YouTube: "When I was Your Age"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
Sometimes I feel so "old" on these boards....unlike many of you - I remember life before the internet...etc.

I thought I'd share a link to this video. Warning: It is country music (not my favorite style) - but I really like a lot of the memories and feelings it captures...


Haha, I remember alot of those years. I'm 35, but I still remember life with the necessities. There were actually times when I was about 12 that we had no power, my mom was single and has us and couldn't pay the bill, and if it's summer, you're getting shut off.

Imostly played outside, but in winter, you found something to do. Yeah, I had barbies and stuff that I liked, I was quite a tomboy around 9-12, so I was easily entertained.

Like my son now, I don't see how he can't find something to do when he says he's bored, he has playstation, a bike, a skateboard, dvds, etc. It really amazes me sometimes.

I so remember alot of what he is singing about. Filling ice trays, yup!

Great post Peg! I wish you didn't feel so old on the board, you are young at heart, just like me, and I plan to stay that way! I am silly and have always laughed alot. There are still times when power goes off and here you sit with your candles lit;).

Edited to add: my mom still fills ice trays, she is set in her way and besides, if you can't afford a $1000 regridgerator, you stick with what you have.

Also, my husband was raised in the country, so if it was hot as heck out, they had a bedroom in the attic and no ac. I remember that too.

He also had to do farm work as they had cows, pigs, chickens and tons of veggies that had to be taken care of. They wanted the kids to help with these things along with mowing and adding water to the well when there was no rain, they had to haul water in to the well, so my hubby remembers these times too.;)
I know I'm a bit younger than you guys but I definitely remember no central air and rolling the windows down in the car. We STILL have ice cube trays to fill at my house. Oh! I LOVE the part where he talks about Highlights Magazine!!! We used to read it at the doctor's office. I sure am glad that we have all this technology now. No, I don't pick up a dictionary when I don't know a word but I do Google it to find out. Does that count? haha.

Well - to put things into a bit of perspective...

I was talking to my mom the other day. She mentioned how some of the schools up there are consolidating and some kids would have to ride a bus to the bigger town about 15 miles away. She mentioned that she NEVER got to ride a school bus...but she did once get to ride the "school cart". It was horse-drawn cart/wagon type thing that had a pot-belly stove in the middle of it (in the winter) and the kids all sat huddled around it. She lived too close to the school to be able to use it - but once it was so cold out that they stopped to give her a ride to school.

She also remembers when families didn't have phone (and it was a big thing for them to have a phone in her home 'cause her dad managed a farm for someone).

Her grandmother never had electricity and had an outhouse that she had to use when she visited her grandma.

She remembers when having a radio was the big thing....and when people would go to town on Saturday nights and park in the middle of the street and then all walk around (with their cars unlocked) and talk with everyone else.

I guess if I seem young - it comes from having 22 year old twins who keep me that way - even if they aren't at home!


p.s. I turn 47 in September....
Thanks for sharing that Peg, I have a big smile once again. I love your posts:D.

Praying forFaith by the way, hope she stays feeling and looking good! I know you said she was looking up, good job guys!

You and Robin are doing a super job with her, you guys are her new family, it's so nice:D.
Well I'm 24 and some of these things I can relate to!

We don't have any sort of air/con. I have ice cube trays but not sure if it's the same thing you guys are talking about...all our fridge does is keep stuff cold :p. We didn't have a TV growing up for many, many years. I always walked to school, rain sun or shine. My first washing machine when leaving home was a wringer, and you hand run the clothes through it (it was so old, I sold it for a fortune as an antique :D).

My mum turning 43 this year and she grew up out in the country, she remembers when her family were the first in 'the village' to get a TV!

We only have 5 TV channels...our car has rolldown windows and no A/C, heck it doesn't even have a tape deck or radio :shock:!

My life has been pretty simple until recently, now that I'm an adult I've spoilt myself a bit with gadgets and stuff. In saying that though, my grandma has: a) a bigger TV than me, b) a better computer than me, c) a waaay better mobile phone than me, and c) tons more wizzbang gadgets than I ever will.

Sometimes I feel old because I'm not into modern fashions and trends and I don't have an 'ipod' or a flippy-open type cell phone, our main car is almost as old as me and I'm still wearing a pair of shoes I bought when I was 14 :biggrin2:.
Thanks so much for posting this link Peg! I really enjoyed it and it brought back memories for me also. I'm only 25, but I remember a lot of those things ( i still use ice cube trays and crank windows.. hehe). Especially the TV's with knobs.. My mom would even remove the "power" knob and hide it so we'd always have to go outside and play. We had to know how to cook/can stuff and make meals at a young age too and hunt for eggs. I guess I was a bit of a poor country bumpkin when i was a kid ;) :).
I love this tread. I'm 42 and I remember not having any central heating, just a coal fire, and in the winter you could see Jack Frost on the bedroom windows. We didn't have a lot of money cos my Mum was bringing us up on her own so when my friends got chips from the chippy, my Mum used to make the chips and them wrap them up in newspaper so that we did'nt feel left out. :biggrin2: If we heard the icecream van coming my Mum used to tell us that when the icecream van was playing it's music it meant that they had run out of icecream. I remember to this day thinking why does he not bring enough for everyone. Iv'e tried it with my own kids but it did'nt work. :laugh:
Christas was always good. We did'nt get a lot but we always felt the magic. My kids would think I'd gone mad if I gave them a sock with only a tangerine, a couple of nuts and a notebook in it. I wouldn't change my childhood for anything.

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