Yofi, Anna and the Crew, 2010

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Oh Di!! I am so sorry. I'm sitting here with tears myself. I know what a lovely companion dear Fritz was to you all of these years. We have had to euthanize several of our furry family members over the years, and though you know in your heart it is for the best, it still tears your heart out. Cats are capable of giving and receiving so much love...and Fritz certainly did both! :rip:
Thank you Karen...I found that his death hit me pretty hard. He had been in great shape, had gained weight, was thriving, active...I think it's always hard to let go of a cherished pet, but especially so when they seem to be enjoying life and not debilitated from illness. He was my little buddy...attached himself to me like glue, always insisted on being on my lap when I was at the computer, or lying either behind me or stretched out next to me when I was watching tv. So many nights he'd see me getting ready to go to bed and would make an explosive dash into the bedroom at the last moment, as I was shutting my door, so he could curl up next to me in bed, his enormous 'rumble-purr' on full throttle. I can't shake just how empty my house feels right now without his presence. I must admit that in all the years that I have had animals, their passing has hurt, sometimes enormously so...yet I've also always known that they were supposed to go, and they were still with me in spirit. But this is the first time I've felt so strongly that urge to say to God, or whoever is up there, "I want him back". I know in time it will dissipate, though.

And I suck at arranging things on my computer. Try as I might, I cannot find older photos of Fritz - though I imagine I do have some posted in this very blog somewhere, or perhaps the old blog..at some point I'll go back and look. My son, however, did post a tribute of his own to Fritz on his Facebook page (his words, though simple, broke my heart...he wrote: "In memory of the roughest tumblest kitty in the west. Ciao Fritz. I'll miss you buddy"). Stephen sort of grew up with Fritz, and was actually the one who pleaded we keep him, wanting me to ask his owners to give him to us (this was long before the Universe - in its infinite wisdom - arranged exactly that, and Fritz made his way into our home and hearts). I know Stephen was very close to Fritzie as well, and I'm sure he took the news as hard as me...unfortunately, my son was also still mourning the loss of another kitty. His girlfriend owned two beautiful cats, and when Stephen began dating Brooke, then eventually moved in with her, he became just as attached to them. This past Monday, however, Brooke's kitty, Binx - also a big, beautiful gray feline - succumbed to renal failure. So Stephen has been through a pretty emotional week.

At any rate, when Stephen posted his farewell to Fritz, he also posted a picture of him that he had. It was one I took two or three - or maybe four - years ago, in my backyard one summer day. I've copied it and will post it here, because it captures Fritz as I will always remember him...such a handsome, loving, gentle soul. I see it in his eyes every time I see this picture. And the photo was taken in a place he always loved to be; lying in the sun in his backyard, taking in life as only a cat can do. :)

Dave, I laughed at your post, because it is true...Fritz has finally eluded Yofi's intrusive head-butts.

Having other pets in the house has certainly helped in all of this. Kaya, of course, still requires her daily walks; and Yofi continues to get into trouble. This morning I had a banana for breakfast, but truly didn't have much of an appetite. Yofi's food radar must have zeroed in on this somehow, because within minutes he was on me (literally) like a dirty shirt, pushing and shoving his way to the banana. He even invited Anna onto the sofa to help him steal the elusive treat. I think that's the first time I've laughed in a few days, being accosted by two ravenous rabbits.

It's funny how some animals' passings hit us harder than we would expect. With Fritz, it felt like I ran headfirst into a cement wall. I wasn't expecting it; wasn't expecting this depth of pain and the immense feeling of emptiness. I'd always known he was special, and that he and I were close, but I guess I just never realized how close. It's like a part of me left with him, at least temporarily. Oddly, I had taken Fritz to the vet several months ago to have his blood checked, and as she was examining him she suddenly stopped and said, "This guy is really special, you know". I smiled when she said that, as I imagined she said it about most of her patients. But then she looked at me and said, "No...I mean it...there's something about him; he's very special". Of course I didn't know it at the time, but I suspect some higher power was sending me this message, just as a reminder that my boy had come to me with a purpose, and he was indeed very special to me. :)
Fritz looks so contented, sitting on his favorite bench in the sun. :D

Losing a pet so unexpectedly always hits me hard, too. Are you feeling any better today, Di?

