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lol Loz and Ebony! Spice has that exact innocentface, I mean, you know he did it, but how can you get mad?! And thenthere's Mocha, he has more of this "Ya I did it. Want me to do itagain?" look all the time, it's really quite comical.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats so cute i love it whenrabbits look like Spice and Fidget because you just cant tell themoff!! (quite crafty when you think about it!!)
My husband who pays no attention to rabbits saysour tort netherland dwarf bunny is his favorite.Its only 6 weeksoldand im still trying to name it.i havent taken any picturesyet.bluebird

*laughs* Hi Bluebird,

Names aren't easy, although we have some very gifted members that comeup with some very cool ones. You might peruse through a post entitled,"Names" for some suggestions. Let us know what you've settled on. Tortsare so cute! I love that color.

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Love the Avatar of Mocha too! Seems that no matter who you use, you'regoing to have adorable avatars. You can really see his face and thatmonster body. (any rabbit that looks bigger than Tucker is giant-sizedto us. *laughs*)

Hello everyone!

I have 3 bunnies at the moment, Charlie and Daisy are holland lopsCharlie is fawn and Daisy is a torte. I also have one oftheir babies from the last litter. I haven't decided weitheror not we are keeping her. She is the last of the litter togo. Daisy had 6 babies the last time.

Charlie has free run of the living room during the day then Daisy hasfree run during the evening. That way he doesn't get allexcited and start spraying!! They are both a little over ayear old, and have such personalities. Daisy after her first4 babies went got really mad at me and started biting me, but the nextmorning after she realised she could sleep in her house again was everso happy to give me kisses!!

They both like other animals and have the most fun when they are running after the cats!

I will attach pics. They aren't the best but it is all I have I will try to get better ones.

Well that is all for now.

Shannon and the crew.

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No your rabbits look really adorable!! Your lucky to have such beautiful rabbits as them!!
Yousoundlike you love them lots though! And theyreverylucky to have you as an owner.

Love 4rm

lauren and Ebony and Fidget

Your rabbits are real cuties :) I think the bestpictures are the ones when people think they're bad! :) Its more of anatural picture of the rabbits. I got some funky pictures of Meganyawning, drinking out of her water bottle, and running around :) And Ithink they're a lot cuter then the ones of her just sitting there!Thanks for sharing your pretty buns with us!
Greetings all! I'mthe Mom to a big ole bunny named Elf. Here she is enjoying her EasterRomp on the farm.






Elf Mommy wrote:
Greetings all! I'm the Mom toa big ole bunny named Elf. Here she is enjoying her Easter Romp on thefarm.

Those photos are awesome!!! I loved them !

I just have to keep going backto look at them again and again-- thanks so much for sharing them with us! You are awonderful photographer!


Thank you! I love taking pictures...especially of my family.

I'm going through the archives right now andreading everyone's posts. What beautiful bunnies and wonderful storiesall of you have.

Then I took a break to lie on the floor and letElf hop on me, over me, and come up to bump me on the nose occasionallyas she hops around the dining room (her domain).

aww...everyones bunnies are soadorable! well my names jenn. ill be 19 in june & im incollege. i work @ a residential care home, doing direct care for peoplewith moderate to severe mental retardation-as well as severe physicaldisabilities. up untill recently i lived with my boyfriend. now itsjust me & batman. and i like it better that way:Danywho, my boy is nearly 6 months old. hes a black mini lopnamed batman (although i dont really call him that)ive hadhim since he was 2months old (the pet store said he was 3mon but thevet told me otherwise)...i recently found out that hes a boy, which wasinteresting but now ive been noticing that he really is a macho littlebugger. hes also a cuddly little bugger. a kissy bugger and a lazybugger. he can have a killer attitude if hes mad. his favorite thingsare 1/food 2/kisses & snuggling 3/food 4/plastic bags:?5/jumping onto anything he can 6/waging war with any insectthat crosses his path 7/food 8/kisses 9/kisses 10/kisses...hehe. and ifanyones interested in seeing him, go to the thread entilted"BATMAN PICS..." its hard to get a good picture ofhim, as hes sodark, but you get the idea. hescute.:psoon im planning on getting him fixed & adopting alittle girl bunny to keep him company. speaking of neutering-i know itssafe nowadays but im going to need some encouragement. success storiesplease. lol. i cant help but being worried! i feel nauseus thinkingabout him being put to sleep because im afraid he wont wake up. itshorrible to think that way but im afraid for him. :?andcurrently, im being dug by him. he knows when its dinner time...off tomake a bunny salad! :)

Welcome Elf Mommy!

I can't stop laughing at All That Cuteness of Elf! She actually posesfor you. You lucky dog! (I can't stop looking at those pictures either,Pam.)

What a Life this Elf has! Miss: Look-at-Me-Because-I'm-Cool-AND-Gorgeous!

And that little white cottontail! That Bright White Cottontail!!! WhatFun! Thank you So Much for sharing your little treasure with us.

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Dear BatBunny,

It's most admirable the work that you are doing for people that need it the most. Thank God for people like you.

No worries about neutering. It's not bad. If you consider the odds, most bunnies are completely fine.

It's always a worry when your bunny goes under medication, but sincehe's healthy, of a good age to get fixed, and loves life and you asmuch as he clearly does from your previous post, I'd bet the farm on itthat he'll be fine.

We'll help you along when the time comes.

thank you, carolyn! i absolutely loveit. i get paid to hang out with these wonderful people & nomatter what, i always feel good about what i do when i gohome.it does have its downs (ie. getting puked on,etc.)but i couldnt see myself doing anything else. thanks forthe encouragement...i plan on calling the vet tomorrow & askingsome questions. the main thing that imconcerned about is theanesthesia, because hes so small! hes like 3lbs soaking wet! hes not atall skinny but hes just so little! do you know if most vets will letyou be there while bun is going under? i really hope minewill.not onlyfor my peace of mind, but so thathefeltrelaxed & secure &whatnot.
Aww! Everyone's bunnies are so cute!!

I have 1 bunny, her name is Oreo she is 4yrs old. Don't let her looksfool you she's really a troublemaker! Right now she is suffering from afurball, but when she is her normal self She enjoys playing in herplaypen and eating! lol She is a porker!

She's very clever too! One of her toys is a bird toy with wood circleson a chain with a bell at the end hanging on her cage. She has trainedmy dad to give her a treat whenever she rings the bell! First she willjust pull at it and let it hit the side of the cage, but if no one paysattention to her she gets mad an throws it over her head so it willmake a louder noise when it hits the side of the cage lol!

This is my lil brat. It's a pic from when she was younger, I haven'thad the chance to put a lot of recent ones on the computer yet:)


How cute!! I want! lmao, just kidding, I know looks are decieving, as no one believes the trouble Mocha gets into here, lol.
Aww all these pictures of bunnies - they are allso adorable :). I have two white polish dwarfs Daisy andBuster (Buster being re-named after we thought he was a girl). We areall very proud of Daisy at the moment as she has just given birth toseven babies yesterday! She is looking after the babies really well andthe babies are just the cutest things I have ever seen. Just thoughtI'd put a post on here to tell everyone aboutour speciallittle troopers.
Awwww!!! All of the bunnies are so cute! I just brought my bunnies in from outside, they gave me quite a workout!

Pam~Oreo is so cute! I thought she was a kitten at first :D.


Carolyn- Thank you for the link to the dwarf website, all the bunnys were so adorable. :D

Elf mommy- Loved the pictures, You have a good line of rabbits there Elf is so cute and her mum is equally as cute. ;)

Pamela- Yet again another stunning rabbit! :D