Well-Known Member
Yes i said it , i want to know what annoying (how dare i say that our buns do anything to annoy us) things your bunny does but you secretly find cute?
Sooty, I love him to pieces, but everytime I take the vaccum hose into the cage he is all up in my buisness,lol. I go there he goes there, i go here he goes here, and if he is in the mood to he will take both paws and push the hose away. It is annoying when i am really trying to clean but it gives me a chance to laugh at him and give him extra kisses before i push him out of the way. As i type this i am thinking that maybe he is doing it because he knows that he will get extra kisses :inlove:from me???? hhhmmmm he is a shifty one.
Sooty, I love him to pieces, but everytime I take the vaccum hose into the cage he is all up in my buisness,lol. I go there he goes there, i go here he goes here, and if he is in the mood to he will take both paws and push the hose away. It is annoying when i am really trying to clean but it gives me a chance to laugh at him and give him extra kisses before i push him out of the way. As i type this i am thinking that maybe he is doing it because he knows that he will get extra kisses :inlove:from me???? hhhmmmm he is a shifty one.