Yofi, Anna and the Crew, 2010

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Bassetluv wrote:
How Yofi managed to get it running when it was in 'sit-stay' mode, waiting to be cleaned, is beyond me...but I do know this: The Boy had some sort of agenda. I just know it. I've narrowed it down to one of two messages he was trying to send; either he was attempting to cover up all evidence of *something* he was up to, or he was letting me know in his own rabbitine way just what he thought of my housekeeping abilities.

Either way, he got my attention. :wink
There is the proof of Yofi's intellect, the Yofster must have rewired it!
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
There is the proof of Yofi's intellect, the Yofster must have rewired it!

Well, I wish he would use that intellect to set up my tv and blu ray player whenever I unhook them to rearrange furniture. I'd try bribing him by promising to play 'Night of the Lepus' once he'd succeeded, but then I fear The Boy would get too many ideas in his head from studying the rabbits in the movie...:shock:
jujub793 wrote:
You can't take your eye that boy for a minute!! He's like having a toddler lol

hehe...Sometimes I think he's even worse. Give a toddler a time out and he just might think about what he did wrong. Give Yofi a time out and I'd fear going to sleep at night for a very long time after that...
Bassetluv wrote:
Speaking of whom, The Boy seems to be back in full form once again. Yesterday I was cleaning up my living room, and there was a stack of magazines and books lying in a corner, waiting to be put away. Mr. WantsToBeInOnEverything came loping into the room, spotted the stack, and headed directly for them, whereupon he began methodically sorting through each and every one...a magazine to the left, a paperback to the right, a magazine flung to the rear...on and on, until he reached one book in particular. Now, I know that rabbits can't read, but this did make me wonder, for just a moment, if that is in fact, not true. Because as soon as Yofi saw this book he took one look at it and then began to dig and tear at the cover with all the force of a bunny infuriated, until I dashed over and yanked it away. What was the book called? "The Loved Dog". :wink

LOL Yofi! Don't hold back - tell Kaya how you REALLY feel!!
Great pictures! Hahaha poor Yofi, stuck behind that door. Awww. Lol. Did he give you attitude for taking so long to open up for him? Silly lil guy. I'm glad he's alright. That must have been really scary! I'm sorry about your boy Fritz. Looking forward to more :biggrin2:
Did he give you attitude for taking so long to open up for him?

Oh yes...he was attempting to beat up the door at one point because he couldn't open it. Yofi does have a temper when he doesn't get his way.

A few more photos

Mid-hop (I always seem to catch Yofster with his rear end off the ground):



Pointy-head close-ups:








The Dynamic Duo:




Stealing my lunchbag:


And...parsley noms:







Oh Di, such great pictures.

They are both just so adorable and they make a GREAT Looking Bunny couple.

I just love Anna she's so pretty and of course the Yofster what can you say about him.

Thanks guys! LOL...can you believe I showed these pictures to my sister last night, and she said that Yofi looks scary? (She's always had this innate fear of rabbits, I think, and has never actually confessed it...whenever she's at my house she never asks to see the bunnies.) When I asked her why he looks scary she replied that his head is just SO big! :biggrin:
i just looove the yosters pink lips!!!! he is just adorable!!:inlove: and the one where his ear is covering part of anna just like a bunny hug...tooo cute!
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
How can you not love the Yofster!

I know! I figure it's probably that *rabbit people* have their brains wired specifically for rabbit love, and it just seems to elude everyone else. ;)

Nela, my sister has always been a bit nervous around rabbits, I think. She did once own her own bunny; a cute little Dutch girl named Barney (yep, case of mistaken identity when Barney was named). But that was way back in the early 70s, and after we lost Barney my sister just never bothered with rabbits any more, while I went on to own (and occasionally show) many many more. (Guess my rabbit brain was developed even way back then.) However, I will also be the first one to admit that I'm afraid of my sister's Quaker parrot. He can be quite a nasty little bird...at one point I almost wound up with a pierced ear because of him. Nope, she can have her birds; I'll stick to rabbits.

Here's a few pics of Yofi and Anna (took these a week or two ago). I'd purchased side table for my bedroom, and the box went to the Dynamic Duo. It officially became *Yofi's Howse* because he took to it like a duck to water; only recently has Anna decided it's kinda fun to play in as well.








Ann-doo lips


These last two pictures are of Yofi's latest owwwwie. (Well, one is...the other was me trying to take a picture of it.) A couple of days ago I was grooming the Yofster and discovered this pretty sizeable lump on his dewlap (yes, dewlap....I know girls have dewlaps, but - just like a man-purse - this is a male dewlap, Manlap, I guess). The Boy had developed an abscess on his chest, and impressive in size too. I became worried about it, but began applying Bag Balm to the area in the hopes it would help out somewhat. At the same time I called the vet and got an appointment for him, and so off we went this morning. Actually when I got up this morning I saw that the abscess had burst, which was excellent; I figure it's because Yofi became obsessive about licking and grooming the abscess once I started putting balm on it. Anyway, he's now on antibiotics, and both bunnies are going for health checkups in two weeks' time, so it should be healed by then (crossing fingers).

