Why a rabbit?

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Happi Bun

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2007
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Rabbits have individual personalites and are special in their own ways. But why did you choose to be owned by a bun? What do you love about them that makes themhold a special place in your heart?:)
We have the worst reason.

We got a rabbit (Penny) much like many owners because we thought that taking care of a rabbit is easy. Boy, little did we know how much attention they need. How dependant they are on humans. It's all worth it though.

Then we got Molly as a buddy for Penny.
I had a rabbit as a kid and asked my boyfriend at the time (now my husband!) if when we got a house i could have a rabbit it kinda went from there. He is as much of a sucker for buns as i am !!

I suppose i am not really a cat person and although we had dogs when i was a kid nothing was the same as a rabbit!!
Maisie was our first bun...

We were picking Em up from school one day, and encountered her saying, "There's BUNNIES over there!" and pointing to the raised grassy areas in the main area of the school (where the kids ate lunch...decorative grassy areas).

Soo...always being fond of bunnies, and being curious about them...I ventured over to see what they were like. Turned out a girl that went to school there (older than Em by a few years) had a couple of bunnies that'd had a litter, and she was selling them for $20 each (with proceeds going to the spaying of their mama).

Soo...all I could think was, "I have the potential to finally have a BUNNY here!" And I sat down to see what they were like, as the girl was saying they were really friendly.

No sooner had I sat down, then a little gray cutie-pie came up, hopped in my lap, and tried to climb up my chest! :shock: I'd had NO idea bunnies could be so social (lol)!!

So I went home with the notion of having a bunny in my head...and my heart having been taken by a little gray cutie pie...and decided that I had to at least RESEARCH to see if we could have them with the two kitties we already had, figure out how expensive they were to take care of, etc. And low and behold, I found Rabbits Online!!

I came on here, was greeted by SUPER friendly, wonderful people, asked my HUNDREDS of questions...and found that having a bun was a PERFECT fit for our household!

A couple days later, we went to the girl's house to pick up our Maisie...and the rest is history! We now have a herd of eight...and might get more once we move (including a Flemish Giant), and I'm involved in helping out with bunny transports, and plan on fostering when we move to a house...the list goes on!

I'm just smitten...Maisie brought on an avalanche of love for bunnies that just doesn't seem to want to stop! :)

Here's a picture of Maisie the first few days we brought her home:



Because they have this amazing nack at multiplying even when they are spayed and neutered. ;)

Ok, just kidding, the real reason is probably not the best reason. I got Mocha from a friend when he was only 6-7 weeks old because I had recently quit riding and was really animal deprived. I needed an outside animal that didn't need a lot of space (my parents wereset on not allowing adog). Since then my rabbit habbit has turned into an addiction, lol. I'm just amazed at how much they differ and how they can put a smile on your face no matter what.
Haha, when we was in a petstore, I was petting the rabbits and I told my mom I'd like to have one.This was probably when I was...13 I think. Usually, to all my animals I want, she says no, but with a rabbit, she said "I use to have them, I wouldn't mind you having one." Thus, the spark was lighted. I got online and did tons of research on them and fell in love.

god why rabbits well i started breeding hamsters all that started with helly hamster and them dot and charlie hamster :Dhad 52 at one point also had 15 rats , 5 chinchillas , and 1 rabbit called chip , well one day i had 2 dumped on me and then i get bobby , then maisy , but when i had my daughter who was very prem it got too much so i found good homes for the hamsters and rats didnt have many by then anyway , and i had to get rid of the chinchillas as the fur effected her chest so they got good homes and that just left me with the bunnies , then i went to bradford excel show one year and i was hooked had to start showing just went from there really :biggrin2:
I was feeling the need to nurture some creature, but I'm allergic to cats and couldn't have a dog b/c I'm so busy. I heard you could keep rabbits inside and have them use a litterbox, and I researched them for SEVERAL months. Once a particularly busy quarter of school was over, I decided it was time, so I went to the shelter that would adopt to me (at 21, not all shelters will let you adopt). I also really liked the pictures of bunnies they had online. I met their bunnies, and Tony impressed me because he let me hold him and pet him, and didn't try to squirm away. He seemed like such a little gentleman. So I took him home and the rest is history.
I was in college and sharing an apartment with my friend. We werent allowed to have pets but we are bothanimal lovers and felt the need to share our home with an animal. We figured a rabbit would be good since they cant really get us caught by barking or needing to go outside or lying in the windowsill for all to see. My moms friend had a bunny (Basil) who she wanted to rehome and we heard he was litter box trained. We were stunned since neither of us had ever had an indoor bunny and had no clue they could be litter trained.

We brought Basil home and the rest is history. And yes, MBB, they do tend tomultiply even when spayed and neutered :biggrin2:
MBB LOL! That's so true! I only had Bo (who was one of those all of a sudden purchases at the fair - for my kids to show but then I had him neutered LOL) Then came Cloverbunny and of course our Tony who the kids will definitely be showing!

