What do you know about renal failure; does this sound like it?

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country bunkin

Active Member
May 2, 2008
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Elkmont, Alabama, USA
Before I start, I'll let you know I will be giving my vet a call to set up an appointment.

I have a on older bun named Ostara. He is a florida white I believe and usually has weighed around 5.5 pounds. Over the course of time he has lost weight and now weighs close to what my netherland dwarf weighs. He eats like a horse and his incisors look great.

He also has and has always had foul smelling urine. He weighs so little now that he falls over easily and loses his balance, especially when he's excited about feeding time. I had a conversation with a couple of ladies tonight and one has gone through renal failure with a rabbit before and is sure this is what this is.

I need to know what you all know about renal (kidney) failure. I realize it does mean certain death, but I'm curious of your own experiences or others' experiences that you know about.

I also need to know what my vet and I should be looking for when I take Ostara in.

Thank you, let me know what other information I need to provide.
A few of those things you mentioned like the losing balance and the strong smelling urine just remind me of my Pippi boy who was diagnosedwith E Cunniculi (EC)...and also the losing weight even though your bunny is eating well...this was the same thing that happened to my Pippi...he kept continueing to lose weight even though he had a healthy appetite....everything you mentioned just makes me think EC....My Pippi would lose his balance when he would try to stand on his hind legs,he would lose his balance when he groomed himself...he had the strong smelling urine which was because it was so concentrated.

I'm not really sure what could be wrong with your bunny...but like i said..everything that you mentioned is exactly what happened to my boy.

I agree with Chery, especially since he's losing his balance. Renal failure won't pop up unless it's part of some other underlying disease, or extreme old age. The kidneys don't shut down for no reason. There are a lot of things that can make kidneys shut down, but the most prevalent one in rabbits is EC. Others could be infections, cancer, toxins, maybe heriditary. EC is a parasite that primarily attacks the kidneys, liver, and brain. Here's our Library article on it, which might give you and/or your vet some good advice: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=14471&forum_id=10
Good luck to you and Ostara.
That sounds like renal failure secondary to EC. I have seen that far too often. The early "markers" of an active EC infection is some degree of paresis in the hind quarter....most often the left leg....and a urinary issue. Most vets have never seen a true case of EC and even fewer have treated one. The kidneys are damaged by the spores of the protozoa as they shed. This causes pitting and scarring in the tissues of the kidneys which reduces their efficiency. As more tissue is damaged, less waste products are removed from the blood. This starts to stress other organs primarily the liver and heart. And renal failure does not mean certain death. short term anyway. We have had rabbits in renal failure for over 2 years and provided a modified husbandry to support the renal system. But it's all about quality of life. And eventually, the damage will exceed what can be supported. There will most likely be some difficult questions that will need to be answered. If you decide to treat Ostara, I would be happy to provide your vet information about support of an EC bunny. I have worked many with active EC. It will be difficult and time consuming....but above all, base your decision on what is best for Ostara. We all wish the best for Ostara.

Thank you for your replies. And thank you for replying, Randy.

Ostara has never been a graceful bunny, nor what we would call the epitome of health. He was fully grown when we got him 4 years ago, stained yellow from urine, scared of touch, and missing the fur on the underside of his paws.

He's just become so much more lightweight thathe has a harder time when he goes crazy about feeding time. Or he lunges into the litterpan or out of it (a section of it has been cut out from a few years ago so don't worry about him having to jump into it). If i try to move him out of the way for something, he just falls over.

I made the appointment with my vet.
I tried all yesterday to reply to you to tell you Ostara was the same as he had been for a while. But this site would never load.

Well, Ostara just passed. He had his lettuce time as usual last night and sometime after, well, he couldn't walk, hadn't pooped, lost control of his bladder and peed on me, and it was evident he was dying.

My hubby and I took him into bed with us for a little while. We talked soothingly with him, took a set of pics...

His little body finally just let go. His mate Blackberry woke me up by thumping because she was upset.

I need to go now because there's just too much on my mind.
I'm so sorry you lost him, but I'm imagining Ostara is binkying in a sweet field of clover now. Hugs to you in this difficult time.
Thank you, everyone. It has been pretty devastating, even though we knew he was an older bunny and that his time might be up within the next couple of years.

Back in the old days when we were first married, Michael and I had Mabon & Ostara. We brought Ostara home from a pet store he was literally dumped at right before Easter in 2004.

He was one of the best $10 I ever spent. Having him in our lives has been such a gift, even through all the frustration of him peeing everwhere and not cooperating.

I called around today and got estimates for cremation. When my Stimulus comes in from the government, I'll take that off the top.

I'm going to have to wrap him up tonight in some blankets and put him in my freezer.

I've been crying on and off all day long. When my husband woke up I told him he was gone and about how I was woken up early and was there. I bawled my eyes out.

I have a terrible headache but I am able to eat. Ostara was always such a pig so I had no problem scarfing down a meal. I just feel like crying some more, especially cause my hubby just left for work tonight. But he is off the next 2 days.

We took a lot of pics as we cuddled him last night in our bed. We laughed and cried and kissed him. He had become our cuddle bunny...

We prayed that he be taken swiftly, so as not to suffer. I miss my baby.

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