which vet would you choose???

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Thank you so very much for your prayers and concerns!!!

The vet's office called me this afternoon saying that maomaochiu didwell, he was even eating some pellets and some of the treats i leftthere. He is back home now, still half sleep, notactive at all. But the first thing he did aftergothome was to hop across the living room and went to his litter tray,peed and pooped a little. I was almost in my tears......

i removed the ramp in his cage for the time being, so heisrestricted to the top floor only.as soon as i puthim in the cage,he went right into thelitterbox and just kind of rest in there. i putsome of his favorite treats like cheerios and yogurt chips by thelitter box, but so far, he has not shown any interest. hechewed a little bit of hay, but again, not much.

the vet did not give any pain medicine coz she said he should not be inpain, but she did give some antibiotics (trimeth-sulfa) and i need togive him 1cc twice each day for the next 2 weeks. now, thisis not the sameas what i've been reading, but......

the vet said the stitches areinside his body and can be desolved in the next couple of weeks.

it is very hard to see him being like this, he used to be very activeand runs around all the time. hopefully, this is justtemporary, and he is having a good rest.

Is there anything particularthat i need to pay attentionthese couple of days? thanks again for all your help andsuggestions!!!


He's fine! May be a bit low key from being asleep and then in a bit of pain. Glad to hear all went well.

Don't let him hop much for a few days and keep his litter and pen really clean, that's all you have to worry about.

If he shows any sign of a reduced appetite, I'd take him off the antibiotics. (Not sure why he's on them).

Nose pats and kisses!

Glad to hear he's doing well!

The most important thing is to be sure he is eating/drinking poopingnormally. He might be a bit sluggish today, but should be upand about by tomorrow.

Try and check the incision a few times a day just to be sure there isnot any blood or abnormal swelling (dont be alarmed if you see someswelling though, thats normal). Also, try and keep an eye onhim to be sure he's not pulling at anything down there...he probablywont, but just watch in case.

I always give a few extra greens/treats just to up his spirits, and putsomething soft to lay on in his cage. Restricting his activity is goodfor the next few days or so, but you can still let him out to runaround if he's feeling active tomorrow (just make sure he's not doingany risky jumping etc).

Other than that, he should be good to go. Thats too bad about the painmeds, my vet had told me we didnt need them either (grr). I dont knowabout the antibiotics. Ive never heard of a rabbit getting it after aneuter..hmm.

Anyway, hope this covers everything (sorry its so long!). Kisses for the little one from me and my boys :)

Thank you again for the advices!Maomaochiu hasn't eaten much on himself, but if i hand feed him, he'dstick out his little head and eat them, and then, lay back again in thelitter box. i put some warmtowels by him so that hecan snuggle with.

he is such a little trooper!

i'm so relieved! have you started theantibiotics yet? i wouldn't even use them if you haven't started,because then his body will build a resistance. but if you did start,then you should go ahead with them. i'm really glad it went well!
Hmmmm, i am not so sure on the antibioticseither. the vet did start it for me this afternoon when iwent to pick him up, kind of showed me how to feed him. thevet said the antibiotics is to keep him from getting infected, but ijust don't know if the cons over weigh the pros.
I'm glad to hear he's doing well! He should be back to himself in a few days.

Personally I wouldn't use the antibiotics. They shouldn't beneeded if the surgery was done correctly and you keep his litterboxclean. Some rabbits are sensitive to antibiotics and easilyget diarrhea, plus I just don't see a reason to medicate right after asurgery unless there's good reason. For example, when Fey'sbelly was ripped open by Mocha, she was prescribedantibiotics. That's because there was a big risk of infectionfrom Mocha's claws and teeth and because there was a large amount ofthe inner skin layer exposed.

Thanks, maomaochiu is doing fine. he eats a little and poops, drinkslots of water and pees. he does not eat the pellets yet, buthas been eating some lettuce, hay, and cheerios. Yeah, hedoes have kind of a diareah that most of his poops are soft and small,very small. i don't know if the vet did something speicialthat she requires antibiotics.

also, a rather stupid question: what did the vet take out EXACTLY during a neutering? what is left?

thanks again for all your advices!
Hmmmm, i see. i guess that's why istill see the two sacks?! thosemust bethescrotum skin bags. so i guess they are just empty bagsnow? why didn't she take those too? or is it betterto leave them there. just curious.
They were left in on my guy too and kind ofswelled up within the next few days and then suddenly disapered...wellyou can see them if you search:shock:
I would definitely NOT declaw....I also feel that bunnies need a bit of nail to clean their ears, ect. Just trim now and then.

