Your Favorite Rabbit Character!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2004
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Redding..., California, USA
Time for some happy stuff!

Who's your favorite bunnycharacter? It can be from anything; cartoon, book, your ownimagination, or it can even be your own bunny!

Mine would have to be Thumper fromBambi. I just love the part of that movie where he's about toeat the big clover flower and his mom stops him just as mouth isclosing on it!

--Melissa and Umbra
I would have to say bugs bunny!!! Plus i like tweety bird and sylvester on that show.

"what's up doc" and "i thought i saw a puttycat" Very cute!!!

Heh, forgot about RogerRabbit! I used to watch that all the time when I waslittle. I love the smoothness of the animation/real lifeblend. Pretty cool.

--Melissa and Umbra

Oh yeah, the Playboy Bunny! Iremember that they had a bunch of different colored ones in a stickermachine when I was little, and I got one for myself. It wasmy favorite color turquoise, and I wanted to stick it on mywindow. My parent's were like, "Um, that's a grown-up bunnysymbol, Melissa!" They didn't want me putting it on mywindow! So we compromised and I told them it was okay to cutoff its little bow-tie. So he went from a Playboy bunny to aregular old turquoise bunny.
oh yeah!! I've been using that line on Baby allot lately..........."Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids"

I think my boyfriends favorite bunny is the playboy bunny:X Just kiddin
Don't forget the Nesquick Rabbit...and the Easter

And Bucky O'Hare for the boys.


He was the crime fighting rabbit...and...he's green...for some reason....
Maybe Bucky's green because he ate too many Spinach leaves?

Let this be a lesson to all pet bunnies:Do NOT eat the Spinach! Or you'll turn GREEN!!!

--Melissa and Umbra
Have to agree with Carolyn, I really likeThumper! Of course... Bambi was the first movie I everwatched in theatre's so that might have something to do with it.. evenif I don't remember going LOL.

What about Hazel and Fiver??? I'm sure most, if not all of you here, have read Watership Down.

m.e. - I LOVE that book!

Ok, I can't narrow it down. Although, whenever Dave and Ihavea baby (long way off, if I can even have kids....), weare going to do a Peter Rabbit theme. Go figure.