What kind of rabbit is this?

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May 18, 2011
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
I picked this guy up roaming the neighborhood and living on the side of my house. I would've thought it was wild if it wasn't so big lol Sorry my pics aren't that great.



OMG He/She is lovely. :inlove:

I have no idea what breed this lovely rabbit is. Lots of very smart knowledgeable people on here.

Look at those ears. It doesn't look like a wild one to me (at least the wild ones here in Canada).

With those big ears it looks like he might have some Flemish in him. Cannot tell if it has much of a dewlap though.
Thanks guys, I've never seen a "pet" rabbit like her before. Her color kinda looks like the wild rabbits around here, but their white is replaced with black on her. I'm horrible with guessing weight so I can't even try but she seems bigger than rabbits I've seen in pet stores and whatnot. I actually don't know if it's a he/she either.

CCWelch - I didn't have a clue what a dewlap was so I looked it up lol It doesn't really look like it to me but I'll post some better pictures today.
Honestly, I have no idea what breed this could be. Flemish mix is a decent guess, I think. I doubt he's wild, especially if it was easy for you to pick him up and take him in.
Thanks everyone. I looked up the Flemish rabbit and found quite a few that are identical to him/her. You don't think it could be a full one do you? Not many people around here have rabbits. If they do, it's just from pet stores and whatnot. Is there a way you can tell how old she is? I'm a little freaked out I might end up with a dog size bunny now lol
I would guess that if he/she is a flemish giant - it would be a flemish giant mix. The ears don't look long enough to be a full flemish giant and the face doesn't seem wide enough either.

I have some half-flemish giant mixes and they top out around 9-10 pounds. Some have their dad's flemish personality and others have their mom's personality (not as sweet).
Whatever this bunny is, he/she is gorgeous! I personally think Flemish Giant Mix as well.

What are your plans for the bunny? :)
Thanks everyone. I'm not too sure what I'm doing with this bunny just yet. As of right now, the plan is I'm keeping him/her. My daughter is completely in love, and I must say, I'm pretty fond myself. But I live in a very tiny house and have a dog and 2 cats as it is. I'm not worried about all of them "getting along" really, it's just a lot of work, KWIM? I let her out yesterday to check out the house a bit and OMG, I knew they pooped a lot, but geez. I have to try and figure out some sort of 'potty training' situation asap or I don't think I'll be able to keep her. 3 year olds and poop don't mix lol And if it's even a female, I think she might be pregnant. I still haven't been able to pick her up to check yet.
Do you know how much the rabbits weighs? The color is steel - common in a lot of the commercial breeds/mixes including New Zealands.
what a cute bunny. i agree with the flemish mix perhaps flemish and new zealand. i am going to guess female because in the last 3 pictures it looks like she has dewlap. i could be wrong but just guessing.

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