Epoch is doing well and so is Gimli...they actually get along quitewell. Epoch gets his ear (right one ) cleaned by his slave(mom). :D I took a photo of Epoch's operation, butit turned out a bit blurry.

Hope all goes well with maomaochiu ! :)

Kadish T. :purplepansy:
thanks, Kadish! glad to know that your two buns are doing well too!

Back to Haley's point, i think maomaochiu's sacks are swollen too, and they look BIG!

he is doing fine today, eat a few pellets and some hay, two lettuceleafs too. i think he must feel something not right with hisbutt, because as he hops around, he is like in slow motion, and he hastrouble getting into his usual litter pan which has a high end on it,so i changed them to some lower ones. He has been more activetoday than yesterday, he was cleaning himself and licking on me andnudged against my hand demanding for head rubs. i was soooothrilled.......
Hi Guys,

just thought to let you know that maomaochiu is getting better andbetter everyday. he can even jump on to the chair and couchnow. it is kind of hard to tell him not to do that.

i do have two questions. his scrotum is still kind ofswollen, and dark reddish purple color. don't know if that isnormal considering that it is already day No. 5 post surgery now.

the other question i have is that maomaochiu seems to be very scared ofthings (me included). he would spend hours just hidingunderneath my couch, and if i coax him out with his favorite treats, hewould come out, but after finishing the treats, he will go back to thehide again :(

is there anything i can do to ensure him that everything is still o.k.????


Its hard to say without seeing him, but I knowmy buns were swollen for at least a week after surgery. I remember theywere sort of dark in color..then they slowly began to shrink.

Basil and Max were both a bit timid after the neuter. I think they wereafraid I would take them back for more :) Just let him come to you,lay down with him on the floor when he's out and about. Other thanthat, just letting him lay low is good as long as he'seating/drinking/pooping normally.

Keep us posted :)
maomaochiu wrote:
Hi Guys,

just thought to let you know that maomaochiu is getting better andbetter everyday. he can even jump on to the chair and couchnow. it is kind of hard to tell him not to do that.

i do have two questions. his scrotum is still kind ofswollen, and dark reddish purple color. don't know if that isnormal considering that it is already day No. 5 post surgery now.

the other question i have is that maomaochiu seems to be very scared ofthings (me included). he would spend hours just hidingunderneath my couch, and if i coax him out with his favorite treats, hewould come out, but after finishing the treats, he will go back to thehide again :(

is there anything i can do to ensure him that everything is still o.k.????


My vet made me keep Drizzle in his cage to limit his movement and tomake him heal better for a week. He moved a little but not much. Iwould keep him from running around until his scrotum isn'tswollen.

Also, did your vet keep him on antibiotics? I still think it's weirdthat he wasn't on pain killers. Drizzle was in obvious discomfort (hadtrouble even getting into his litter box) and was on pain killers for 3days and antibiotics 2x a dayfor 5 days. However, he had ared bump under his incision, which was the start of a little infection,so he remained in his cage on the antibiotics for another 7 days. Itwasn't fun.

But if I were you, I'd call the vet about the swelling. Usually checkups from surgeries like that are free (besides the medicine). He mightneed antibiotics.

As for him being a little wary, sometimes they area littlestressed. I would just make sure you limit his movement and pet himinside his cage. He'll eventually feel better. Also, was he keepovernight by other animals? That can also stress out your pet.

Best of luck and I wish him good health!
Thanks lalena/drizzle!

yeah, i think i might have let him out of his cage too early...... itis hard to limit him inside his cage as he clearly showed desires toget out of there.

i am taking him back to the vet for a followup this fridayafternoon. he seems to do good, runs around a little bit,even binkies sometimes and jumps on to the chair. i guess hewould not do that if it causes pain in him, right?

he still likes to hide underneath the couch a lot, though he was not kept overnight at the vet at my insist.

yes, he is still on antibiotics, coz my vet recommends 10 days, 2 times a day, 1cc each time.

what do you guys think? did i let him run around too early? today is day No. 6 post surgery.


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