I do have to smile, because the vet who saw Yofi this morning was laughing at him about his teeth. She tried to correct herself, even apologizing to the Yofster, saying "I'm sorry, I don't mean to make fun of you" (not that he cared really; his nose was just out of joint because he had been humiliated into riding in a pet carrier). But the reason the vet was laughing was because she'd inspected his teeth using a teeth inspection gadget thingy (YAY! someone finally was able to see all of his grinders!) and when she had it in his mouth she gasped, "Oh my goodness...he has the tiniest teeth in the back...it's like he has baby teeth!". Of course my first thought was, he eats with so much enthusiasm that he's probably worn them all down. ;) But I must say he was as good as gold for the vet; the only time he put up any fuss was when she was looking at his molars. And even then he just did some little noms on the gadget thingy, but otherwise simply sat still.

Here's a pic of me trying to get a photo of his owwwie (and I'm sure he's saying, "uh...mob...mob...doa't grab bit mai dose like dat...mob? ...Mob!!"


And here's the owwwie, as much as I could capture of it:


Oh, and the funniest thing at the vet's this morning had to be when she first attempted to look at Yofi's teeth. She was stuffing the instrument into his mouth, or trying to, and he was sitting there pretty patiently. But it took several tries before she was successful...why? Well, at one point she let go of Yofi's face and exclaimed, "This is the first time I've ever had a problem looking into a patient's mouth because their lips are so big...his are enormous!!" LOL. Nope, doesn't surprise me in the least. The Yofster's fat ol' lips kept falling down over her fingers, covering the instrument, and just kept getting in the way. I should have warned her that The Boy came equipped with ginormous intake flaps over that gaping maw...:p

Oh yeah, and I'm at home nursing my own owwwie as well. Had oral surgery done on Thursday (OWIE!) and am now on soft foods until either a) my next trip to the dentist, a week from Monday; or b) whenever the patch thingy that's used to cover the surgery site falls off. So I have a painful mouth, but lots of wonderful pain meds :)biggrin2:) which makes life a whole lot easier. Not the greatest of timing to be handling an abscessed bunny when I'm trying to stave off infections myself, but hey, I guess the two of us can convalesce together. :)
Wow - that abscess looks nasty. I'm dreading now when all of Jar Jar's drain. I just took him outside to play and got photos....he has this HUGE dewlap that is filled with about 7 or 8 abscesses - all in the tissue - none in the bone.

He's been on antibiotics for a while and a couple have opened up and drained (smaller ones) - but not the big ones.

I'm so glad that Jar Jar isn't the only one who had an abscess in his dewlap. (I don't get abscesses removed if they're not attached to bone - we usually find they'll drain ok or go away with antibiotics).

I love both bunnies and I love the box....lucky bunnies.
Peg, I just saw your pics of Jar Jar; is his dewlap that large all the time, or are the abscesses 'accentuating' the size? Holy cow, it's huge! This abscess that Yofi has is the first one I've seen on him, though I've read that some rabbits (not sure about rabbit breeds, specifically, but...some rabbits) are prone to them. Yofi also tends to get *pimples* on his chin - though he hasn't had any of them show up for a while now - but whenever one did appear, I'd put Bag Balm on them and they'd quietly disappear on their own.

Now, I'm gonna sound a bit like the dad in *My Big Fat Greek Wedding*, but I started using Bag Balm on Yofi's abscess as soon as I noticed it (the abscess itself grew huge almost overnight, it seemed); and I didn't really think it would make a lot of difference, but it did. I can't swear and say that the Bag Balm started the healing process, but because I began applying it, Yofi started cleaning the are obsessively, and overnight the abscess drained. It appears to be well on it's way to healing now (knock on woody pet), and I'll continue to apply some Bag Balm for a few more days. The reason I said I sound like the guy in Big Fat Greek Wedding is because (if you've seen the movie) he swore that Windex was great for everything. He sprayed it on his car, the windows, cuts on his hands, etc. And that's how I'm beginning to feel about Bag Balm! LOL Quite some time ago Yofi developed a very bad case of sore hocks...so bad that they looked infected...and I began cleaning them every evening and applying Bag Balm to the sores. I also made a desperate call to the vet's, but couldn't get Yofi in to see him for a few days. But y'know, by the time the appointment came around, Yofi's feet were no longer oozing, they had dried out, and the angry red inflammation had gone down to a much more pleasant pink. I was amazed at the transformation. I also noticed too, that splits in the skin which would develop on my fingers (near the nails...painful, nasty splits) began healing when I put Bag Balm on them. It worked better than any of the creams the doctor had recommended for my hands.

