Yay! Lion babies!

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I know a little more about the babies. It seems like the sire must be a single mane. We have a DM broken black doe, SM broken blue buck, DM charlie blue tort? buck, DM charlie unknown buck and a still pink buck that I am unable to tell if he is DM or SM or even is markings or color, although I am learning toward charlie. He has mega tiny ears :D
I have an question about my LionHeads, I hope you know the answers? What kind of mane does mine have?? (Single,Double,None)



And here's our boy that we only had him for 2 days!
The second rabbit has a double mane, the third a single (Although I would wait until Pamnock to come in and confirm.. I am new)
The first lionhead though really should be pet only since he has no mane..

Edit: I thought you said you weren't going to bred the first one anyways becasue it has no pedigree? Or am I just assuming too much?
oh! Too late for that for the 1st. He as such pretty coloring on him. He haves gray spots on hes belly..
Myia09 wrote:
The second rabbit has a double mane, the third a single (Although I would wait until Pamnock to come in and confirm.. I am new)
The first lionhead though really should be pet only since he has no mane..

Edit: I thought you said you weren't going to bred the first one anyways becasue it has no pedigree? Or am I just assuming too much?
Hmm, I dont think i didnt say that!! The 2nd picture one had her first litter on March 17th and she lost them. The babies looked like an broken. So my aunt told me to rebred her to picture #1
Maybe I was thinking of someone else then.
But I don't knwo what your aunt was thinking..no offense, but he is very poor quality lionhead..and a breeder should only try to improve breeding standards.

I am sure he isn't pedigreed, so I also don't know why, as a breeder, your breeding unpedigreed babies, and poor quality ones at that.

I also hope you also didn't already rebred your doe, after losing a litter so soon...
The best to rebred is after she had her litter. That is the best time to be fertile. I had a few people said it was okay to breed her that day, so that's what i did. You can show a rabbit that dont have an pedigree! If they dont find new homes after they are 6-8 weeks old I will keep them.
Well, I hate to take the thread away from teh OP and her beautiful babies!

Its best you start your own thread so the professionals can come in and address this.

And the purpose of a pedigree isn't just for showing; its for ensuring health and the breed standard, none of which that first lionhead has (and probably your doe?). I also read through your blog, so I don't have much more to say. If you want to listen to your aunt and "couple" of people, there isn't much to talk about!
How do you tell the difference between DM and SM I know I was told that you can only tell in the first few weeks so I was curious. I can't wait to see more pics as there fur comes in.
When they are new babies the double manes have no fur on their flanks(hips) and face cheeks. The fur on their head is longer and thinner than that on a single mane or no maned rabbit when they are babies.

On older rabbits double manes' face is wool insted of fur, which makes me think Misty's buck is a double mane since it looks like his ears and head is short wool. Whether he has mane left does not change his genetics. The first doe is a double mane and the second is a single because her wool is so long and her face is fur insted of wool. See, there is slight diffrences that the trained eye can see *wink*

The colors of your lions is chestnut agouti for the buck, black for the first doe and the second doe I am pretty sure is a blue tort since she is so light.

Also, it is not possible to get a broken from two solid parents. The baby(s) that looked broken would be double manes. Your aunt should know that if she knows much of anything about lionhead breeding and color genetics. *shrugs*

I will get new pictures today of my babies!!!!!!! It was confirmed that the sire is a single mane so that explains it. It looks like two of the bucks are broken lilac or something, they are VERY light diluted. It may just be that the blue is lighter on the double manes than the single mane, I am unsure. The other baby is still pink and is a single mane. You can not see that it is a single mane but I rubbed his flank against my lips it felt smooth, not like skin on the double manes felt. His head is also not got the long thin hairs.

My lionheads are not pedigreed(I pick type, health and the lines breeding record over a peice of paper that people lie on everyday) so their lineage is unknown. I will be keeping information on them so they can be pedigreed down the line.

Technically you do not need two pedigreed parents to write pedigrees for them. Many people will simply take what you know so that if they breed it to a pedigreed animal they have some information on that parent even if it is just it's parents. There is currently a breeder here in kentucky that is being sued for faking pedigrees. I have been jokingly told by other breeders "No, I do not pedigree, but I can go write you up a fake one if you want *wink wink, pinch pinch*".

I am buying my lionheads for the type, look, and color that -I- want. If they have pedigrees I will buy them but if not I am not going to sweat it. If I am breeding typey healthy animals a peice of paper should not matter, not on a non-accept breed anyway.
The 3rd picture.. He was an black tort.. Thats what hes pedigree said anyways! But he was 4 months old and died 2 days after we got him!!

Anyways, cant wait for pictures of your babies
That's what my aunt told me that the babies for the lionhead that you can write there pedigree down
yay! my lion had her babies today! :pinkelepht:She had 3 one really pink one and 2 dark ones.This is my first litter of lions:biggrin2:
Ok, I know I said I would get new pictures today but it was a busy day. Hot today, yuck. I took out the wire cages I had Neena and Steffi in and insted made stacking NIC cages for them. I needed their cages outside and I had loads of grids sitting doing nothing so I thought it was best. The NICs are lighter and easier to move for cleaning anyway. Tomarrow I will have to put cardboard around the bottoms of them so if the babies get out I do not have to worry about Pitten or the dogs eating them. They will start getting out soon, Neena's anyway.

I work tomarrow so pictures will be late tomarrow evening, if I even feel like it. It drains me.
I know, I know! I had to lost the USb cord... again. I lose everything. Picture tomarrow I think :p

I found out the problems with the colors, why I was so stumped. Steffi is not a broken himi. Want to guess? She is............otter. Yep, otter himi. Either black or chocolate, I am sort of learning toward chocolate :/

So far we have DM broken black otter doe, SM broken blue otter buck, DM blue? tort otter buck, DM black tort buck and one SM buck that is a very creamy white color. I do not know what he is, it is still puzzling. If he was himi he should be white, not creamish like. I have thought maybe a sable point marten but no very distinct points.

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