PS - I have always liked the individual pictures you have of your furry gang on your RO avatar. Fritz's face looks gianormous! And he is doing a silly kitty-grin for the camera. :biggrin2:
Well, as with most animal lovers, it seems that every time a pet leaves, there's just a little part of you that they take with them. It felt huge with Fritz...partly because I was struggling with 'the guilt of feeling that this was my fault...that I should have pushed the emergency clinic so many months ago when I told them his ear didn't feel right, and they dismissed it; that he would scratch at his ear every so often, and I dismissed that because it occurred only once in a while, but I should have pursued it...on and on. But you know, if nothing else, this is teaching me that I just have to let go of the 'I should have...'.

The other thing with Fritz is that he was so attached to me; I guess he adopted me all those years ago as his human. And as he got older he seemed to want to be with me almost constantly. It got to the point where, when I went away for more than a day, I had to board him rather than leave him at home, he would become so distraught at my absence.

It's always the first few days that are the hardest, of course...removing his food dishes, his cushion that he used to sleep on, the little toy bird that he got for Christmas (not that he played with it, mind you...at 16, cats get senior attitude - 'that's too undignified for me'). And dealing with him not being here...it has just been so surreal. Ironically, I had just gone to the pet store a few days before Fritz died and had restocked on a ton of kitty litter and a huge bag of cat food; so that went to my vet's, who said they would donate it to a pet rescue group called 'Friends of Abandoned Animals', which did help. Anyway, getting through all of that was really tough, but...life goes on. Yofi reminds me of that every day. ;) (This evening the little rotter leaped onto the sofa beside me, and I thought he was coming up for attention...until he spotted the container of blueberries sitting beside me. He grabbed the entire thing, jumped off the sofa and ran out of the room with his Yofi-treasure.)

Oh, about the picture of Fritz in my avatar: That is quite old, taken many many years ago when my son was playing around with a video camera. He was taking random shots around the apartment where we lived at the time, and suddenly Fritz stuck his face right into the lens. Stephen got a screen capture of it, and saved it. That was my boy: Bigger than life, at least to us. :)

I have to say thank you for all of your wishes and caring...I know that for all of us, when we lose one, no matter how long or how short a time they've been part of our family, it's a struggle to get through the shock, especially if the people in our offline lives don't quite understand that strong connection with our furry kids. But we do...and you guys have really helped. :hug:
They say that pets are good for your health, but sometimes worrying about them feels like it takes years off your life. After losing Fritz a week and a half ago, I was finally adjusting to his absence...and then on Sunday I went into the bunny room and noticed immediately that something wasn't right. Anna came running over to greet me, but Yofi sat hunched in the corner of one of the litter boxes, barely moving. I called to him but he wouldn't respond, so I went and brought him out, setting him on the floor. Didn't take long for me to figure out that he was going through another one of his bouts...gut motility slowdown. He was obviously in a lot of discomfort; hair puffed out, his sides sucked in, ears cool, refusing even the tastiest of food temptations. Oh, my heart did a huge flip-flop...I was so worried that after losing Fritz, now I might lose Yofi too. So I immediately began treating him...massaging his belly (which was very tender), administering simethicone (Ovol baby drops), baby aspirin, and some pumpkin puree mixed with warm water via a dropper.

For the next two hours he was pretty iffy, and getting him to a vet who knew anything about rabbits would have been a challenge and a half, so I kept at it, and this time I gave him a stronger gas remedy (Gas-X for adults), then another painkiller. And lots of fluids. And (thanking the bunny-god above) within 10 minutes of the second dosage, he suddenly came to life. He began barrelling around the room, scarfing down the greens and hay I'd put out.

So now, both he and Anna are on a permanent diet. The two of them are overweight (Anna moreso than Yofi), and they've been getting too many treats of banana and apple and such. It's strictly pellets, grass hay, and greens for the next while, and then, once I feel comfortable enough, treats will be allowed...but only tiny amounts, and very sparingly. Yofi seems to be quite sensitive, since he's had this happen several times now, but I think this last time was the most severe. Think I'll also invest in a small stethoscope...couldn't hurt to have one around and get familiar with the inner gurglings of both rabbits. And The Dog's too.

