what would be the biggest breed...

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Aura is a british giant, but he was sick as akitten and never got that big. I've always found the bigger a rabbit isthe more gentle they are - breed that is, I've had some very friendlyrunts but they all died in under a year (for varying reasons).
LOL! Oh thats right I forgot how small those darnBritannia Petites are! I guess I look beyond there size and straight totheir body type. I would never become a registarar because of my fearof 5 breeds. :DHowever, any breed can have its biters LOL!I'm sure glad the Dwarf Hotots aren't known quite so much as the "Jawsof the Fancy" :?

ronzxcvb wrote:
Just one thing, Some of you are reckamendingbucks.... I have been told that Does are the more timid.... and youdon't have to worry about them spraying in the house.....Nowi'm kinda confused....(lol)

Bucks do spray, especially big bucks. But they also tend to be (in myexperience) more outgoing, even-tempered, and friendly. You can alsoget them fixed to cut down on spraying.

All the aggressive rabbits I have had were does. They tend to have verymoody phases, especially in the first few years, and are MUCH morelikely to be biters. Territoriality can bea problem too--theywill growl, bite, or box to keep people out of their "nest" (which canbe a litter box, corner, sleeping area, etc.)

Although, I will say, the most perfect rabbit I have ever seen is a doenamed Izzy. But I often see a Jekyll-and-Hyde personality change atpuberty in the "girls", where the boys will usually develop "romanticinterests"--which can be awkward when the object is....you! :p

I raise flemish giants in Iowa. My website is www.freewebs.com/icrabbits/

OR you can talk to me direct at Instant messenger my screen name isshowrabbits56. I do like the flemish giant bucks the best for pets.Usauly you dont get bucks in the flemish giant breed that are badsprayers. Notice that I dont say this about the english lops/no denyingthat there. (unfortantly but give me some time hopefully some day)Sometimes when they are young I will have a flemish buck that willspray on the show table when there are alot of does around and they areallowed to smell the show table and get hiper. Other than that I usaulydont have any problem with them spraying. I also dont see them spraywhen they are at home and I have never seen one of my large bucksspray. I think that they are just too lazy for that. LOL.Asfar as temperment goes I think that bucks are a better bet to go withbecause I belive that there is less of a chance that they will getmoody and territorial like the does can.
speaking of breed traits.. does anyone know whatmini rex's are generally like? are they usually as moody as mine arelol.. i have one that's a total grump..
thanks for all the help

we are going to get a flemish buck

i was probably gonna get him fixed anyways

but will it help with spraying alot ?

it looks like we might have to put getting him on hold for a while

my seahorse got knocked up:D so we will have to wait till we are done

with the fry before we bring a new pet into our home

but i have been wanting to get a rabbit for quite a while now but we were

debating on which breedi started bythinking a flemmish giant doe

but couldnt make up my mind but now its set


Everything I have read says that they are veryhappy little bunnies. They tend to be happy cuddling orrunning and playing.

Bo, my mini-rex, is off and on. Some days he doesn't wantanything to do with me. He wants to run and be "wild" and ifI am not on time with something I get informed! On thosedays, if I try to cuddle him, he will dig and nip me and do anything toget away. Mind you he's happy, just not being held!These are the bunny 500 days, the huge binkies and chase the cat days.

Then there are the lovey days (like yesterday) .... he played a bit,but was very happy to snuggle with me or my daughter. Itseemed he lived to get ear rubs, cheek rubs and nose rubs!

Those days are balanced well for me I guess.

Spiced77 wrote:
speaking of breed traits.. does anyone know what mini rex'sare generally like? are they usually as moody as mine are lol.. i haveone that's a total grump..

We bred Mini Rex for a while. In general, they were not avery affectionate breed and the juniors have extremely sharp nails.

I have a mini-Rex who's about 5 1/2 years old andhe just started warming up to me. I mean, he was totallyaffectionate before, would greet you at the door of his cage and lovednose rubs. But he was still skittish and would run from people. About amonth ago he actually started running up to me (not away from me!) andcircling my feet. Now he can't stop following me around. I don't knowwhat I did to deserve the personality transplant, but I do think theywarm up, just takes a little longer ;)
I must have really lucked out! Bosnuggles and sleeps by me and plays chase and stuff. Granted,he's not one to run up to everyone but he's always hopping from thefloor into my lap! I love that too cause it's one of those"slow motion" leaps where they look to be suspended in mid-air for asecond :)

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