Anyway, I dunno if you'd want to try it on JarJar, but I love the stuff. If I remember I'll post an update photo on Yofi's owwwie in a couple of weeks to see how it's healed.

Oh, and I was reading something you wrote earlier on in your blog; all about clothing and what it meant to you. I can totally relate! While I didn't have a mom around to tell me what to wear, etc., I felt totally humiliated throughout most of my school days, at least until high school. I was forced to wear hand-me-downs that came from the daughter of a woman who was neighbours with my grandmother. Most of the clothing didn't fit me very well, and most of the dresses were what I can only describe as *sponge dresses*. They were this weird thick sponge-like material, they had no shape, and the colours were very odd. Of course I had to wear these while attending junior high, during a time when they'd finally lifted a dress code at the schools, and every other female classmate walked in with hiphugger jeans, tie-dye shirts (very *in* back then), neat scarves and styles, just all-around neat clothing. I, in the meantime, walked in wearing my shapeless, stand-out-like-a-sore-thumb brightly coloured clothing, flat formless sneakers, and...to top it all off...those old 50s-style cats-eye glasses. Talk about embarrassing. No wonder I had no friends. :expressionless
I'm so glad you looked at his pics.

The majority of that dewlap - is a series of what feels like 9 abscesses. He got into a tussle with the cat and started out with three...I was treating them...one started to drain and I went to "help" it....and it burst inside. BIG MISTAKE. I mean...it had an opening...and I was being so careful.

I can now feel 9 very distinct lumps - some are tiny - others are about the size of a golf ball or bigger.

There are now three openings where they drain sometimes.

Whenever I work on one - I put bag balm on it - I think I'm going to just slather him in bag balm now that I see what it did for Yofi's. We use bag balm here all the time and swear by it.

However - he is also getting antibiotics (shots) and I can tell that some of the abscesses are changing and getting ready to burst.

I'm dying to see what his dewlap looks like when they all drain and its back to "normal".

It is really hard to see him this way - but he acts like it is no big thing. When he has playtime - he binkies and plays and acts normal. I have snuck up on him before when he's in his cage to see if he is hurting - but he acts like he's dealing with a minor annoyance (and when they've drained you can see he's irritated cause he has to refigure how to clean his ears and stuff).

He also eats like a horse....it hasn't affected his appetite at all.
One other treatment I've been reading about for stubborn abscesses is UMF Manuka honey. Apparently it is renowned for its ability to clear up abscesses, and has been used on both humans and animals to successfully treat abscesses, as it has natural antibacterial agents. I'd heard of it once before (stumbled across the name while researching something else a while back) but then ran across it again today when I was looking up info on rabbit abscesses. Right now Yofi's abscess is looking good, so I'm going to continue with the Bag Balm (my theory...never switch when something's working ;)), but I'd be curious to know if anyone here has ever used the UMF Manuka honey to treat their rabbits. According to things I read about it, it seems people swear by it's rapid healing qualities.

I do hope that Jar Jar's abscesses heal quickly! It's definitely a good sign that he still has a healthy appetite...I suspect that with most e-lops, you know they're really sick when they refuse to eat. These guys have the most enormous constitutions! Hopefully Jar Jar's dewlap will shrink down once he heals too (I've heard of some people having their bunnies' dewlaps surgically reduced when they got too big; kinda like a reverse Hollywood *cosmetic enhancement*). At least you know what caused Jar Jar's abscesses, which is good. For Yofi, I have no clue. It just seemed to appear suddenly. He might have caught himself on something, but I didn't notice any sign of a wound.

Here's to fast-healing dewlaps on our e-lop pals! :pray:

***oops...edited to add: I forgot to say that I love the picture of Jar Jar with his rear end way up in the air! :biggrin2:
If you actually get a good look at his dewlap in the photos you can see that the top half is sorta thin and the abscesses are what is causing it to hang so low due to their weight.

I think his dewlap will shrink up pretty decently once he is over this.

He's had abscesses there before too when he was younger - I suspect he is more susceptible to them (and ear mites).
TinysMom wrote:
If you actually get a good look at his dewlap in the photos you can see that the top half is sorta thin and the abscesses are what is causing it to hang so low due to their weight.

Yes, I can especially see it in the last photo of him. His dewlap looks pendulous, like there are weights weighing down the bottom part. I'm glad it doesn't seem to be bothering him too much, and I'm sure you'll be relieved once the abscesses clear up!

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