to his cage and turn his back to me as in "you have been Dismissed" he is really a pouter, I can't even sweet talk him with a yoggy which are his fav treat, he's such a grudge holder.
Fraggles also hates the dust pan. I use it to clean her corners everyday and she gets very offended. Its funny because if I do touch her tail not only do I get flicky feet but she has to groom her tail as well. As if I dirtied it with my unworthy hand. She is a very sweet bun but a total diva.
Oh funny!! Hope gets offended if I try and get her out of her cage, when we both know she's perfectly capable of getting out all by herself. And if she goes to where she's not supposed to be, like around cords, I get the foot flip thing after I scoot her out. She's scared to death of the vacuum cleaner. Hides and shakes. Poor baby. Otherwise, she's pretty happy w/ me. :)
Cleaning gets me thumped from both buns. They particularly hate it when I clean the litter boxes (who wants to keep their poo?) Becky thumps when I put her down after a cuddle session. She would lick me all night if I let her. LOL
My Gizzy hates when you pick him up, he usually flicks his heals when he is put back onto the ground, he also hates when i go into a room and shut the door as he usually follows me and digs up the rug at the door until i come out then flicks his heals, also I've got him trained and if i say "treats" he is right up on the couch to receive his prize and if i dont give it to him i get the bunny butt and flicks of the heals:p:biggrin2:;)
Both bunnies give me the foot flicks after I brush them - but I do have to bring them upstairs in the living room to do this - so maybe they just don't like the carrying part - I think they don't like to be picked up - but Peaches really likes being brushed. I get the butt often for unknown reasons too. If I shake the treat container, I get the nose through the grids for that and the wild eyes.
I call it pouting. Everytime I put her harness and take it off even if she had a great time playing outside I still hear about it. She also hates to travel in her crate but loves to travel and go places.
The other thing Fraggles finds seriously offensive is the spray bottle. Now usually I just have to shake the bottle at her and she leaves what ever she was doing with a few foot flickings just to remind me who the boss is. But sometimes she ends up under the bed. Under the bed is were she likes to pull up carpet. Now I have this blocked off but sometimes she slips by and ends up under there and I have to actually spray her. I have good aim and usually get her just above that precious tail of hers. Never her face or ears but boy does she take offense. Foot flicking and tail washing all the way.
with Jenny its being too slow giving her what she wants ie opening her door, bringing her dinner, giving her a cookie etc.. and if I tell her off for something she isnt supposed to be doing, she gets REALLY huffy and will spend the entire night as soon as I try to sleep thumping loudly every 30 seconds or so.. making darn sure there is no way I can sleep..one night it was so bad I had to stick her in a crate in another room just so I could sleep!

Peepers...cant think of anything that really offends her, she pretty easy going, she doesnt like the dogs in her cage and will beat them up if she catches them in it, but thats the dogs, not me lol
Things that offend the Divabelle:

- Looking at her
- Touching her unless she has asked for it
- Picking her up
- Giving her the wrong treat
- Touching her stuff
- Sweeping
- Preventing her from killing another rabbit
- Taking pictures of her
- Talking to her
- The sheer sight of you
- Expecting her to do things your way
- Ignoring her
- Having other rabbits

get my drift? :p
Charlie HATES when we clean his litter box. We'll grunt, push, kick, and anything else he can think of to get us to stop.

Also he keeps his toys in a particular order spread out all over his area. He get's highly offended when we bunch his toys together in one spot. If he sees us doing this he'll push us away and put everything back where we got it from. Talk about OCD!!
Everything I do offends Otto - he's kind of a grouch :) He gets annoyed if I pet him usually and will sometimes use his face to push my hand away as hard as he can. A few times he's even put his teeth on me when he did it, but without biting down. The only time he's ok with pets is when he's snuggling up to Hannah - then he loves it (maybe he thinks she's the one grooming him? haha). He's become fairly easy to pick up, but he is also very offended by it and will stay mad for a long time. Hannah is impossible to pick up, but after you try it she'll come right back for pets and doesn't hold a grudge. Oh, Otto also gets offended when I offer him fruit - he loves dried fruit, but anything fresh gets me a death glare like I'm offering him poison.

Hannah gets really upset with being brushed or having tufts of fur plucked out of her bum. We've had her a year and somehow she's only gone through one shed, thank goodness, but her butt looked like a cactus for a month and she would run away and foot flick after one pluck. We try doing a little brushing while she's eating (this works for Otto) but she immediately grabs a huge piece of lettuce and runs off with it where we can't get her. She also gets offended occasionally if you stand in front of her and she'll run up to tug at your pants. It's not all the time and I'm not sure what she's thinking when she does it - maybe she wants us to get out of her way.

eta: Funny how so many rabbits get offended at the litter box cleaning. My two love it and will wake up from a dead sleep to check out what I'm doing and generally get in the way (sitting in the box so I can't pick it up, chewing paper towels, jumping in the cage just when I'm going to spray it down with vinegar, etc). It's like they're so excited the cleaning lady finally showed up :p As soon as I put the boxes back they have to run in, eat some fresh hay, and generally check out how good of a job I did.
My rabbits get offended if I don't clean their cage every few days. Give them hay when I am suppose to. Discipline them for something they did wrong. Other than that they are really sweet bunnies.
When I clean his poopy butt. You'd think he'd appreciate it! Also, if I let the guinea pigs free-range my(his) room when he's outside. He gets really mad when he comes in and smells them! He also hates being held, and he really hates the broom.

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