And maybe I can follow suit and go on a bunny diet myself... ;)
Wow that Was a scare!! I am So glad yofi is ok and doing better, he's one of my favs on RO! You will have to let us know how he does on his diet, and the beautiful Anna as well. I hope you have some strong will power when it comes to withholding treats. My bunnies are sooo cute when I give them treats I can't resist.
Oh yes, jujub, Yofi does like to scare me at times. The very first time was about 1 hour into ownership of him...my sister and I were driving back home from the breeders' where I got His Royal Highness. He was in a pet carrier in the back seat, and I turned around to check on him...and there he was, stretched out flat on his side, not a breath coming out of him. I thought he was dead - died from the shock of the cage, the car (after all, he was pretty scared when I'd held him in my arms prior to putting him in the carrier) - but nope; turned out he was sound asleep. Didn't take me very long to catch on to his habits...that of inhaling food, trying to steal everything that isn't bolted down, and sleeping sounder than a log. When I finally reached back and shook the pet carrier, his head rose lazily, eyes half open, as if to say, "Uhhhhh....whut?"

But these abdominal episodes of his really do scare me, because when he is in pain he just shuts down (as every rabbit does). And I fear that one of these times, he won't respond. However, he doesn't have them often (I think this may be the 3rd or 4th time all-told); and I'm hoping that being stricter with his diet will help. It certainly can't hurt. You're right, it'll be very hard to say no to him .... already had to a few times tonight, and snatched my blueberry container from him just in time, before he snagged it from the table; but all I have to do is picture him sitting there in pain, and that should make it easy to refuse him any freebees. Even when he resorts to hand licks as bribes.

The Dog, on the other hand...:pssd: I came home tonight to find what was left of an entire, previously unopened bag of raisins strewn about my bedroom. Seems despite her age (14) she can still stand up tall enough to sneak things from my kitchen table (which is one of those high ones).
lol sounds like one of my mom and dads dogs. she is tall enuf that she can rest her chin on the table and if you aren't vigilant she will still whatever yout eating, and has numerous times (ill mannered mutt!) did your dog eat the raisons or just have fun strewing them about?
Oh, a bunny with a tummy ache is quite high-stress, isn't it? It just seems to hit so suddenly and stop them in mid-track. Thankfully, Yofster's back to his usual form now, attempting to get into everything when my back has turned.

And it seems that I've created two little bunny-monsters, ever since instilling a new diet. I didn't realize just how spoiled the two of them had become! Last evening I had some blueberries (my favorite snack, as I guess you can tell...since I've mentioned Yofi pilfering them so many times) and was sitting at the computer while munching on some. Suddenly I felt two paws on one of my thighs, and just as I looked down, felt another set of paws on the other leg. Both Yofi and Anna had gotten wind of the berries and in their fervor to get in on the action, began swarming me...paws on both sides were flailing away as the dietary-denying duo attempted to scale my body for some mouthfuls of forbidden fruit. I tried pushing them away, one after the other, but they were determined to have their berries (and eat them too). In the end I had to get up and remove the blueberries completely, fearing a mutiny of the first degree.

Last evening I took some pictures of the two...most are simply photo-op poses (and most are actually of Anna), but I did manage to finally get a full-action shot of Yofi in mid-zoom on the sofa (aside from sofa-surfing along the back of the furniture, his second favorite pastime in the living room is to start and stop, pauses and sudden explosive zooms, back and forth on the sofa seat). I'll post that one last. ;)

Miss Anna-doo










(One of the reasons why a bunny diet isn't such a bad idea...;))








And Yofi, too









And the one I like the best... ;)


A few more...

Checking out The Dog's stinky toes:


Up close and personal with The Dog (not always the best idea):


Yofi and The Dog's stuffed ball-thing:


Two of the two of them, twogether:



And one of the two of them, with The Dog sorta ruining the shot:


These final ones are a series of photos I took of Yofi on the other side of the (beaten-up) living room door. I had called him, and he came hopping over from the bunny room, but got rather frustrated when he couldn't quite maneuver how to open the door wide enough to allow his 12-lb bunnay frame through (the door, admittedly, is hard to push at times):








I finally had to give in and open the door for him, or there would have been no living with The Boy after that...
I am glad Yofi is ok, that boy does like to make your heart skip a beat doesn't he.

Those are great pictures. I would love to get pictures like that of the herd. I like the one where they have their backs to each other, like the royal couple, had a disagreement.
I am glad Yofi is ok, that boy does like to make your heart skip a beat doesn't he.