Why do I keep them? especially when Bo loves to chew all of my stained woodwork? leave presents for us all over my house (which is strange since they only really stay in one room) and cost a fortune in feed and hay and toys and anything else their little hearts desire...... or looks like they need........ and leave hay all over the place... which gets tracked even more over the place.........

Because there's very little in life that makes you immediately smile - no matter how many times you've seen it - A binky out of nowhere! It's like a happy attack!

Then the snuggle time I get with my boys. It's priceless. For me it is like when my kids were babies. I loved to hold them and rock them...... they grew...... my bunnies are pretty much done with that LOL!
Haley wrote:
And yes, MBB, they do tend tomultiply even when spayed and neutered :biggrin2:
Just remember... my limit was originally 1. ;)Now my limit is still apparently 4 but I have 5 and they wont make me rehome any, LOL. (I average about 1 newrabbit per year, I've had bunnies for 4.5 years and now have 5 so it still holds true, lol.)
Let's see, thinking way back to the beginning when I was a little kid... I loved ALL animals, but my parents only ever let me have hermit crabs. When I was in fourth grade, a boy in my class got a pet bunny named Snickers. I was smitten with the idea of having a bunny. A couple months later, my mom gave me a very cute stuffed brown bunny and I became even more in love with buns. We moved shortly afterwards, and when we'd been in the house for only a couple of weeks my brother and I started asking for a rabbit. We were 10 and 12 at the time. My parents said no, and I recall my brother and I hatching a plan. We made picketing signs and went on strike. We marched around the living room with our signs while chanting "No hugs until we get a bunny" and the like. My parents laughed hysterically and when they calmed down enough, they told us we could have a bunny at the end of summer if we were nice to each other and did our chores. Of course, they had already discussed getting a rabbit and decided we could before then, they just hadn't told us yet and our little strike seemed like the right time.

When we brought Cinnabun home (3 days later instead of 2 months later, I might add), we really didn't know anything about bunnies, but research was quickly done and we all fell in love with our bundle of fluff. Bunnies have been on a pedestal in my heart since then and I've always wanted another, for some reason they just seem so much more special to me than cats or dogs (which I also love).

So, that's my little story of why I want bunnies!
Over 45 years ago (OK, OK, I'm old... my kids remind me every day!) I "won" a baby bunny at a friend'sbirthday party (Funny, there were 8 babies and 8 kids at the party!) She was a little Dutch girl I named Princess...(What else does a kid call a girl pet?) She lived almost 15 years in my back yard (cause my mom HATED animals and wouldn't allow them in the house!) I went away to college for a couple years and when my BF (now husband) and I started living together, I had to have another one... it's now a serious addiction that may need an intervention (maybe in 10 years or so...).

Our first Flemish was bought for our daughter. I'll never be without them EVER again.... :inlove:

There is nothing like a bunny!
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Haley wrote:
And yes, MBB, they do tend tomultiply even when spayed and neutered :biggrin2:
Just remember... my limit was originally 1. ;)Now my limit is still apparently 4 but I have 5 and they wont make me rehome any, LOL. (I average about 1 newrabbit per year, I've had bunnies for 4.5 years and now have 5 so it still holds true, lol.)
YIKES! I'll tell my hubby :devil
Well, let's see. i've always wanted a rabbit but never had one. I've had dogs on an off and cats at one point too. I've also had fish and birds.

My son had been asking me for a pet and i started to doresearch onhamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs. Well, my research led me to the nycacc (shelter) that had bunnies. I went that same day and fell in LOVE with Thumper.

This was two months ago and i just went back to get another bun and I now have Peaches (who is a doll!)

It can be difficult (especially with Thumps personality) but the binkies, flops, bunny 500's and kisses make it all worth while.I worry about them like I do my boys and I can't see myself without them.I am always going to have buns.:biggrin2:
My reason actually, isn't all that great ethir,

When I was little one of my freinds lived on a farm. She was going to get rabbits, so naturally I wanted one too! I told my mom. My mom's alleric to cats, alittle bit of dogs, guine piggs, dust, and danderif. So when I said a rabbit they went to see if she was alleric to them. She wasn't and that's why we got a rabbit. It was one of the few pets we could get. Now I want to point out, that we did do ALOT of research before getting bunny, to make sure we really did want to live with one, and not just because they're cute.

I hadn't told the long story before, because I'm sort of ambarssed by how I would ALWAYS copy my friend, and if she hadn't wanted a bunny I probalbe wouldn't have one either. But I was just a little kid then. :baghead

But anyway after we got Teacup, we spent 6 years with out anougher buuny, till we fouhnd Bud and Kali on petfinder.

And I'm sure you can guess how the rest went.

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