You own a rabbit?? Ewwww!

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usually people get more curious than appalled when they find out i have a rabbit. actually, now that i take Tank out for walks on a leash people coming running over. he attracts a LOT of attention. of course, i have to tell everyone to refrain from touching him cuz he'll bite their hand off. but in general people seem to think its cool that i have a bunny.
I really dont understand some people - how could they turn their noses up at rabbits. Sammy lives indoors with me and yeah to be honest my house does get in a state, poos here and there hay everywhere but i dont care at all, i love having Sammy indoors full time with me - whats the difference in having a rabbit compared to a dog, they too can poo if not trained properly and leave hair and slobber everywhere - personally i feel that bunnies are cleaner than some pets. When i talk to people about my bunny living indoors they always say "does it not make your house smell"??? im like WELL not if you keep it clean. Sammy smells beautiful even if she does the odd wee here and there. i find that the oly smell i come accross is the hay and grass. It takes minutes to cleanup any mess and cleaning time is more fun when sammy chases me around the room pooing whereI have just cleaned up. So in future if i see anyone stick their noses up i may just be tempted to stick one of Sammy poos up there ha ha (sorry bit rude) ha ha
My mother had that exact reaction when I first decided that I wanted to get a rabbit awhile ago. Her father had raised rabbits, and she kept telling me that they were dirty, stinky animals that didn't do anything but sit there and stare at you. She also kept telling me that they hate humans because they freak out if you pick them up! :XHowever, I eventually convinced her and my father to let us adopt Theodore awhile ago... but she still never really warmed up to him. My dad would sit next to him on the couch while reading a book and occaisonally be caught baby-talking to him, but my mom never really wanted anything to do with him.

Last year in my Communications class, I did a powerpoint presentation about house rabbits, and everyone was shocked and actually pretty interested. At first, there were a lot of eye-rolls and sarcastic comments, but afterwards a lot of people kept asking me questions about it and stuff, and several checked out the websites I provided links to. So, maybe I did some good in the world, lol!
Well you have to admit, sometimes those little piles of poo they leave behind to mark there territory do smell pretty bad. But normally they are quite pleasant smelling and definitely don't have the icky dog smell (sorry dog lovers, but I hate that dog smell).

As for the hay and what not smelling... I love that smell even though I'm allergic to hay but our cold storage room smells like a feed store and I love opening my hay shed because that fresh hay smell is to die for! Am I weird? LOL.
I love the smell of hay, too. I've never really had a problem with rabbit poo smelling, but their urine definitely has a strong odor if the litterbox isn't cleaned often enough or if you're using a bad type of litter, let me tell you that! However, I never had a problem with Theodore (or his cage) smelling at all. In fact, none of my pets, past or present have as much of a problem with smell as my teddy bear hamster, Mowgli. He himself doesn't smell, but his URINE sure does. He always pees in the same corner, and I'm constantly cleaning it. It's a constant battle. You can't miss that smell. But our rabbits, cat, gerbils, birds, and rats never smelled, ever... even before the cage was cleaned.

I -have- smelled some stinky hutches, though... the wood really seeps up the urine odor. Yuck.
Well I have outside rabbits an dI change their pans daily so I don't notice the urine the smell but I sure notice the smell after I paint the cage. They go around and mark everything with smelly poos, LOL.
Yeah... I was mainly referring to those owners who shove their rabbits in an outdoor hutch, feed it every once and a while, and that's it. THOSE hutches really, really stink! Do your hutches have an inclosed wooden part? I would think even with diligent cleaning the wood would absorb odor after awhile. But I don't recall if your hutches had that or not. :)
I've got to say I actually love the smell of bunnies! They just smell faintly of straw and hay from where they have been lying in it. I remember when I went to get Ruby and Millie from their breeder and the barn where they were kept smelt lovely of hay andwoodshavings. Nowwhenever I smell woodshavings or hay it always reminds me of bunnies!:D
funinthesunwithbun wrote:
I used to get so sick of that kind of nonsense when I had my dutch rabbits (and yes, hello, I am new here!). My wife even objected to them so strongly that we ended up re-homing them. Now that I am single again I look forward to having rabbits back in life.

That's really dumb. If I marry or datesomeone that want me to get rid of any of my pets, I'm leaving them. I would rather find a new relationship then get rid of a beloved animal. Welcome to rabbits only by the way.
Luckily my current boyfriend adores animals almost as much as I do. It's so cute to see him get down on the floor and play with his yorkie, Roxy. He knew absolutely nothing about house rabbits when he met me, but he took it upon himself to do a lot of research about them, and now he's almost as excited as I am! I would've kicked him to the curb MONTHS ago if he didn't like animals. He never would have lasted the 17 months we've been together now.
Allison, you read my mind! I am the same way -- if my animals don't love him and he doesn't love my animals, well good bye him! My animals come first and they were here first so they have seniority. It's like if your a single parent and dating someone, would you date/marry someone who doesn't like your kid? After all, they are my furkids.
I knew nothing about rabbits two years ago.
It was only by chance that we had to bunnysit some rabbits that got us hooked.

Now my wife complains I spend more time with Pebbles than her. ;)
However she is pretty busy with Desmond (our dog). :D

Rainbows! :)
I hate when they say oh they make a great soup. Or doesn't your house smell. I want to say no but you do. I usally say only if I don't clean the litter pans.
I've gotten a couple of smart-alecky comments since getting Nibbles, but for the most part, people are fascinated to hear about rabbits as indoor pets - especially when i tell them that my rabbit plays games (on her own and with me), etc. I've seen hutch rabbits that were neglected and depressed, and I think that's true of many people - they've never seen a happy rabbit, active or at rest.

Sometimes all it takes is a hint for people to start asking questions about what rabbits do and how they live. And some of the people who seem closed-minded might not be if you talk with them and give them a chance.

My family is always making hurtfull remarks about them being unsanitary and me needing to get rid of them. It hurts so much that I wont invite them over anymore.
If the choice ever came between a boyfriend or the buns, I'd tell the boyfriend not to hit his head on the way out the door! No silly man is going to get between the buns ;).

I know, my brothers can be pretty mean about the rabbits. But hey, they're just being brothers.

Why do you think I am single now? I got tired of my wife in the end as she was a total control freak. At first I was so head over heals for her that I would have done anything to make her happy. And in the end I realised she didn't feel the same about me so I called it off.
Thanks, I have already had a post I made removed from a thread, so not sure if I am welcome here to tell you the truth! Only opinions that are positive are welcome here I see, as of course everyone who owns a rabbit must be perfect no matter what strange ideas they come up with about bunny care.

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