Would you please comment on my craigslist "Easter bunny ad"?

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An effective ad at a timely moment. I almost feel guilty for the desire to put my rabbits in a basket full of hay so I can take Easter pics, but then the only cruelty ever visited on my guys is that sort of shenanigans.
Okay, usually I really enjoy proof reading and am pretty good at spelling and grammar, but I could barely make it through the ad without getting emotional! Looks like you've got some other people who have caught some things, though. Thank you for making such a post. Muppet is lucky you saved her, just like all of our rescue buns are lucky. Even though her Easter owners' actions took many health tolls on her, I'm sure you're making up for that in providing her a great quality of life. :)
It's a great ad, but working from the side of needing to rehome babies (as I will be doing in 7-9 weeks. Can't believe they'll be a week old tomorrow!) How does one even go about knowing if they are going to a good home? So many people lie through their teeth these days, and I wouldn't want ANY rabbit getting tortured like Muppet or any other way. :( I shared his story on FB in hope that my friends will pass it around.
I'd start by asking a lot of questions, particularly to find out what they know about a rabbit's diet and cage/exercise needs. either they've done their research or they haven't - you can't really fake that. while it's no guarantee, someone who has bothered to do research before getting a pet is much more likely to take proper care of it.
OP: I read the add today while at work and just found this here!! loved it and ty for doing it!1

and we are close ^_^
What a horrific story, I'm glad that Muppet now has a good home though.

There's actually a non-profit organisation called Make Mine Chocolate, you can find them here: http://www.makeminechocolate.org/ they're also on facebook as well, which is good for spreading word.
Poor Muppet! :-( Unfortunately, the woman we adopted our dog from just got her 3 daughters each a bunny for Easter. It's truly disturbing, she said she didn't have time for Daisy (our dog), kept the other dog she had & then a few months later got another dog which they either named or was named Daisy (they asked to be friends with me on Facebook, so I see all of her posts). Knowing how much work B is (B is way more work than Daisy is!) I can't imagine getting 3 rabbits all at once to care for. I don't see it ending well.
In my defense its is almost 4am :) But I did make the corrections.

Umm....You don't need a defense. No big deal about making mistakes, that is why writers have proofreaders and editors after all. Mistakes simply distract from the message that you are trying to get out. You do have a tendency to use ‘threw’ for ‘through’ too. ‘Thru’ is also correct. Every writer has their own quircks.

You might also want to check out Rabbitron.com which is located in Spokane, Washington. They have a pretty big Easter bunny campaign under way and might be a good source of ideas and help.

On perusing your Craig’s List post, I found the following which should be corrected:
Spaces needed after commas, 3 times
‘There’ needs to be changed to ‘their’, 2 times
‘Owners’ needs to be changed to ‘owner’s’
‘You’r’ needs to be changed to ‘you’re’
Consistency in using a blank line after each paragraph: it was done twice, four more times would be better.

BunBun has a poem about Easter bunnies which is posted below.

If you are on Facebook you can share the poem from the Facebook page of Bunny World Foundation in LA, they posted it to their page on March 8, 2013. Other versions of the poem are on the Facebook page of BunBun Rwa.

Any who might want to use this poem to help spread the word are free to do so providing that authorship credit is given to BunBun Rwa, Rabbit With Attitude, On Facebook and YouTube.

Easter Tears

Countless rabbits are just thrown away
After being given as gifts on Easter day.
Don't buy me just for a cute holiday toy
With love and care, I'll give years of Joy.

Don't toss me in a cage and leave me alone
Share your life with me, give me room to roam.
Rabbits are not meant to be locked away
We're meant to be loved, to frolic and play.

A rabbit is a commitment for many years
A neglected Easter gift weeps daily silent tears.
A rabbit is a Joy, a loving treasure to cherish
Not something to be neglected, left to perish.

A cruel way to celebrate a Joyous day
Is to treat a rabbit as a cute lump of clay.
Keep the day Holy and Joyous and free
Of a soon to be neglected rabbit, just like me.

BunBun Rwa
Rabbit With Attitude
& Roet
BunBunRwa on YouTube & Facebook
(ROET = Rabbit pOET)
Posting to my FB. The best best thing those people ever did for poor Muppet was leaving her on your doorstep, it would have been better if they would have handed her to you but they didn't deserve her.
Do you mind if people take your story and repost it? I have seen a several bunny ads lately and a few of them have referenced easter. If it is ok by you I would like to repost that on craigs list in my area.
Sometimes, I just find it hard to believe how stupid people are and what they are capable of...I never realised that was Muppet´s start to life and she is so lucky to have you now. I´m absolutely speechless. If you ad stops one person from taking on an animal that they could possibly have for 10 years with all the expense and care they need, then it´s worth it. I hope it just makes people think before they act.

Just wanted to post here the RAW poster to put people off buying rabbits as Easter gifts. I love the sentiment.


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