Charlie's Blog!!

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Active Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Miami, Florida, USA
So I decided I would be nice if I had a place share all the silly, naughty, cute, and strange things my little bun bun Charlie does. He's the littlest one in the household, but I'm starting to think he might have the biggest personality.

However before I discuss the cuteness that he is, I really want to try to figure out what he is. Turns out that Charlie might not me a New Zealand as I originally thought, but a Florida White. He's definitely not a Natherland dwarf , ears are much to long. I don't think he's a White Satin, because his face is quite long, and White Satins sean to have more of a pink outline around the eyes.

So it's between a New Zealand and a White Florida, which I'm leaning toward the White Florida. If he's a WF then he would be much older then I thought, as they are about half the size of as the NZ. Which brings me to my next issue...if he's older, has he been neutered? Would I be able to tell? Maybe he's actually a she. I only did take a quick look when I was trying to sex him, the new rabbit papa (aka my fiance) was worried I would hurt him, and made it quite impossible for me.

My fiance says it doesn't matter what he is as long as Charlie's is happy and healthy. I agree 100%, but it would be nice to know.

Other then that Charlie is a super sweet bun. I'll try to post a few of the bazillion pictures that I've taken of him, and maybe a video.

Hope everyone is having a nice week so far!
Are are a few. (please excuse the pre-rabbit proofed messy room)


This was the day after we found him. We were trying to figure out what vegies he likes.
Here he is enjoying a strawberry...he didn't eat the whole thing, but he sure tried.


Here he is in his favorite spot under my bed (pooped out from making a hay mess of course!)
His ears are so cute! The other day he was holding them down with his foot and licking them. It was super adorable, but I couldn't get to the camera in time.:grumpy:
I know how you feel, I will walk into the bunny room and see one of them doing something cute and when I get back there with the camera, they are looking at me like "watcha doin?"
Yup it's like he knows ( probably does)! The worst is when I grab the camera and he stops. I'll wait and wait for him to resume the cuteness, but he won't again until I put the camera down.
Oh my goodness Charlie is gorgeous...what a sweet lil bun..
Charlie is adorable. Can't wait to see more pictures.
Charlie's bunnyhood started showing some days ago. On Saturday we took him for his first vet visit. He weighs a little over 3 lbs and is doing fine. We also scheduled his neutering appointment for today. He was dropped off at 7 am, and we'll pick him up in the afternoon. I'm not really sure what to expect as far as post surgery.

Either way my fiance is driving me nuts (Ah the joys of working together!). He keeps asking me if I think Charlie is ok, or if I should call to checkup on him. He's just very worried, and he's making me super nervous in turn.

I posted a few day's ago (dare I say weeks)about some litter training issues I've been having with Charlie. They haven't really been resolved, but he is peeing in the same spot every time. I have to get a bigger box and see if that works. Since the whole "unlitter box trained" thing started we pretty much only used his cage for when we are asleep, or no one is home. We set up a a nice spot where he has access to all his necessities outside his cage (which he's outgrowing fast). SO he spends most of his time roaming getting into trouble.:bunny17:

Anyways, any advise on what expect once I pick him up?
He's doing well, so far everything is normal. Yesterday when I brought him home he seems a little groggy, but not much. He was hopping around, and acting like his usual self (with the exception of no binks). He's eating and doing everything like normal. Hopefully keeps going the way it is and there are no strange complications.

I feel like he's such a trooper, all eager to hop around so soon around after being shaved, cut, and sewed back up.
Next week (if he hasn't gnawed them out by then) he goes back to get his stitches out. So far he hasn't touched them.

If feel pretty good getting the neutering over with.
Charlie was back at the vet this morning, he pulled out all this stitches. They are going to try glue. I'm waiting for the other bun slave to get back home with him for a full report.
lol I love the pictures you posted. Him laying on that leg looks so uncomfortable but it looks like he doesn't even notice.

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