What annoying things do your buns do

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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, Pennsylvania, USA
Yes i said it , i want to know what annoying (how dare i say that our buns do anything to annoy us) things your bunny does but you secretly find cute?

Sooty, I love him to pieces, but everytime I take the vaccum hose into the cage he is all up in my buisness,lol. I go there he goes there, i go here he goes here, and if he is in the mood to he will take both paws and push the hose away. It is annoying when i am really trying to clean but it gives me a chance to laugh at him and give him extra kisses before i push him out of the way. As i type this i am thinking that maybe he is doing it because he knows that he will get extra kisses :inlove:from me???? hhhmmmm he is a shifty one.
Fiona will push her litterbox off her top level, onto her step, where it just barely fits, and down to her lower level. Sometimes she can't do this correctly and she tips her box which means I have to clean it up, but it's cute anyway, so I forgive her.
Millie always nudges me - hard! I do sometimes get a bit annoyed when she makes me actually get up and move (because a lowly slave can't get in Princess Millie's way:rollseyes:bow) but really I love it. :p

- Millie's attitude is one of the reasonswhy I love her so much!;)
Bo used to throw his salad plate around after he was done, hoping for more! I had to quit using the little dishes because hubby didn't like hearing it..... I giggled!

If bo gets annoyed with me, he will thump ME.... crawling around on me - I get chest thumps regularly to let me know he's done with his grooming or whatever I'm doing. He uses both feet when he thumps and it's hilarious!

Now, he drags his litterbox out his cage when he plays..... I guess he wants his personal potty and not one that everyone shares! I can't believe he's strong enough to move it either!

Tony yanks on the xpen and has broken free before.... we tell him no but we still laugh... now it's bungeed to a rubbermaid container - he's not happy! When he was a baby, he thumped ALL the time about stuff. We'd just laugh!

Clover.... just being clover..... she's so rotten and hikes up like she's going to kick or spray when you reach in her cage. I always laugh at her mean attitude cause she's a big fake!

She also thumps WITH HER BAD LEG!! it's so funny!

Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Millie always nudges me - hard! I do sometimes get a bit annoyed when she makes me actually get up and move (because a lowly slave can't get in Princess Millie's way:rollseyes:bow) but really I love it. :p

- Millie's attitude is one of the reasonswhy I love her so much!;)
haha.. Bunn is the same way. And I feel the same as you.. her attitude is part of why I love her too.
Sooty use to move his litter box to the middle of the cage too, i have since moved it and it is wedged under the shelf and he cant get it out,lol. Sooty use to tip over his pellet bowl until i got a heavy one now he just pushes it then pulls it back , then pushes it and pulls it back the whole time clanking it against the side of the cage,lol.

Belle likes to get in the hay/litter box and dig and throw it between her legs so it comes flying out, got to love them.
Wash doesn't come out of his cage on his own, he always makes me go in after him. He'll be yanking on the bars of the cage ("Mama, LET. ME. OUT.!") and I'll open the door to bring him downstairs and he'll run to the back of the cage ("Neener, Neener, can't get me now!") so that I have to crawl into his cage and pick him up, then he snuggles into the crook of my arm...cute in the end but makes me get hay and fur all over the place....crazy bunners.
-Runs circles around me like a madman every time I enter the room
-Tries to hump my arm...okay I tease him sometimes with my arm because I think it's funny! :p
-Digs through my hair while buzzing into my ear

-Pushes my hand out of the way with his face when I pet him too much (Tough guy eh?)
-Growls at me if I pick him up to put him into his carrier (Hey, that sounded like a low pitched squeaky toy! You're too cute to be a tough guy!)
-Has a perpetual "I'm going to kill Ronnie" look, while pressing his face against the barriers that separate them. He's so determined, I think of him as the "Bunny Terminator," who will not stop until his mission has been accomplished. (Don't worry we keep Ronnie safe!)
-Chews up my homework assignments while I'm working on them
I had to think a little bit before I replied to this, cos I can't think of many things that they do that annoy me! Or they do things that annoy me that I don't secretly find cute lol!

