What Kinds Of Activities Do Ya’ll Do With Your Rabbits?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2019
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With My Rabbits... Where Else Would I Be?!?!
Hi I own two beautiful bunnies that I am going to bond in the near future & I was just wondering what kinds of activities do ya’ll do with your rabbits? I feed, water, clean their cages, & let them have floor time...
I just kind of want to know to get some new ideas to keep my buns stimulated. :)

Thanks so much!
I got a couple small jumps and tried training mine. You can also have training sessions where they follow your hand/hand commands. (Note: you'll need treats to incentivize them for any training activity.)

My rabbits are free range, so sometimes I'll just sit down and groom them. Sometimes they like it, and sometimes they don't -- I've learned when their preferred grooming times are and try to be 'one of the buns' every now and then during grooming time :)
My indoor bunny I always pick him up and carry him to the couch and cuddle with him. Do a few trick training, take him out with the harness when it’s good weather and just covering him with kisses.

My outdoors bunnies are a bit different. I fill up the holes my doe creates, so she can dig again and make her traps. I let her run loose and explore the yard and forest, take her in for cuddle time.

While my other outdoor bunny I will just cuddle, tricks and socialize him. Sometimes harness walks with him.

I have a few toys which my bunnies need to work to get their treats.
I mostly just cuddle and take him for walks. I have a system with his toys so he doesn't get bored of them. I love putting his toy basket in his playpen and letting him dig through it to find the perfect toy.
My bunnies are mostly indoor, but they have full access to the backyard for 3 or so hours about once a week. They're not bonded so I have to do it on different days, but our backyard is pretty sizeable so they have a great time. And it's completely fenced in-- that's important! You would not believe how small of a hole a rabbit can fit through.

I give them toys, but they mainly just eat them, so I took a cardboard box and made it into a tunnel. They still chew it a bit but they like to just lay on top and survey the living room. Just being out with space to run and fresh food to eat can really help, you know?