What is your routine when you first get a new rabbit?

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I make sure their cage is set up with food and hay and let them settle in for 2 days at least.
I set up their cage and then for the next day or so after getting them I sit by their cage and talk to them in a quiet voice and tell them all about me, my house, and why they are here (especially if they are a foster) :).
I set up their cage and leave the door open so they can come out into the room if they want. My first bun was a baby and definitely not ready to leave his cage. I left him along for a few days, but eventually I had to pick him up and bring him out of the cage. I think he didn't realize that he could jump out (the walls were pretty high) and once I showed him how he was in and out all the time.

My newest bun has lived in a home for 3 years, so when I put her in her cage she was already fairly relaxed and comfortable. I knew she was high energy, so I let her come out and explore in one room (didn't give her too much room too soon) because she was comfortable with it. If she didn't want to come out I wouldn't have forced her.

I've taken Otto to at least 4 different homes, two where he was left with strangers, and he's done fine. Hopping around, exploring, eating, etc. I don't think that all bunnies will automatically be scared and want to stay in their cage for a few days, so I let them tell me how comfortable they are.
i basically show them where their cage is and let them do their thing. i like to watch them explore their new surroundings and sniff at everything. i have hardwood floors and its kind of amusing to watch them try to navigate until they get their "sea legs". I had one who had no problems and it didn't seem to bother her and another that refused to walk on the wood floor if she could help it, and my new baby is like bambi on ice and its adorable :mrsthumper:

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