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  1. P

    Time for spay?

    she has a vet, I brought her in for a check up shortly after I received her. I guess I'll give them a call. It's too bad they're so far away, but isn't that how it always is when you have an "exotic" pet?
  2. P

    Time for spay?

    oh and she's roughly 5-6 months old
  3. P

    Time for spay?

    Ellie has always been very easy going, calm, affectionate. Until the last couple days. Suddenly she's aggressive: biting (not hard enough to draw blood) and grunting for no reason at all. She has never attempted to bite, and I have never heard her grunt until today. Does this mean her hormones...
  4. P

    Sweet Bunny Tales

    btw she put that paper roll inside the cardboard circle...
  5. P

    Sweet Bunny Tales

    Caught her lounging! Finally! She's quick... usually sits right up when she sees me!
  6. P

    binkies, yawns and other 'rare' moments

    omg I just read the posts here, got up and walked past Ellie's cage and she was sprawled out with her head resting on a paper towel roll! I grabbed the camera and snuck back over... but that time she saw me and immediately sat up. "Cute? Who's being cute? Not me!" One of these days...
  7. P

    This forum has given me hope!

    I was thinking the same thing... those ears are just too much! so cute! Good luck on the bonding process!
  8. P

    Sweet Bunny Tales

    she doesn't like fruit much, which is good... I'd rather stay away from the really sweet stuff. she loves her pellets and freaks when I freshen up her hay. lol she also goes bonkers for the occasional baby carrot.
  9. P

    Sweet Bunny Tales

    Ellie had her first vet appointment today. Her checkup went great. Vet fell in love with her right away. She behaved so well, I was so proud of her. Just her outgoing self.... hardly bothered by the strange environment or weird person touching her. The vet said I'm doing everything right...
  10. P

    Sweet Bunny Tales

    She was born between 10/25 and 11/1. So ya, young :P
  11. P

    New Bunny Mom

    Thank you :) I think I finally figured out her birthday (roughly) Somewhere between October 25-November 1
  12. P

    Crab Apple

    can't you treat them in the oven on a low setting? That's what I had to do for any logs/branches I collected for my anoles.
  13. P

    A Nightmare Before Christmas

    omg she's an animal hoarder! and uses "breeding" as an excuse to do so. Poor bunnies :(
  14. P

    Accidentally drank milk?!

    gmas rabbit wrote: My Ellie tries to steal discarded cheerios the 1yr old drops randomly. So far, I'm too quick for her. lol Hopefully our son will grow out of that before she gets faster/sneakier. Any mom understands that you'll find those dang cheerios in the WEIRDEST places! :?
  15. P

    Bunny bed

    ahahahaha! cute!