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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Wow! You guys, my boys appetites have greatlyincreased since it's gotten colder! They now eat double the hay theywere a month ago. It's like wow, before they hardly ate any, Mochabarely made a dent normally and now they are eating all the hay inthere hay racks.

Anyone else noticing this change in appetite?
It's funny, I've noticed my bunnies' hay intakehas increased a lot too. They are in a naturally lit room that is keptwarm but is not directly heated, so I was wondering if the onset ofcooler weather has prompted them to do this.

As a side note, I think my hamster has taken to hibernating. :?
Hmmm.Now that you mention it....I've noticed that my bunnies havent beeneating as much lately. But, I live down south (Louisiana) and it's muchwarmer here. Still getting temps of 80 to 85 degrees F. Humidity is offthe charts at around 60 to 70%. So, I'm still using fans and frozenbottles. We had a cool spell a couple of weeks ago and they cleanedtheir food bowls and hay out. Right now they eat about half as much ofeach as compared to then. I was starting to worry. But, thinking back Iguess theyre intake picked up cause it was so cold. That's arelief!:)

Yes Stitch is eating TONS I cant keep up shealways wants pellets but I wont give them to her I will only give themto her when I get up in the morning and then Hay for the restof the day I feel so sad tho doing that to her cause she throws herbowl around wanting pellets.

She even drags her bowl out of the cage and throws it on my living roomfloor and then she will hop in her cage and STOMP her feet really loudfor pellets and well I gotta tell you its hard to be strong I give inand give her a teeny tiny bit just to make her happy.
Loppy Earred Mom wrote:
Yes Stitch is eating TONS I cant keep up she always wantspellets but I wont give them to her I will only give them toher when I get up in the morning and then Hay for the rest of the day Ifeel so sad tho doing that to her cause she throws her bowl aroundwanting pellets.

She even drags her bowl out of the cage and throws it on my living roomfloor and then she will hop in her cage and STOMP her feet really loudfor pellets and well I gotta tell you its hard to be strong I give inand give her a teeny tiny bit just to make her happy.
Awwww. Poor baby. Youre a muchbetter bunny mommy than I am. I'd probably give in at some point. Youredoing the right thing though.


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