What to do before winter sets in

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Active Member
Aug 22, 2009
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, , United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

Here in the UK autumn is now starting to set in, and won't be long before winter is here. We are starting to think what we could do to keep our bunny warm over the winter. He has a wooden hutch, which has a cover that zips up to keep the drafts out, but it is by no means insulating, its only thin but waterproof.

We have a garage and have thought about putting him in there for the cold nights, but there isn't much natural light that gets in, and know that they need this too.

What do others do with their rabbits when the weather gets cold?
hi! nights are getting colder in my part of UK too. my bunnies have their hutches in the utility shed to the side of the house, tho they have free range during the day when they can go into the garden. im already giving them extra bedding. they have a pile of fleeces that they have made their nest on too - the temper when i have to wash them or put new ones down:X

last february when we had snow i couldnt get anybun in for the night - they spent the whole day in the garden in the snow:?

when we have had some really freezing temps i have brought the bunnies into the house - the hall is the coolest part as they dont like to be too warm.

a dry draught free hutch with lots of bedding should equal happy bunny:bunnydance:
Yeah its starting to get a bit chilly! I hate it lol!
In the winter when their bottles start freezing I put 3 socks over each bottle before I go to bed.. it works! I don't like it when they freeze!
Also I have covers over the cages to stop any draughts, and I guess something you can do is a bunny sized box that fits in their cage and stuff it with straw so they can snuggle down in there, or if your bunny has a hidey bit built into their cage just make sure there is lots of straw to snuggle up in!
Something I would do (if my rabbits weren't little chewing monsters) I'd give them a blanket or something but I can't because they chew it!
I wonder if there's a product to keep from freezing water?
Fuzz, around here I heard if you add salt to the water it keeps it from freezing, but if it is true or not I do not know, or even advisable even if it works I doubt. Googe is your friend :)
Salt does lower the freezing point but I am not sure by how much. I think it depends on how much salt you add. Salt will also make bunny drink more which could be good in the winter. The big question will be does the rabbit like it.
Our hutch has got a bit which is covered in, but our rabbit being as smart as he is, has decided that this is his toilet, and will only wee and poo in there, no matter what we put in.

He does chew quite a bit so wouldn't want to give him a blanket just in case. Will put extra hay in, though he does eat it through the night. Sock idea is a good one for the bottles, will use that one!

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