what did you get for christmas?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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this the firist post i have made... on my new laptop!
the one i post on is my brothers......
this is MINE!

what did you get?
I'm just sneaking on here before I go and have Christmas dinner. I got a digital camera, a new phone, fake tan and bronzing pearls.
cool! i wanted a camra. i did not aask for any thing. (i know im weird..) but i got a laptop!
irishlops wrote:
this the firist post i have made... on my new laptop!
MERRY CHRISTMAS Irishlops! Lucky you. :D
I didn't open mine yet as it is 7:20 am here. I gota gift from Luvabun last week and I am dying to open it but I will wait until later today.

Right now I am getting ready to head out to the Edmonton Humane Society to help clean rabbit cages and feed the rabbits this morning. :)
Later tonight we will go out for Supper at a restaurant with the family. :biggrin2:
Well It's early hear but my sister gave me my gift. IT was the best one she ever got me.
Note the Theme.
So i got a Polar Fleece Sweater with Polar Bears on it.
Socks with Polar Bears on it.
Fleece Throw with Polar Bears on it.
2 Polar Bear Teddies.
A bag with Polar Bears on it.
All the above purchased at Northern Reflection in support of the children's miracle network.
Bubble Bath
and Chocolate.
Merry Christmas, guys! Soundsl ike you're all having a fun one. It took my younger sister almost 3 hours to wake up after I had (she woke up at 9... I've been up since around 6:15 waiting in the guest room to be allowed downstairs) I got a bunch of cookies I can eat (nut free) a tin of hot chocolate, a small foor processor, some spice jars, a bunch of stocking stuff and a home made recipe book... We're off to my Grandparents in a few hours to see the rest ofmy familyfor a big feastand toopen more gifts.... And then I get to see my oldest sister on Saturday!

Hope you all have a great day today!
The day is nearly over here, it's just starting to get dark :(I just had my Christmas dinner and I'm going to have some dessert soon. The worst part of today is going to be disposing of the dead kits :(But the night of Christmas day is always the best, snuggle up with some hot chocolate and watch tv. Tomorrow I'm going to be taking lot's of pictures with my camera! Woop!
i just had homemake trifle...:biggrin2:
*groans* to much much of a good thing.....
I got a nintendo wii, some clothes, make up, stuff for my comp, a new video camera, the wiii wheel, wiii games, chocolates, a tv that doubles up as a computer screen, a top sister mug, the new snow patrol album with videos, the feeling album, some DVDs and the OneRepublic album. Oh and my mom and brother. Got an iPod touch each so I am posting from it now. I know spoilt :D :) :p merry Xmas love ya all :p x
I"m still sitting here waiting for everyone to wake up so we can open presents. Who sleeps in on xmas morning!!!!!!!
degrassi wrote:
I"m still sitting here waiting for everyone to wake up so we can open presents. Who sleeps in on xmas morning!!!!!!!

Lol! :biggrin2:

I was awake at 4AM and was waiting AAAAAAAGES for everyone to wake up, finally got up and opened pressies at 5:48am lol hehe.
It's nearly 5pm here, I opened my presents a long time ago lol.
I just had Christmas from my mom, Christmas from Dad tomorrow. I got:

A tack box for fair (for my bunnies :p)

RCA Mp3 Player

Mp3 Stereo system

$25 WalMart Giftcard (Which I plan to buy either a movie or something else with...not sure yet:p )

A sheep stuff animal

Body spray & lotion

Alarm clock

Katy Perry "One of the Boys"CD

Taylor Swift "Fearless" CD

Candy, toothbrush, and other small items in my stocking :)


ETA: Forgot to add something; Also fixed grammar and spelling issues from typing too fast! :p
So far Sims Life Stories Castaways, Sims new fun pack, Petz Monkeys, iPod Touch, a few little things. Oh and I won a iPod Shuffle for working on black friday.:biggrin2:
I still have my secret santa stuff to post.
A gift certificate for new matching Tattoo's

A Glock 9 MM

New outdoor Gel wheels for my skates

Certificate to get the pinstriping done on my Dodge Challenger

Various gift cards

Bottle of Jaegermeister

Bottle of Crown Royal

6 pack of Guinness


Body Jewelry


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