Worried & Frustrated

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Update: My Rescue League friend called me to update me.. One of our local vets ( one of the vets used @ the League & has been practicing for at least 30 years) went into the pet store. He saw the turtles and decided he would buy one. When he asked about it, the owner told him he would have to have some kind of special license ( I think it was something to do with education) to buy the turtle. The vet sarcastically laughed and said he DID have a license... a Vet Medicine one. They still refused the sale. So Dr. So and So researched the turtle, found out it is illegal to sale and contacted the Wildlife & Fisheries Dept. A full investigation is being brought against the pet store! Partial accomplishment!
I went in there the other day and they had cleaned up ALOT. There were about 6 Buns left but all the cages & food & water dishes were clean. In fact, the whole store had had a major over haul. However, the puppies, especially the Cockers ( my Heart Breed) deeply concerned me. She had blood in her stool. Lots of it. Not dark coffee ground looking thank goodness, but blood none the less. Owner said he would get her to the vet :S I am pleased with the improvements, and I honestly hope they continue, we need a GOOD pet supply store near us ( our nearest is over 20 miles away). Oh, and I did consider applying to work there part time to try and help it improve, but I'm afraid I may end up getting fired because of my * assertiveness* and passion heh ;)
Remember the sick little bun I was so worried about? Well, turns out it was sold... to my MOTHER! :shock: The day my mom went to the petstore, she also came home with 2 buns * insert lots of fussing* She said she couldn't stand leaving them there. So, even though this baby isn't in my possession, I am supervising her care. She goes to the vet tomorrow. ( am starting a new thread about her illness stuff).
Sorry for the long winded-ness of my post, but thanks for letting me vent :)

~ Sealy
Don't be sorry for the "long winded-ness"of your posts. I just now stumbled upon it and read the whole thing. It was great. I love that you updated often. Sound like things are moving along nicely. That's cute that your mom bought the sickly bun and another.

That's great!! Thank god something has happened to make him have to clean up his act.
I am so glad.
And the little bunny was bought!!!! Yes!!!!! I'm jumping for joy!!!

And you'll get to see him and look after him!!!!!!

Oh dear- the poor puppy!! It's just one thing after another....:(
Thank god pet shops in England can't sell cats or dogs, although personally I don't see the difference in selling cats, dogs, rabbits, chinchillas etc.- they are equal and if one shouldn't be sold in pet shops none should. It should be up to breeders- they knew what they are doing- they can look after them properly, and know exactly what kind of owners they are going to.

I'm so glad that something has been done! And it's all thanks to you :)

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