why is she peeing on me??

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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2006
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UGH, 2 times now she's done it, in the past 2 days. When I've held her. I'd be holding her and petting her. And she's just loving it. PUrring and closing her eyes.. Then after a few min, she gets up and pees on me.

Is it cus shes not fixed yet?

eta... my mom thinks shes marking me as hers... but she doesn't know anything about bunnies lol
I hope she learns soon lol. It's annoying. lol. And warm. :bunnydance:
Gretchen did that once and I was told that she was marking me as hers too. I think that is probably the case.
so does that mean she loves me? lol

but she hasn't kissed me yet. lol
It means she owns you, and might think of you as a mate. This almost always stops when the rabbit is spayed.

Mocha peed everywhere except on me. Thank goodness for small favors!
Being owned by a bunn is a great thing!! Our male lop was infatuated with me at first. He would run around me making oinking noises and nipping and grooming me!:D He eventually worked up to spraying me! The worst was that he always aimed for my hair! :shock: That was a little gross!:D But it was so nice knowing that he loved me enuff to pee on me! LOL Only a rabbit person would say that!! :D
so she has peed on me couple times, but has yet to kiss me.. When will that come?
Kisses will follow eventually. If you are truly a good bunny slave you might be graced with a kiss or two!! Our boy (the one who liked to pee in my hair) gives me kisses all the time! Our Pepper girl will give me one every once in a while. But our dominant bunn girl Skittles will only kiss me if she thinks she is grooming me. It all depends on the bunn! Just give it time and be a good bunny slave! Some rabbits are more people oriented than others! :D

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