What might be going on?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
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Hi all
Since I've had AJ he's done this "sneezing" thing. It sounds like rapid fire sneezes, although I don't really know what rabbit sneezes sound like so it could be coughs..

It was getting really mild but yesterday and today he seems to be doing it more. He does it more when he drinks water from the bottle (gonna try switching him to a bowl) Can dust and/or moving air make this happen to? I ask because my house is dusty and my fan is on basically constantly. The fan I know he's not used to.

I just don't want him to be sick.
It could be dust, or it could be a hay or bedding allergy. It could also be some other illness.
Actually, a way to cure snuffles, if that is what your rabbit has cought, is by feeding AJ a single clove of garlic (skin removed) each day. Continue until symptoms stop, or after 2 weeks.
However, I dont believe AJ simply has "the snuffles". I think your right, dust or an allergy.
I have been working on the dust. Cluttered house, lazy me..... Cleaning house going to be in process. The fan is because of 2 things. Noise when I sleep and I run hot. I have turned the fan down in speed and during the day try to remember to point it away from his and my direction.

I live in a 1 room apartment with a bathroom and kitchen. He Is at the end of my bed up against a wall, but if I point the fan at my bed from the side he still gets the effects.

Gotta go for now. Gotta take dog out.
Hope it not Snuffles.Look into it. While it can be treated. Cure is something else. A rabbit vet is in order. Not to be gross, but check for mucus under the nose and on the paws.

Check for discharge. If the discharge is clear like water, then no worries. If it turns milky, or yellow, or anything other than clear, that is a sure sign of an infection. If that is the case, then a vet visit is necessary. Snuffles, left untreated, only gets worse, can turn chronic and can spread to other organs as well.

If discharge ever shows other than clear, get to a vet asap.

Clear or no discharge would suggest that the dust may be an issue. Be sure bunny always has an escape away from blowing air.
Will definitely check! I think it's a lot to do with the fan. I have had it mostly away from him Today and he has been quieter. He also seems to do the noise or similar when drinking from water bottle which I transferring him to a bowl as I type, or juicy fruit like his pineapple tonight. I put his new bowl of water under the spout of his water bottle and he drinks from the bowl just fine.

Off to check for bunny boogers. :)
No "boogies" of any type. Yeah! Looked up Snuffles and it's NOT something I want AJ to ever get!

AJ has taken to the bowl of water like a pro and the water bottle is GONE! So no more "sneezy" noises from AJ from that.

I also started eliminating the dust most near his cage and will work my way out away from him deep cleaning. and I don't use chemicals. I can't breathe with them. And if I do HAVE to use one my windows are open and fan is going the opposite direction.

I got my hay from Wal-Mart in a bag. (Looking into a feed store to change that.) I have opened the bag and breathed in checking that very thing! I also added extra holes to the bag as it's getting lower. I keep all his hay and pellets in an 18 gallon plastic tote that gets opened at least once a day if not more and has a loose top.
I believe it was a combo of issues as to why AJ was making weird "sneezing" sounds. I think the biggest culprit is either to much moisture at once or the combo of the fan and dust or a combo of any of the three.

Is it "normal" for rabbits to drink a lot at one time and then not drink again for a few hours? AJ seems to spend a few minutes at his water bowl drinking then I won't catch him drinking again for awhile. It was kind of better with the bottle because then I had an audio sound when he was drinking.
Yeah i think every bunny is different with water drinking. Snickers does the same, she can lurk and drink and than it takes a while.
But it sounds normal.

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