Oh yes, almost from the moment I got him, the little rotter! However (and if anyone ever tells Yofi this, I'll never admit it to him), he certainly is worth it, heartstopping moments and all. :)

hehe...comparing Yofi and Anna to royalty...I chuckled at that, but can see what you mean, Dave. And Anna always seems to have this "meh" look on her face, which adds to that sense of "I'm not speaking to you, so there!". ;)
aww...thanks Karen! (Though I have to admit, for every photo that turns out good enough to post, there's probably 20 that wind up getting deleted. I'm great at capturing a half an ear, a bunny in mid-*run away!!!*, a glimpse of a toe, etc. ;)

(I think my favorite one of Anna in this bunch is the 3rd one down...she just looks like a cute little pudge. :biggrin:)
I love that instead of helping Yofi get to you, you photographed his struggle.
I once photographed my roommate falling off of her bed (I told her not to try and lean down and pick up her book but she didn't listen so I captured the ensuing events).
I love that instead of helping Yofi get to you, you photographed his struggle.
I once photographed my roommate falling off of her bed (I told her not to try and lean down and pick up her book but she didn't listen so I captured the ensuing events).

hahaha... I bet that made quite the picture! LOL...sounds like something I would have done to a sibling, given the chance. ;)

Are they harder to live with when they hear eveyone's comments about how cute they are?

Oh, you have NO idea, especially when His Royal Hareness is involved...:rollseyes

Speaking of whom, The Boy seems to be back in full form once again. Yesterday I was cleaning up my living room, and there was a stack of magazines and books lying in a corner, waiting to be put away. Mr. WantsToBeInOnEverything came loping into the room, spotted the stack, and headed directly for them, whereupon he began methodically sorting through each and every one...a magazine to the left, a paperback to the right, a magazine flung to the rear...on and on, until he reached one book in particular. Now, I know that rabbits can't read, but this did make me wonder, for just a moment, if that is in fact, not true. Because as soon as Yofi saw this book he took one look at it and then began to dig and tear at the cover with all the force of a bunny infuriated, until I dashed over and yanked it away. What was the book called? "The Loved Dog". :wink

Then this morning I got up early and decided to catch a bus to the local Farm Boy to pick up some veggies (my day off, but not from housework). I took a quick look at the bus schedule online and realized that the next one was going to pass by in roughly 6 minutes. Given the fact that it's been colder than a three-dog night (heck, even a four-dog night), and the wait time for buses - in rush hour - is at least 20 minutes on this route, I wanted to catch that sucker. I figured, if I tossed on my coat and boots and ran to to the stop (which is normally a 6-7 minute walk), I could make it. So I grabbed debit card, coat, hat, scarf, mitties, grocery bag, and quickly pulled on my boots. And just as I began to tie the laces on my left one, I heard *SNAP!*, and the lace went flying out of my hand. Why? I can give you one guess. The evening previous, I was chasing Yofi out of the corner of the living room every few moments, because he'd become obsessed with rearranging the boot tray (which, incidentally, is not far from where I'd stashed the magazines and books). As soon as he figured I wasn't looking, he'd be trying to take little chunks out of a boot toe; one of my slippers went sailing as he redecorated; and yes, I also caught him tugging on a boot lace. Only I didn't realize that he'd manage to rabbitauge the lace...just enough to have it snap when I went to tighten up my boot. Is it possible that a rabbit can plan such devious jokes? When it comes to Yofi, I have no doubt in my mind.

And now this evening...a little while ago I was sitting and watching television when The Boy came galumphing once again into the room. I only paid half-hearted attention to him, as I was in the midst of getting most of the Jeopardy answers incorrect; but I should have known that almost always, following in Yofi's wake there will be a commotion of some sort.

Now, for anyone who doesn't know what a "Roomba" is, here's a photo (required so you know what The Boy did):


It's an electronic vacuum 'robot', and will clean the floor for you once it's turned on. Mine had been sitting silently on the other side of the sofa, come to rest there when it stopped mid-suctioning a few hours before this. It had politely announced that I was lax in cleaning it's brushes, and was waiting for me to do so. (So yes, I opted to watch Jeopardy instead. ;)) At any rate, right in the middle of the final Jeopardy question - to which I had no clue what the answer would be - I suddenly heard this "...wwwwhhhhrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRR" emerging from the floor. Seconds later Yofi re-appeared, but only momentarily, for he was high-tailing it (literally) outta there. Following him was the Roomba, now in full gear and doing sweeps of the carpet as it passed. How Yofi managed to get it running when it was in 'sit-stay' mode, waiting to be cleaned, is beyond me...but I do know this: The Boy had some sort of agenda. I just know it. I've narrowed it down to one of two messages he was trying to send; either he was attempting to cover up all evidence of *something* he was up to, or he was letting me know in his own rabbitine way just what he thought of my housekeeping abilities.

Either way, he got my attention. :wink

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