What Other Animals Do You Own Besides Rabbits?

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ThreeBLUE lobsters ( Periwinkle, Bluey,Ultraviolet ) , three Bettas (Opal, Jasper, Sapphire ) , twocats ( Scratch, Butterscotch )and a few ramshornsnails.

Kadish Tolesa :bunnydance:
Frank the little NZ mantis. He's still a nymph so pretty tiny.




I wanna see pet lobsters!!:colors:

Minilops, what amazingly clear photos of yourmantis ! What do you feed Frank ?

I will try to post pic.'sof my blue lobsters tomorrow. They are actually Procambarus (sp?)Alleni -- a type of freshwater crayfish. They were bred in captivity by"Crayfish Bob" and I bought them online. Periwinkle will let me holdher without pinching me.

Does your mantis pinch ? Ialmost purchased some praying mantis a few years ago to keep the potatobugs away...didn't get to , as they were'nt available at the righttime. I don't know if they attack the p.bugs , or just guard theirpotato territory ( that they're released into ).

What do you feed Fred ?--just wondering. My lobsters eat fresh peas ( one a day ) ,flake food , dried seaweed, and occasionally other fish, when they cancatch them. I had a few neon tetras in Ultraviolet's tank , and nowthere's just one left :(. The pet store employee(where the neons were purchased ) said thatthelobsters probably could'nt catch middle-to-top swimming fish...butUltra likes to climb on his sponge filter and wave his clawsfrantically at anything that passes ! I've never caught himat it, but the neons have been disappearing.... I don't thinkit's the snail's fault, either.

--the remaining neon hasbeen moved to a different tank and provided with 3companions.

I :heart:aquariums !

Kadish Tolesa :)
Hi! Most people would run a mile at seein Frank, he looks kinda scary in those pics.

He mostly eats house flies, I catch them and put them in his tank forhim. Praying mantids are very quick and strike out with their frontlegs to grab their pray. I think some of the larger varieties (possiblein China or Africa?) can even catch mice and smal humming birds whichis kinda frightening to think about.

Lobsters sound like an interesting pet, I have never heard of someone owning one before unless it was to eat the poor thing.
Ok, I own 2 dogs and 1 cat. I also own a turtleand 3 fire bellied toads. Then I own my rabbits (so far only 2 but Imgoing to be going to ARBA Convention soon to pick up more!) And thatsit!
minilops how do you catch the flies?

we used to catch praying mantises (sp?) and keep them for a day towatch them..we always gave them crickets and they loved them..they werefun to watch, but they pinched hard!
Ok, let's see now....
Of course, the rabbits, there are 26 right now.
Then there are the laying hens, 10 of those (I think!) the one big mutrooster, 5 old retiree hens that don't lay anymore, 9 ducks of variousbreeds, 7 call ducks, (those are miniature ducks) 5 geese, one turkey,three dogs, (a beagle, a collie, and a pound pup)and nine cats! *deepbreath* And there are always whatever strays wander in at any time, younever know what will show up around here.
gentle giants wrote:
Ok, let's see now....
Of course, the rabbits, there are 26 right now.
Then there are the laying hens, 10 of those (I think!) the one big mutrooster, 5 old retiree hens that don't lay anymore, 9 ducks of variousbreeds, 7 call ducks, (those are miniature ducks) 5 geese, one turkey,three dogs, (a beagle, a collie, and a pound pup)and nine cats! *deepbreath* And there are always whatever strays wander in at any time, younever know what will show up around here.

I take it you have a farm with lots of acreage? Lol!
I'm totally with you there. There's always strayanimals popping around. One time there was a stray black Germanshepherd, and I was down in the woods. He came up behind me and when Iturned around, THERE HE WAS!!! He scared the crap out of me. But he wasnice.:)
Okay, this is a fun thread!

We have the 2 rabs, Fudgie and Scottie (and are considering adding another mini-lop that we just found out about....hmmm, whadda ya think, should we?? She's a year old, already spayed and FREE)

3 cats (Steinbeck, Byron and Jane) and one kitten (Emily Pearl, named by my dd,who is bottle feeding this four week old orphan, we are not sure if we will keep her or find her another home)(like I'm gonna be able to pry her away from my 10 y.o.!)

2 degus, Thea and Gwen

1 hamster, Mary

1 dog, Augustine (The BEST golden ret. mix in the world!!)

and a handful of fish in the outside pond....

Add two kidlets and an understanding husband and it's a big happy family!


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