what do bunny's need and preferred toys and things

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2012
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, New York, USA
:happyrabbit:just wondering what your bunny's love and the things that are in their homes. anything u guys would highly recommend and things that you dont. please cover all bases !!!!!!
Honey loves chewing on her cardboard hiding box, making the entrances bigger. Also digging in her dig box, which is where the hiding box sits.
For some reason she had no interest in the chewing sticks I cut last fall for her. Other rabbits seem to like them.
Bert and Ernie like toilet roll tubes, willow toys, children's nursery toys, stuffed animals although once they have tore it open I throw it away to stop ingestion of stuffing.
You can use shredded paper/newspaper for diggy boxes :) Some buns just use them for litter boxes though, so its hit or miss if it works :) I love cardboard tunnels from the hardware store (cement forms), boxes in general, a slim cats treat dispenser for giving them their pellets (makes em forage for it a little). I highly recommend litter boxes and xpens, and don't recommend a pet store cage (way too small!). Rabbits are more like a dog or a cat in the way of needing space, either around your home or even around your room, so a xpen for their "cage", plus a bunny proofed room would be great.
Hay can be a fun "toy" as well as a necessity, I put hay in their tunnels and they both have fun eating + rearranging as they like it
i made a nic cage just got to cut the plywood next weekend. is there anything i can make in terms of toys like i saw a cute sack u can make out of felt and a soda bottle. and also i have a 2nd layer should i put the food up there?
bunnylove1 wrote:
i made a nic cage just got to cut the plywood next weekend. is there anything i can make in terms of toys like i saw a cute sack u can make out of felt and a soda bottle. and also i have a 2nd layer should i put the food up there?

Plywood would have to be covered before using it with rabbits, as it's chemically treated.

I imagine felt would be chewed up in short order. Just put a small cardboard box together, either without tape or with non-plastic tape & cut 2 holes in it, just big enough for the rabbit to get in or out.

I'd start with the food on the ground floor, at least until you she how much the rabbit likes to climb. Plus it would have to be there while it was recovering from being fixed or anytime it was sick.

Honey's dig box has a bottom layer of bricks, held in place with sand. That way she files down her own from nails a bit. The top layer depends on you, but try to make it quite different from the material you use as litter. I waited until I had Honey about a week to introduce it, to increase the chance that she wouldn't use it as a litter box.
well im adding vinyl tiles to it but i got to w8t till its cut to finish it i don't have a single tree in my back yard lol im out of luck there. is there anything else any one highly recommends or dislikes in all aspects not just toys.
Stuff I recomend:
Cardboard boxes and phone books. One of my girls can destroy a good sized phonebpok in a few Weeks. She loves to rip pages and dig through the book.

baby toys! The hard plastic keys are a favorite. They make noise and get tossed about.

Hay. Always nice to eat and arrange.

Balls. They get moved around.

Woodstove pellets. This is the best litter I have found. Cheap, good absorbency, and keeps smells down.

Boxes again! A maze or just a few boxes with multiple entrances are great to run through and arrange and chew and sleep in and jump on. So yeah, boxes.

ThingS to avoid
Pine shaving litter. Not healthy and not as good or cheap as woodstove pellets.

Dangling Cables. They will be cut by the Bunny electrician.

Cables in reach of bunny. See above

Over priced food. Look and ask around and you can fine a good reasonably price food.

Overly cheap food. Some good foods are cheap, but be careful about finding a good quality one.
Our Mr. Cookie LOVES... Paper bags (to hide in and chew up), toliet paper and paper towel rolls, cardboard boxes (especially big ones that we can cut wholes in and he can get inside of and hide or use as a tunnel), he loves his tunnel we got at a pet store for him... Etc...

But I would have to say lately his fav "toy" is the untreated wood I got for him! I went to a hardware store and got 12-1st pieces for 3$he loves to just chew and dig and got at that wood!
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Yes, they're cute, especially the carrot. Because rabbits shouldn't eat cabbage much [gives gas], I probably wouldn't get that one. And maybe you shouldn't get TOO much until you see what your rabbit likes & dislikes. Too many things all at once can be overwhelming to the new bunny.
well the carrot and cabbage are just dishes i think there cute. but im not putting to much in at once theirs just a hide home a dig box grass mats alfalfa ring and shredded newspaper tide onto card board im not going to put to much in at one time ill probably only add the litter box the food and water dish and something that he/she can gnaw on