Mouse digs out the litter tray, until it's covering the cage floor completely. I do find this sort of cute, seeing the litter fly out between her legs, but it's soooo annoying becausewe have to clear it all up again- sometimes several times a night!- and also she sees that as a license to pee on the floor- 'well, it's litter, I'm going on it aren't I? What more do you want? :rollseyes

Chalk has recently taken to jumping on the sofa and playing up here for ages. Her latest trick is to jump up at Steve's end, jump onto the back of the sofa, run across to my end, and jump onto me. She then thinks it's really good fun to sit on my chest, and BITE it!! I have 2 or 3 bruises across my chest from where she's decided it was a tasty snack to nibble on! But then she always rubs my nose after with hers, so I can never be mad...she's just so darn cute!!:hearts

The thing that Snowy and Barney do, is get scared at the tiniest little thing, and jump about a mile in the air, often landing with their paws in the water bowl. As they're big bunnies, it often results in a big puddle everywhere that needs to be cleaned up. But then, they stand on their back legs, and shake their front paws (often over the other, who gets a free shower!) until they're dry. It's like they can't work out how they got wet lol!:biggrin2:

Love those buns :)
Is it Ronnie who was recently neutered and thinks that his mission in life is to hump someone, something, somehow??
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Is it Ronnie who was recently neutered and thinks that his mission in life is to hump someone, something, somehow??

Haha, yeah if you consider 5 months ago as recently! :p As a side note, I've discovered that he only does it in his territory...the behaviors completely disappear every time I let him run around the rest of the apartment.:dunno
Rex is a digger...on me! And both of minenudge, nip then run away...I know they are laughing after they do it and I have said owwwwww!
LOL What a turd! He has you trained! "Hump mama and she lets me play more!"

I still love little hyper Billy boy!

Little Bay Poo wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Is it Ronnie who was recently neutered and thinks that his mission in life is to hump someone, something, somehow??

Haha, yeah if you consider 5 months ago as recently! :p As a side note, I've discovered that he only does it in his territory...the behaviors completely disappear every time I let him run around the rest of the apartment.:dunno
When we are cleaning Phinns cage, he has to be involved AT ALL TIMES. He needs to be in his cage. I think he just wants to supervise to make sure we meet his standards :biggrin2:.

Phinn is also INCREDIBLY protective of Cleo! It's crazy! Anytime I go near her, has has to be right there. If im out with them, he is always in between me and Cleo.

Marlin will lick me constantly. I find it annoying when I am trying to do something, but he is a total lover boy. I love bunny kisses ;).

Brody will pancake himself and get in your way. He always wants his head pet and will even risk being sucked up into the shop vac for some pets. It's totally cute :p.

Morgan will nip me. All he wants is for me to lay down and cuddle over him and "groom" him with my face and hands. He's a pushy guy, but knows what he wants. I love his nipping, even though it hurts :).
Oh man! Bo gets under my feet all the time too! I love that he wants to be with me, but it scares me! I tripped over him one time and thought I'd hurt him.

He will dig on my leg and pull at my pants to get me to bend down and pet him.
ha ha some bunnies are so funny. I have sucked up Sootys but while shop vacing the cage because he gets in my way,lol. That is ok he has this,we call it a, skirt when he sits down,lol.
Every morning when I get home or up i take the gate down(he has the run of upstairsat night)so Oscar can come downstairs with me to get his slice of banana. He runs circles arround my legs the whole way! It's so cute but I get very worried about kicking him by mistake.

One more

My baby can jump from the ground to my bed(which is vey high off the floor) He'll jump up on my bed while I'm sleeping(durin the day, i work midnights) and start licking my face. I love to wake up to bunny kisses but not when i've only been sleeping for 1hr hehe

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