When will he poop again? - Fur block, after vet

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Mod at Large
Jun 9, 2011
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Hey, I'm just looking for a bit of insight here. I got up this morning at 9am to find Bandit belly pressing and refusing all food. At 11 we saw the vet and got pain meds, sub-cut fluids and a gut motility med. X-ray showed food in the earlier part of the digestive system. We've been home from the vet for 3 hours, he's just started accepting strands of hay to eat but isn't seeking food. It's now 3:15pm, just over 6 hours since I found him this morning.

I'm just wondering how long should I expect it to take before I start seeing poop again. I know the food has to work its way through, but I also don't want to leave it too long if we have to see the vet again. What is a reasonable expectation in this circumstance, and how long is too long? Should I be setting a deadline, say if there's no poops in another 3 hours?
Nevermind! He's just finally used his litter tray, but only because I made him, haha. He'd been sitting in the same spot for two hours, so I picked him up, and put him on the lower level next to his tray and he jumped right in and started nibbling hay. Now there's a nice pile of poops :)
Glad he is feeling better! My guy has not been feeling good today either (see multiple threads I have already posted). Wrangler has been eating and drinking and is now more active, but still very minimal poop. I am thankful that he is defecting but we are not out of the woods yet. Still waiting for a big pile...
Bandit seems to be eating well, but you're right that while he has pooped, it's still not quite as much as I would like and he is still looking uncomfortable though not near the extent of yesterday. Which is odd because last night he came out for a play and seemed quite perky.