worried about my rabbit!

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Active Member
Mar 10, 2015
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Hey, I got a rabbit yesturday and I dont really know anything at all about rabbits I just felt bad for her in this tiny hutch with no toys so I got her. My problem is that I got her a hay rack yesturday and stuffed it full then when I went to top it up this morning it was still full, she had eaten her mixed salad and nibbled at the stuffed log I got her but hasnt touched her hay or pellets :/ she seems healthy, nice soft shiny coat, bright eyes, plenty of energy (she gave me a right run around in the garden yesturday lol) and her poos look like normal rabbit poo. She just hasnt eaten any hay, I didnt buy cheap hay I got the nicest looking timothy hay they had it was branded by the rspca and made by burgress. Should I be worried? i was told she is 7 months old and i dont know what kind of rabbit she is but id say she is just a standard short haired rabbit lol. Thanks :)
My 2 don't really bother with hay, but they have free run of the garden all day and are always nibbling on the grass. you could try mixing it in with her food? That's what I do to make sure they're eating a good balance of hay & pellets, otherwise they don't really bother with it. Maybe she is just taking some time to settle into her new home. Keep an eye on her, and maybe make her an initial appointment at the vets for a check up seeing as she is a new pet x
What exactly is the stuffed log that you got her, and how much salad did you feed? If the stuffed log is what I think it is, you should probably take it away since it will likely be unsuitable if it's grains or treat type foods that should only be given in very small quantities. Take that away and give maybe 1/4 cup fresh pellets daily. If she was on a different pellet before, it may simply take her a while to get used to the smell of the new one. As for the hay, it's possible she's never had hay before so isn't sure what to do with it. Keep offering it, put it over the litter box if it isn't already because rabbits like to nibble while they poop. The other alternative is that she just may be a bit fussy with it, some rabbits only like certain types of hay such as orchard grass, some like timothy etc. I would persist with it for now since she's new and still getting comfortable. Just refresh it daily, for whatever reason even though it's the same hay, rabbits are always more interested in hay that's just been added to the hay rack than hay that's been then for 12-24 hours.
Yeah the log thing is like mixed grains and god knows what hoding it togeter, she mainly chewed the wood though. Erm I gave her a big handfull of mixed salad and she ate all of that. She is still on the same food because I didnt want to change it straight away but I will be changing it once she is settled to a better quality food. I cant puitthe hay over the litter tray as there isnt enough room in the hutch for a tray :( (she is going to be moved into the shed soon it just needs fixing up a bit first) I will keep a close eye on her and hopfully your both right and she just needs to settle in.
She will be going to the vet for her injections as soon as possible so I will ask them to check her over then. Thanks both of you put my mind at ease a little x
I don't think either of mine were given hay before they came to me. I just always leave it as an option 😊 they clean out their pellets every day though greedy buns! I'm sure she will be fine once she's settled in and you are both in a routine x
She is booked in for her injections and microchip on monday morning so I will get the vet to check her over then. Thanks everyone! x
Thanks. Now all I have to worry about is getting her out of that "hutch" (more like a rabbit prison cell) having her spayed and getting her a friend. Poor girl must get lonely.
Aah :( we recently bought Lola as a friend for Peter and he's fascinated by her, he sits buy her hutch all day. Is she litter trained? I'd love to buy a shed/summerhouse for mine once they are both neutered and bonded properly 😊😊 x
Yep, definitely take away the log, you don't really want them eating grains. Just keep encouraging hay eating, sometimes even holding strands up to them can encourage them to eat. Let us know how it goes, she definitely needs to start eating properly, keep an eye on her poop, if it stops for 8 hours or more you'll need to see the vet sooner.
I have been to pets at home to stock up on supplies. I got her a bag of "alfalfa king timothy hay" because it looked and smelled the nicest and she started nibbling at it straight away :) I have gotten rid of the log thing and I got her some cranberry and apple hay stickle things instead. I also got her a couple of bags of the rabbit forage and a bag of the apple and black current forage as a little treat to sprinkle round the hutch and I got her the supreme science rabbit pellets. Does that sound okay? Constuctive criticism is always welcome, I want to do the best by her but I dont really know much about rabbits... probably not the best idea getting a rabbit before I did the reserch I know but it wasnt planned I just felt for her, I knew she would end up as another "kids pet" and more than likely be back on a for sale site when they got bored of her :( She is doing great though, still no signes of illness, leaving plenty of poo for me to clean lol. She is starting to buold some trust with me now, she lets me pick her up and stroke her and earlier she had her eyes closed whilst I was stroking her so she must of been relaxed :) I love her she is such a sweetie <3 thanks for the advise everyone, its much needed lol x
Make sure you transition into the new pellets slowly, giving a mix of old and new and then increasing the new til you can make a total switch. And welcome to the crazy but awesome world of rabbit friendship.
I will do stevesmum thanks for the tip. Im allready loving having her, she is so sweet and gentle. Love love love her. x

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