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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. S


    If you get it from the actual pineapple, you know their hasn't been any sugar added, unlike if you get it from a can, they might have added sugar/those sugary liquids. Really only thing to worry is about the sugar content.
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    Squished Rabbits

    from their comments " I found the picture in a pet rabbit forum, so I have my doubts as to whether these buns are being mistreated. I wouldn't have submitted it to Meg if I thought that was the case. Posted by: E. Collison | Aug 03, 2006 at 12:08 PM"
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    Screaming bunny !! Really screaming..

    Well, it was a "baby" cottontail, I'm sure, it would be more disturbing as a older Bunny with a fully developed body.. Both creep me out
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    Screaming bunny !! Really screaming..
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    Rabbits eating our dog food

    It's too late! they now have the taste of meat! what next, human meat?!? *runs off* Is that even safe for bunnies to eat meat?
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    Training your Bunny on a leash?

    Don't go on cement(glass etc), it might hurttheir paws. It can also be stressful. ( if bunny doesn'tappreciate changing atmospheres, or dogs, etc.)
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    Annie is stinky, BF wants to kick her out

    did you check her scent gland thing, near her.. um bottom? Maybe something has built around there and needs cleaning.
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    ITV lunch time news (uk)

    This guy is bigger