Where do your buns hang out?

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Mr. Tumnus likes to hide under the couch....heres a pic I took of his little feet sticking out.


Basil and Max like to snuggle under the bed :)

Thats so cute, look at his lil footsies! My two seem to like laying under the rocking chair, and also behind the toilet aswell, and running laps round and round the sofa.
Harper loves being under this old dresser that we have. It stands up off the ground a good ways, so he's able to fit under it. He loves hiding under there because he knows I can't reach him, that little fart!

He also likes being under the bed -- again, because I can't reach him under there, LOL!
My guys like to clear the hay away from the middle of their room and sleep on the cement floor...even in the dead of winter! Currently though they are prefering the spot under the hay table in their room. My boy, Hazel, likes to also hang out in my dog's crate that has been kindly donated to the rabbits./images/emoticons/wink.gif

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